
Английский язык, как средство интерактивной коммуникации (на АНГЛ. языке)

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1. The origin of English
2. English – the international language
3. English – the language of the Internet
4. How to study a foreign language efficiently


Английский язык, как средство интерактивной коммуникации (на АНГЛ. языке)

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

Fortunately, I began learning English even before I could understand the importance of speaking and understanding it. Now I know that it is very useful for a XXI century professional no matter what field you are in. The world is getting smaller and international connections tighter. One can not do well without one of the common European languages.
I learn English because I want to read Alan Milne and Ernest Hemingway in their native language. I like Oscar Wilde and Lewis Carroll. They are quite different when translated. Besides, I like to travel. Speaking English, I shall have no problems looking for a room or a meal anywhere in the world. I like to talk and make friends with people from different countries. Last autumn I became a member of the Moscow City Pen-Pal Club and now 1 have much pleasure writing letters to my Swiss and American pen-friends. 1 hope, some day we shall meet each other and have a good time in Moscow.
There are also international friendship camps both in Russia and abroad where you can meet boys and girls from around the world. They do not often can speak Russian which is much more difficult to learn than English. In a word, I understand that I have to learn English hard and in a proper way. All abovementioned stipulated the actuality of our report.
The increasing demand for English language is a direct response to the recognition that English facilitates prosperity - through providing access to global communities, international relations, commerce and international law, study, qualifications and personal development and mobility. English can strengthen the capacity of countries to operate and do business internationally and underpin their participation in global economic and political activities. The growing presumption, in a world where national boundaries are increasingly unimportant, is that individuals, businesses and countries can operate in English. This can mean that a deficiency of English language skills is a barrier to effective participation in the global economy.
English also provides access to global knowledge and educational opportunities: it enables leaders, through access to knowledge, leadership and communication skills, to define and represent their objectives in an international context.  It also facilitates the growth of international trade and investment through providing an operating environment in which there is a more easily shared common understanding of standards of international law and commercial practices. In addition English provides access to knowledge and skills which enable people to build and maintain societies which can participate more effectively in the global economy.
English language is an important educational sector in its own right but equally it underpins the growth of international education more generally. The English language stream within the Going Global conference will address these dimensions, exploring some of the changing aspects of English language education in itself, as well as the reciprocal relationship between English and international education.
Having examined the material we can draw the following conclusions:
English also is the most widely spoken Germanic language;

Список литературы

1.Резник И. В., Резник Р. В., Сорокина Т. С., Сорокина Т. А. A History of the English Language = История английского языка. серия: "Английский язык", Изд.: Флинта. – 2003.
2.A short history of the origins and development of the English language: www.englishclub.com
3.Leech G., Svartvik J.A. Communicative Grammar of English. — M. – 1983.
4.Maslova I.A. Cultural Linguistics. - Мoscow: "Academia", 2001.
5.Maslova V.A. Introduction Into Cultural Linguistics. - Moscow: Nasledie, 1997.
6.Teliya V.N. Russian Phraseology. Semantic, Pragmatic, and Linguocultural Aspects. - Мoscow: Languages of Russian Culture, 1996.
7.Tolstoy N.I. Ethnolinguistics in the Field of Humanities. // Russkaya Slovesnost. - Мoscow: Academia, 1997.
8.Visser F.Th. An Historical Syntax of the English Language. - P.1. — Leiden. - 1984. - P.2. — Leiden. - 1984. - P.3. — Leiden. – 1978.
9.Yerasov B.S. Social Culturelogy. - Moscow: Aspect-Press, 1997.
10.Yule G. The Study of Language. An Introduction. — Cambridge. – 1985.
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