
Раскрыть теоретические вопросы на тему "Сократ"

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Essay topic on Socrates


Раскрыть теоретические вопросы на тему "Сократ"

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Socrates has refused direct political activity on the basic platform, but its reference to benefits of refusal of the dangerous and intriguing policy was also indicative.
When Socrates has taken such position, he had not acted in public, hadn’t offer the councils to the Athenian national meeting, than the people achieving political influence and the power usually were engaged. He conducted private conversations and the councils gave privately. So in these private conversations all basic parties of the state life, a problem of a policy, the right, justice, civil duties, virtues and defects were actively discussed, lacks of the Athenian policy and also the ways of its perfection (etc) were critically considered. I suppose, that it was obvious Socrates’ conversations were offered publicly-political aims. The "private" activity of moral and political re-education of fellow citizens, their reorientation to new values, exposure of lacks and defects of the policy and its members – all of these Socrates regarded as divine gift to Athens.
So it needs to say that Socrates was engaged in this voluntary lecture of interlocutors of virtue disinterestedly, without any payment and material calculation, for the sake of the higher calling he throw the home affairs and staying in an abject poverty
Socrates added his conversations to a big-times politics, influenced it, and it was the form of partnership in world around affairs. However the philosopher consistently defended principles of the position and when the destiny directly pushed him together with a policy. It has appeared once nevertheless the important official in Athens as the fates decree. It has occurred in 406 BC when Socrates has been selected, on the procedure of a lot accepted in such cases, as a member of the Athenian Council from Antiochid – it was the place where his home also entered. As the councilor Socrates had to participate in analysis of sensational affaires of the Athenian strategists.
Circumstances of these affaires were that the Athenian fleet has inflicted defeat over Spartans and their allies in sea battle at Anginas islands. But because of the strong storm Athenians could not rescue sinking compatriots and picking up corpses of the lost companions so that they properly could be buried. When the message about it has reached Athens, all ten strategists have been accused of infringement of religious traditions. Only six strategists, including - son Pericles, the Pericles-junior has returned to the city; the others have decided to wait the political storm which has followed for sea, far from excited Athenian people, that strategists were accused in absentia. The offer of the main accuser of strategists was made by demagogue Kalliksen consisted in that by the general voting on national meeting to deal with a question on fault of all strategists together and to sentence them to death. Such reception was illegal as obviously broke known Cannons’ law (- the decision of national meeting on a certain question) demanding that the case of each accused considered separately.
Socrates was the unique councilor who despite the inflamed national passions and direct threats to make at the same time answerable and those who opposes to condemnation of strategists by one general list, with firmness and up to the end defended lawful procedure of fair trial. On the day when it was the person on duty the main of Council epistate, legality infringement has been stopped. But next day, at other epistate, all strategists have been without grounds sentenced to death by one rising of hands at national meeting.
In case of strategists it was brightly showed the characteristic features of behavior of Socrates – convinced defender of the legality even in the conditions of general deviation from it, and in spite of Athenian people inclined to hasty and unreasoned actions and their strong feeling of revenge and wishes to punishments. They were subjected to passions and the emotions often resorted to court fast, but in illegality. Socrates knew these qualities and the Athenian people were once again in their intense collision which had been shown tragically in another Socrates’ case soon.

Список литературы

Rode K. Geschichte der europaischen Rechtsphilosophie. Dusseldorf, 1974, S. 29.
Rode K. Geschichte der europaischen Rechtsphilosophie. Dusseldorf, 1974, S. 28.
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