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Код 300134
Дата создания 26 января 2014
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3 диалога по английскому языку уровень Advanced. Оригинальность 100% ...


1) What is art with a capital "A".
-what is art for you
-globalisatoin and standartisation of art and language
2) The mass media and its influence on different spheres of life
-(politics, commerse, culture)
-do newspapers and magazines аs well as TV and the Net influence our language
3) The challenge of being young
-the generation gap
-youth subcutures
-how mature do you think you are and what ere your creteria of maturity


- Hi, Jesse, I was always wondering what art means to you? I know you are an artist but we haven`t ever talked about it. I brought it up for I`m a journalist and my editor gave me an assignment to write an article “What is art?”
- What a surprise to hear that you were even interested in art that much! We could have talked about it months ago if you had asked!
- You know I don`t have much time for a chit-chat with my job! And I was always interested in art since I`m a journalist. Journalism is literature in a hurry. Anyway what does it mean to you?

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Brigitte Johns is pretty decent. - See? So it doesn`t mean that all the one-day writers will be known in 50 years. They may make money now but they definitely are not going to contribute much the grand scheme of things artistic.- It makes me feel so much better! I`m kidding. The point is that we need food now not after we die. So I`m going to finish the article very quickly and start sending my writings to publishers again.2Hi Alice, I heard you got a new job! My congrats! What is it exactly?Yeah I`m very excited about it! I`m going to work as a PR manager in a creative agency. It`s a very serious position. I`m a big girl now with my own desk and even employees!So you are my colleague now. I work as a journalist for a TV company and I also do freelance work in prints. It`s pretty exciting also but I must say I started to look differently on many things.How so?You know, when you see that many things we watch on TV are fake, commercials, ads, programs, even movies are conceived to brainwash people! It just makes me sad.Well, it`s normal. Mass media controls all aspects of your life. You journalists feed people news and very often you make them up in favour of who pays you more. And people believe because it`s all they get. But web development made it easier to get the truth for those who want to hear it. Take Wikileaks. It`s an independent source of top secret information about political and economical situations in the world. Have you heard of it?Yes I did. And I think it`s its founder Assange is just another fabricated hero. I don`t buy it. Well, it`s our choice which lie to believe. You are right it`s very depressive. Mass media even tells us what books to read, who to like and hate. Have you read 1984 by G. Orwell? It`s very inquisitive. I think our world is going to the point when everything and everyone is completely controlled. Even the language. In this novel real, proper English was placed by the newspeak and many words were diminished. I think this is not quite fictional. It seems like a prophecy. TV speakers make mistakes and use slang all the time! And I saw so many grammatically incorrect posts on facebook with all these shortenings and acronyms! I can`t even understand what they are taking about! Do you know what LMAO means? Or LMS? Oh yeah, I know. My sister is 16 she taught me this teenagers` “newspeak” LMAO means “laugh my ass off” and LMS – “like my status” I know it`s a shame but it`s how the new generation lives. I hope they teach them proper language at school.Me too. I`m an idealist and believe that it is in our hands to preserve the future and the language. True, I`m as a journalist will try to do my best. I still think that print is not as rotten as TV. And TV is trying to keep their face and don`t use slang or shortenings in the news and serious programs. It`s all about TV shows and cartoons. They are the root of evil. Anyway social networks and the web in general are the worst.You are right. I`m not going to let my kids browse the web till they are 18. I think the government should adopt a law about it.They won`t. It`s in their interest to make people stupid so they are easy to manipulate. 3Hello, Kate! How have you been doing? I`ve heard that you are moving out from your parents. Isn`t it too early? You `ve just turned 18.Hi, yeah, I know, but I can`t take this family feud anymore. They are from a different generation and there are no chances they can understand me as a person.

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