
Modernity and Tradition in conflict in World Heritage Sites Case Study of Gazprom Okhta Centre in Saint Petersburg

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Modernity and Tradition in conflict in World Heritage Sites Case Study of Gazprom Okhta Centre in Saint Petersburg
Master Dissertation

Table of Contents
Introduction 2
Chapter 1 6
Russia and Saint Petersburg in the UNESCO World Heritage List 6
1. UNESCO and World Heritage list 6
2. The presence of Russian Federation 13
2.1 The Soviet image of UNESCO 13
2.2. The Russian Federation and the World Heritage List 21
3. Saint Petersburg and UNESCO 36
3.1 The architecture of Saint Petersburg from 1703 to present day 36
Bibliography 49
Printed sources 49
Electronic Publications 51


Table of Contents
Introduction 2
Chapter 1 6
Russia and Saint Petersburg in the UNESCO World Heritage List 6
1. UNESCO and World Heritage list 6
2. The presence of Russian Federation 13
2.1 The Soviet image of UNESCO 13
2.2. The Russian Federation and the World Heritage List 21
3. Saint Petersburg and UNESCO 36
3.1 The architecture of Saint Petersburg from 1703 to present day 36
Bibliography 49
Printed sources 49
Electronic Publications 51



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Список литературы

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