
интерпретация соннета У.Шекспира "Shall I Compare Thee"

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Эссе, выполненное на английском языке, интерпретирующее соннет Шекспира Shall I Compare Thee. Содержит интерпретацию почти каждой строки. Написано с творческим подходом, лиричными размышлениями о смысле, вложенном в соннет Шекспиром... ...


The line "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day" (1) opens the narrator's debate with a comparison between his love and the season of summer; the summer has "rough winds" (3) and passes too quickly while his lover's beauty is eternal (4).


In "Sonnet 18" by Shakespeare the narrator tries to find the way how to best immortalize his beautiful lover. At first, he tries to compare his love "to a summer's day," (1) because to his mind it’s amazing.

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Obviously that every comparison with a summertime is imperfect, as its beauty will fade. The line "Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines" (5) is a truly argument that shows summer can often be too hot. In this next line "And often is his gold complexion dimm'd" (6) the narrator states that the sun shines only some days, not a whole year. Thus summer isn’t an ideal, but his love is. His love is so beautiful that it shines all the time and there can’t be any comparison at all. Finally he finds a way how to best immortalize his lover: "So long lives this and this gives life to thee" (14). The speaker states that the only way to keep his love alive forever is through his own poetry, which will be read for all of time: "So long as men can breathe or eyes can see" (13). This line proves that as long as someone reads this poem, his lover will stay alive through the beautiful lines of his poetry: "When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st " (12). He suggests that the lines in the poem are so beautiful that they will last longer than a summer's day as "Sonnet 18" will be read forever as something more infinite than a summer's day. "So long as men can breathe or eyes can see" (13).

Список литературы

Shall I compare thee (Sonnet 18)
By William Shakespeare
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