
Socialism and Welfarism: Is there a principle difference?

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Дата создания 16 декабря 2013
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Эссе на английском языке о различиях и сходствах принципов социалистической идеологии и концепции "государства всеобщего благосостояния" ...


However, is not it the same objective a Welfare State pursues? Does not it unite two concepts in the one? Not really. And the importance of distinguishing hardly may be overvalued, as we try to learn from history at least something that may explain problems and even crises many societies face now.


Socialism fights for shorter hours and better pay for workers, for jobs for all and good housing, for educational opportunity, for an end to the monstrous inequality by which thousands died, for lack of the proper medical aid which the well-to-do took for granted. Throughout its history this movement has had one aim: mitigation the natural results of free competition. No one would be very poor, no one the helpless tool of the boss, no one cut off from the culture and beauty of the world, and all, if not equal, at least provided with some chance of a full and dignified life.

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However, is not it the same objective a Welfare State pursues? Does not it unite two concepts in the one? Not really. And the importance of distinguishing hardly may be overvalued, as we try to learn from history at least something that may explain problems and even crises many societies face now.
Socialism consists not just in building a humane society; it consists not just in the maintenance of full employment; it consists not just in the creation of a Welfare State and not in the egalitarian ideal.  It is also something more, as its concern, as Engels had pointed out in Anti-Duhring, is with human freedom, with the change in the role of the people from being objects of history to being its subjects, for which all the above conditions of society, namely full employment, Welfare State measures, a reduction in social and economic inequalities, and the creation of a humane order, are necessary conditions; but they are, not even in their aggregation, synonymous with the notion of freedom.  All of it does not exhaust the content of socialism.

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