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1 Keystone of Green Logistics
2 Green Logistics imputation
3 Green Logistics components
Literature list
Concepts and instruments of "green logistics". (Логистика)
Фрагмент работы для ознакомления
Logistics influences the everyday life in three directions: society (safety, health, and obligations), environment (climate change, air quality, noise, land use, biodiversity, and waste), economy (growth, efficiency, employment, competitiveness, choice). A logistics purpose is to coordinate these activities in a way that it meets customer requirements at minimum cost. Green logistics implementation demands support at the state level. Working out of laws and statutory acts, creation of conditions for implementation of these concepts in the companies are the major problems on a way of introduction of green logistics.Companies can reduce CO2 emissions by using better technology, improving logistic concepts and operations or employing alternative modes of transport.
Список литературы
Literature list
1.Alan McKinnon Green logistic: improving environmental sustainability of logistic, 2010
2.Integrating Green Innovations in Logistics Services Towards Logistics Services Sustainability: A Conceptua Paper // Environmental Research Journal, 2010
3.Jean-Paul Rodrigue, Brian Slack, Claude Comtois Green Logistics (The Paradoxes of) A.M. Brewer, K.J. Button and D.A. Hensher (eds) (2001) “The Handbook of Logistics and Supply-Chain Management”, Handbooks in Transport
4.Logistics as an instrument tackling climate change // http://www.europarl.europa.eu/studies
5.Voronkov A.N. Green technology in logistic: anti-crisis aspect
7.Zhang Yingjing The Establishment of Green Logistics System Model// Journal of Business Logistics,20 01
8.Zhu, Q., Sarkis, J., & Lai, K.-h.. Green Supply Chain Management Implications for "Closing The Loop". Transportation Research, 2008
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