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Different cultures have different traditions. The customs held sacred by one group of people seem trivial to others. What advice would you give to a foreigner who decided to visit your country? What customs and traditions should they abide by? Why?
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Speaking about myself, I think it is interesting to learn more about the traditions of your countrymen and my family holds all the traditions sacred.
To start with. I consider the statement that different cultures have different traditions to be undoubtedly true.
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To say it in other words, we want to raise the level of our cultural awareness. Moreover, the first thing foreigners are interested in is our culture because it's what they are aiming at when they travel abroad. If I had to choose what to tell my foreign friend about my native land, I would certainly make him get acquainted with the traditions of our people, which are very important to us. Firstly, foreigners are fascinated by our beautiful folk songs. So I will give a chance to my foreign friends to listen to marvelous Ukrainian folk music which reflects the spirit of our nation. In addition, I would like my foreign friend to taste our national food. Our countrymen try to preserve the natural taste of ingredients which make the dishes delicious. Our famous food is borshch, salo, drannyky, vareniki etc. We have a number of cafes where the national dishes are served and I will not miss a chance to take my foreign friends there. When we travel to a new country, we always strive to try the national cuisine and it's what we remember long afterwards. Thirdly, there are some holidays and events which are memorable only to the citizens of Ukraine, like Victory Day, which is sacred to Ukrainian people because they paid a high price for the independence and freedom of their country.
Список литературы
М.Г.Рубцова - Английский язык
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