
What measures have been taken by Conservative-Liberal Democrat government in the UK to encourage or control private enterprise since May 2010?

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What measures have been taken by Conservative-Liberal Democrat government in the UK to encourage or control private enterprise since May 2010?


What measures have been taken by Conservative-Liberal Democrat government in the UK to encourage or control private enterprise since May 2010?

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The Government's Coalition Programme states:"We will support the creation of Local Enterprise Partnerships - joint local authority-business bodies brought forward by local authorities themselves to promote local economic development - to replace Regional Development Agencies (RDAs)."Following an invitation to local authorities and businesses, on 29 June 2010, to bring forward proposals for local enterprise partnerships, Government received 62 responses. 56 of these were proposals for local enterprise partnerships and 24 of which were announced in the first group to be taken forward on the 28 October 2010. Further partnerships are being taken forward as and when they resubmit developed proposals that meet the expectations of the invitational letter of the 29 June 2010³.This month Prime Minister is launching a new private-sector business initiative called Start Up Britain.It is aimed at encouraging people to set up their own businesses and will be a major part of the governments attempt to encourage economic growth through private enterprise.New businesses will be able to apply for help worth around £1,500 in areas such as internet advertising and IT training. The campaign is being supported by many successful businesses including O2, Virgin, Blackberry, Google, Experian, Barclays and AXA. Some of these firms will be offering their own incentives to budding entrepreneurs.Google is offering free online advertising. O2 is giving away one free month of line rental and Fujitsu is offering ten per cent of a years worth of online storage. Other firms involved are also offering incentives. A number of leading entrepreneurs are behind the scheme and helping to organise and get involved in the government initiative.At the launch today the Prime Minister is expected to say: “"I want to make a direct appeal to everyone who's sitting at home or at their desk thinking about starting their own business. Now is the time to do it."If you've been turning over a good idea for years - now is the time to make something of it. If you're working for a big firm but know you could do a better job on your own - now is the time to make the leap.Mr Cameron is also launching a scheme with young people in mind. The ‘tenner tycoon’ scheme offers young people £10 loans and is designed to encourage the UK’s future wealth creators.The scheme forms part of the government’s aims to harness the private sector to support the growth of the UK economy. It follows recently budget which saw the introduction of 21 new enterprise zones, tax relief’s for entrepreneurs and a reduction in Corporation Tax4.The UK Department for International Development (DFID) is the official development agency of the Government of UK managing aid for the poor, developing countries. The objective of providing aid to developing countries is to eradicate extreme poverty around the globe. DFID works from its headquarters in London and East Kilbride (near Glasgow) and is supported by 64 overseas offices located in various countries of intervention and support. The values of the Department include “ambition and determination to eliminate poverty, diversity and the need to balance work and private life, ability to work effectively with others, desire to listen, learn and create and professionalism and knowledge”5.This year DFID elaborated the program intended to encourage private enterprise expanding their business to developing countries. This approach will deliver results for poor people: better job opportunities and incomes, better quality healthcare, schooling and basic services.

Список литературы

? http://www.communities.gov.uk/localgovernment/local/localenterprisepartnerships/
4 http://www.myfinances.co.uk/insurance/2011/03/28/cameron-backs-new-businesses-with-startup-britain-scheme
5 http://www.fundsforngos.org/bilateral-funds-for-ngos/dfid-has-funding-schemes-for-ngos/
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