
Контрольная работа №3 (III семестр). Для студентов специальности «Таможенное дело»

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Код 262956
Дата создания 22 июня 2015
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Контрольная работа №3 (III семестр. Для студентов специальности «Таможенное дело» ...


Immigration and Customs in the USA
1. Before boarding the plane, you are requested to present a valid passport together with a customs declaration ensuring that you are not violating any of your country’s laws. Thus, it is important to know the existing regulations concerning the export of currency and goods. Upon arrival in a foreign country, you will have your passport inspected by the immigration service. Occasionally you may have your luggage checked by a customs officer. This is done to prevent importation of goods which for various reasons (economic, health, security, etc.) appear undesirable to the country’s government.
2. That is why it is equally important to be aware of restrictions imposed on travellers who enter a foreign country. The US Customs Service supplies all people coming to the United States with details of currently existing regulations. They are to be found at the back of the customs declaration form. Here are some of them:
3. - The smuggling or unlawful importation of controlled substances regardless of amount is a violation of US law.
4. - Accuracy of your declaration may be verified through questioning and physical search.
5. - The transportation of currency or monetary instruments, regardless of amount, is legal; however, if you take out of or bring into the United States more than $10000 in coin, currency, travellers checks or bearer instruments such as money orders, checks, stocks or bonds, you are required by law to file a report with the US Customs Service.
6. - US residents must declare the total value of all articles acquired abroad, including those purchases made in duty free stores in the USA or abroad, which are in their or their family’s possession at the time of arrival. Visitors must declare the total value of all gifts and commercial items, including samples that they are bringing with them.
7. On the plane to the USA you will be given an immigration form and a customs form to fill in. On your immigration form there is a small space in which you are supposed to write your address in the USA, which is rather inconvenient if you are going to be travelling around the country. In this case it is better just to put down the address of the place where you are staying the first night.
8. On arrival in the USA the immigration officer will check your visa and the immigration form. You will be given a copy of this form to keep in your passport — often they staple it in for you. You are supposed to hand this copy in when you leave the country (unless you are leaving to visit Canada or Mexico and intend to return to the USA within thirty days before going back home). This is generally done at the airline desk when you check in for your return flight, as there are usually no passport checks when you leave the USA. However, nothing terrible seems to happen if you don't hand the form in.
9. The immigration officer will stamp on the immigration form how long you are entitled to stay in the USA. Make sure that he or she knows how long you want to stay.
10. After immigration comes customs, and somewhere along the line you will be relieved of your customs form. Although there is now a red channel/green channel system (red if the traveler has something to declare, green if he/she doesn't) as in many other countries, you still actually have to come face to face with the customs officer. You are quite likely to be asked to open your bags —perhaps American customs officers aren't as busy as those in Europe, for they certainly seem to think that they have time to do this. Keep your passport out: they give returning Americans a much harder time than visitors.
11. It is important to note that you are not allowed to take into the USA any fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, butter, milk, fresh meat or plants.
Упражнение 1.
Прочитайте и переведите весь текст устно.
Упражнение 2.
Письменно ответьте на вопросы по содержанию текста.
1) What are you requested to present before boarding the plane?
2) Who will inspect your passport upon arrival in a foreign country?
3) Why your luggage can be checked by a customs officer?
4) Where can the US existing Customs regulations be found?
5) What is a violation of US law?
6) US residents don’t need to declare the total value of all articles acquired abroad, do they?
7) What will you be given on the plane to the USA?
8) Are there usually any passport checks when you leave the USA?
9) What comes after immigration?
10) What are you not allowed to take into the USA?
Упражнение 3.
Определите, верны ли следующие утверждения (True). Исправьте неверные утверждения (False).
1. Upon arrival in a foreign country, you always have your passport inspected by the immigration service.
2. The transportation of currency or monetary instruments, regardless of amount, is legal.
3. You are supposed to hand the copy of the immigration form in when you leave the USA.
4. The immigration officer will stamp on the immigration form where you are entitled to stay in the USA.
5. You don’t have to come face to face with the customs officer when going through the customs.
Упражнение 4.
Текст содержит словосочетания, связанные с прохождением иммиграционного и таможенного контроля. Соединив слова из двух колонок, образуйте эти словосочетания. Переведите их на русский язык.
1. customs declaration a. channel
2. travelers b. instruments
3. immigration c. stores
4. monetary d. flight
5. duty free e. form
6. return f. checks
7. red g. service
Упражнение 5.
Поставьте подходящие предлоги в словосочетания из текста.
1. to be aware ... restrictions; 2. regardless ... amount; 3. required ... law; 4. their ... possession; 5. customs form to fill ... ; 6. ... arrival ... the USA.
Упражнение 6.
Подчеркните в следующих предложениях из текста с определительными придаточными относительные местоимения одной чертой, определяемое слово – двумя чертами. Определите тип придаточных: defining/non-defining. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. This is done to prevent importation of goods which for various reasons appear undesirable to the country’s government.
2. That is why it is equally important to be aware of restrictions imposed on travelers who enter a foreign country.
3. US residents must declare the total value of all articles acquired abroad, including those purchases made in duty free stores in the USA or abroad, which are in their or their family’s possession at the time of arrival.
4. Visitors must declare the total value of all gifts and commercial items, including samples that they are bringing with them.
5. In this case it is better just to put down the address of the place where you are staying the first night.
Упражнение 7.
Определите тип следующего условного предложения, выписанного из текста. Преобразуйте данное предложение в оставшиеся три типа, изменив формы глаголов в главном и придаточном предложениях. Укажите типы преобразованных условных предложений.
If you take out of or bring into the United States more than $10000, you are required by law to file a report with the US Customs Service.
Упражнение 8.
Выпишите из текста предложения, содержащие форму страдательного залога (2 предл. – в Present Simple, 2 предл. – в Future Simple, 2 предл. – модальный глагол + инфинитив). Переведите предложения на русский язык.
Упражнение 9.
Письменно переведите восьмой абзац.
Упражнение 10.
Ответьте письменно на вопрос (5-6 предложений): What is your or your friends’ experience of going through the immigration and customs control?


Immigration and Customs in the USA
1. Before boarding the plane, you are requested to present a valid passport together with a customs declaration ensuring that you are not violating any of your country’s laws. Thus, it is important to know the existing regulations concerning the export of currency and goods. Upon arrival in a foreign country, you will have your passport inspected by the immigration service. Occasionally you may have your luggage checked by a customs officer. This is done to prevent importation of goods which for various reasons (economic, health, security, etc.) appear undesirable to the country’s government.
2. That is why it is equally important to be aware of restrictions imposed on travellers who enter a foreign country. The US Customs Service supplies all people comi ng to the United States with details of currently existing regulations. They are to be found at the back of the customs declaration form. Here are some of them:
3. - The smuggling or unlawful importation of controlled substances regardless of amount is a violation of US law.
4. - Accuracy of your declaration may be verified through questioning and physical search.
5. - The transportation of currency or monetary instruments, regardless of amount, is legal; however, if you take out of or bring into the United States more than $10000 in coin, currency, travellers checks or bearer instruments such as money orders, checks, stocks or bonds, you are required by law to file a report with the US Customs Service.
6. - US residents must declare the total value of all articles acquired abroad, including those purchases made in duty free stores in the USA or abroad, which are in their or their family’s possession at the time of arrival. Visitors must declare the total value of all gifts and commercial items, including samples that they are bringing with them.
7. On the plane to the USA you will be given an immigration form and a customs form to fill in. On your immigration form there is a small space in which you are supposed to write your address in the USA, which is rather inconvenient if you are going to be travelling around the country. In this case it is better just to put down the address of the place where you are staying the first night.
8. On arrival in the USA the immigration officer will check your visa and the immigration form. You will be given a copy of this form to keep in your passport — often they staple it in for you. You are supposed to hand this copy in when you leave the country (unless you are leaving to visit Canada or Mexico and intend to return to the USA within thirty days before going back home). This is generally done at the airline desk when you check in for your return flight, as there are usually no passport checks when you leave the USA. However, nothing terrible seems to happen if you don't hand the form in.
9. The immigration officer will stamp on the immigration form how long you are entitled to stay in the USA. Make sure that he or she knows how long you want to stay.
10. After immigration comes customs, and somewhere along the line you will be relieved of your customs form. Although there is now a red channel/green channel system (red if the traveler has something to declare, green if he/she doesn't) as in many other countries, you still actually have to come face to face with the customs officer. You are quite likely to be asked to open your bags —perhaps American customs officers aren't as busy as those in Europe, for they certainly seem to think that they have time to do this. Keep your passport out: they give returning Americans a much harder time than visitors.
11. It is important to note that you are not allowed to take into the USA any fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, butter, milk, fresh meat or plants

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