
«Portland Japanese Garden»/Японский сад в Портленде + защита презентации в формате Word на английском языке!

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Дата создания 03 февраля 2014
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Презентация полностью выполнена на английском языке.
Содержание презентации:
1. Тема
2. Цель и задачи
3. Содержание (7 пунктов):
a) History of the Portland Japanese Garden;
b) Location of the Portland Japanese Garden;
c) Information about the architect of the Portland Japanese Garden – Takuma Tono;
d) Special features of the Garden;
e) Quiz;
f) True or False;
g) Internet resources.
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a) History of the Portland Japanese Garden;
b) Location of the Portland Japanese Garden;
c) Information about the architect of the Portland Japanese Garden – Takuma Tono;
d) Special features of the Garden;
e) Quiz;
f) True or False;
g) Internet resources.


The theme:
«Portland Japanese Garden»
This presentation is made by …

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

His master plan included several garden styles to represent historical developments and concepts in Japanese garden design: the Strolling Pond Garden (слайд 15), the Flat Garden (слайд 16), the Tea Garden (слайд 17), and the Sand (слайд 18) and Stone Garden (слайд 19). The fifth and most contemporary style of garden, the Natural Garden (слайд 20), was added later to complete the site. Over the years, eight professional gardeners from Japan have overseen the Garden’s maintenance and construction, in addition to a local staff of professional gardeners.Special features of the Garden include a 100-year-old authentic temple gate that stands at the lower entrance, a 1976 gift from the Japanese Ancestral Society of Oregon (слайд 21). An elegant, handcrafted Moon Bridge spans the Upper Pond in the Stroll Pond Garden, and more than two-dozen authentic stone lanterns grace the grounds, including a 100-year-old Five-Storied Pagoda Lantern that was a gift from the City of Sapporo (слайд 22, 23). The Kashintei Tea House was constructed in Japan by the Kajima Construction Company and re-assembled at the site in 1968 (слайд 24). The Garden Pavilion, constructed by Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill in 1980 in the Japanese style, features an expansive tiled roof, wooden verandas, and sliding shoji doors. The Pavilion hosts many Japanese cultural festivals, art exhibitions, and other activities year-round (слайд 25). The west veranda faces the dramatic Flat Garden, and the east veranda overlooks a view of the city of Portland and Mt. Hood (слайд 26).More important than the Garden’s individual features, however, is the extent to which Tono captured the spirit and the essence of nature, much the same way that a landscape painter might capture it on paper. The desired effect is to realize a sense of peace, harmony, and tranquility, and to feel a part of nature (слайд 27, 28, 29, 30).The stewards of the Portland Japanese Garden continue to strive for the same standard sought by garden designers in Japan for more than 1,500 years.

Список литературы

Internet resources:
1. http://japanesegarden.com/learn-more/gardens/
2. http://audubonportland.org/about/history
3. http://www.wccls.org/lending_library/cultural_pass/japanese_garden
4. http://udivitelno.com/plants/item/333-sad-v-japonskom-stile-v-oregone
5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portland_Japanese_Garden
6. http://www.oregonencyclopedia.org/entry/view/portland_japanese_garden/
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