
The implementation of the IAS/IFRS accounting system in Russia: theory and reality.

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The implementation of the IAS/IFRS accounting system in Russia: theory and reality.

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

3. The same concerns low-value and short-lived items account: according to IFRS they can be referred to expenses at the moment of acquisition, and under the Russian standards can be amortized by transfer to operation.
4. Realization of duplication of operations input in two databases doesn't represent a technical problem. However our experience shows that people, as a rule, negatively concern "double" work. Besides, they often forget about it or make mistakes if, in their opinion, the problem isn't of great importance for their daily work: IFRS individual postings aren't necessary for reporting in the Russian tax departments.
5. Another problem is connected with acknowledgment of indebtedness under the Russian standards and IFRS. For example, at extension of an invoice at the IFRS thereis an individual posting. However the invoice under the Russian standards isn't the obligatory document, therefore there are no individual postings into the Russian accounts. The debts admit only at invoice-proforma. The similar problem exists at the account of monetary funds: according to the Russian standards of the account of monetary funds are updated on the basis of a bank statement, and according to IFRS - on the basis of the received or given out payment order.
6. Other problems are connected with an estimation of inventory. Methods of an estimation of stocks can differ in IFRS and Russian standards. Ideally the system should provide the account of stocks in two functional currencies for simplification and increase of efficiency of the reporting.
7. Also there are a number of specific problems at adjustment of operations under accounts of debtors and creditors for the account in two currencies. It can be demanded manually to make additional updatings at the moment of correlation of the exposed account and the received payment. At closing entries in one currency it is necessary to close also it in the second registration, and at this moment there can be divergences because of the different exchange rates operating at the moment of extension of an invoice and reception of payment.4
During IFRS application accountant haven noticed the following:
Published IFRS standards represent the arch of principles, and there not enough recommendations about application of these principles.
Accountant should apply own judgments about cost and they needed corresponding recommendations. Besides their judgment often differed from independent auditors judgments.
Actually, there are no recommendations about branches for IFRS implementation IFRS 41: Agriculture.
The IFRS Financial reporting is much more difficult, than the similar reporting by the Russian Accounting Standards. Now the accountant should explain to a management value of the maintenance. The Russian accounting much more consecutive and easier , but also less substantial.
The Volume of IFRS definitions increases every year, and also the number of standards and interpretations increases. It complicates a problem of IFRS application.
The problems arising in connection with IFRS, it is possible to divide into two groups:
IFRS which basically were difficult for understanding or estimating
IFRS which were difficult for applying.
In this case problems arose in connection with following standards:
Investment real estate IFRS (IAS) 40 and what model to use – costs or revaluations.
IFRS (IAS) 16 and possibility of revaluation of actives.
the Recognition of date of capitalization of incomplete building / farm on FRS (IAS) 16.
Amortization of spare parts for the capital equipment - FRS (IAS) 2 or 16.
Reception and reflection in the account of fair cost of assets if there is no market and also if there is no intention to sell assets is a different standards.
Estimation of cost of biological assets. FRS (IAS) 41
All these problems connected with recognition, or estimation of cost, were essential to financial results.
Complexity of FRS standards and, hence, complexity of the financial reporting.

Список литературы

Literature list
1.Basic problem of IFRS implementation //www. financial-lawyer.ru
2.IFRS implementation: problems//Moscow accountatnt, 2007.-№4
3.IFRS implementation: standard policy// www.TatCenter.ru
4.Pimenov A.L. About IFRS//Prpblems of economy, 2010.- N 3
5.Taimanov V. IFRS in Russia: difficulties of implementation//Chief accountant, 2009.-№ 10

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