
Роль информационных технологий в туризме (The role of information technologies in tourism)

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Дата создания 06 октября 2014
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Доклад на английской языке, раскрывает функции информационных технологий и возможности их использования в туризме.
Защите прошла в марте 2013 года в СПбГЭУ на кафедре иностранных языков в рамках студенческой конференции, за доклад получила первое место.
К докладу прилагается презентация за 80 рублей. ...


Information technologies in tourism management
Global computer network The Internet
Information is the link of touristic industry.
Advertisement in the Internet.
The list of references


Informatization is the process during which information begins to play determinative role in all spheres of life and even becomes an important good. It is connected with the growth of informational needs, which is demonstrated by the increase of the part of informational sector in the national wealth.
The world computer net Internet is developing so quickly that every year the amount of its subscribers and the volume of informational sources doubles. Tourism is covered by this boom too.

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

Global computer network The InternetNetwork information technologies provide the opportunity of the joint use of information sources of the society, the receipt of inquiry, documentary and other information.As you know the date of birth of the Internet is considered to be the 1983 year. The real boom of the Internet was in the beginning of the 90-s when ordinary users gained an opportunity to wander the net with the help of a mouse. The Internet is thousands of local and global national networks connected with each other. Nowadays there are 2 billion users of the Internet in more than 100 countries. It is interesting that the exchange of information increases almost 10 times every year. Every second more than 4000 electronic messages are passed in the Internet. Touristic business doesn’t stay aside this boom. Tour agencies can’t ignore the Internet in their activity, because nowadays most people who want to travel somewhere search for the information about hotels, tours and transport in the Internet. According to the opinion of one of the heads of the Hotel net Marriott International the Internet can economize the costs due to the shortening of booklet release and the distribution of catalogues. Now anyone from the other end of the Earth can read Marriott’s booklets sitting in front of his computer. Another advantage of the Internet is the fact that not only transnational hotel corporations can be represented in the Internet, but also smaller hotels.Moreover electronic method of keeping and spreading information doesn’t involve cutting trees to produce paper and thus it is not dangerous for the environment.Information is the link of touristic industry.Tourism is the sphere full of information. It plays a clue part in the functioning of touristic industry. The touristic service is usually bought in advance and far away from the place of consuming. Thus tourism depends on the descriptions, pictures and means of information transfer. The peculiarity of tourism is the fact that not goods but information flows provide links among the producers of touristic goods. Services and payments are arranged as information flows.Staying at the hotel, seats in the plane, car lease are not sent to tour agents who do not keep them before selling to clients. Information about availability, cost and quality of these services is transferred and used.Every segment of tourism uses information technologies and they all are connected. For example, systems of hotel running are connected with global networks which provide the link between hotel systems of booking which can be available for tour agents.

Список литературы

1. http://www.webstarstudio.com/turizm/
2. http://www.progulkainfo.ru/pr-v-sfere-turizma/
3. http://www.progulkainfo.ru/reklama-v-oblasti-turizma/
4. http://www.progulkainfo.ru/formirovanie-sprosa-na-turisticheskie-uslugi-s-pomoshyu-reklamy/
5. http://www.galla.com.ua/pages/new.php_id_167.html
6. http://galleo.ru/articles/m92
7. www.gazetaprotestant.ru
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