
Immigration crisis in Europe Иммиграционный кризис в Европе

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Дата создания 19 февраля 2016
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Эссе на английском языке по теме "Иммиграционный кризис в Европе" ...


Since the beginning of 2010-th, a big amount of refugees came to Europe trying to settle down in the big cities. According to the information of the Eurostat statistic agency, the number of immigrants in 2010 only reached 32,5 million people, which is actually 6,5% of the whole European Union population. And the half from this amount are natives from Islamic countries. Refugees and natives from the Asia comes to the most developed countries of Europe.


Immigration crisis in Europe is one of the biggest global problems of the human society nowadays. Difficult demographic situation in Europe is caused by many factors, such as not stable political situation in Syria and Middle East in general for the past few years and increasing of the influence of the Islamic organizations in the whole world.

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Less developed European countries, the former members of Soviet Union has become a kind of gates to the Europe from the Middle East. We can name such a countries as Croatia, Slovakia, Bulgaria, etc. Every week we hear from the new on TV or radio about cases, which demonstrate that the problem is really exist. For example, a case with the track founded at the end of the August 2015 in the heart of the Europe – Austria, full of dead bodies of refugees. The local police has reported that the cause of the death was the lack of the oxygen inside the track, which makes this case one episode in a chain of criminal incidents, connected with immigration crisis in Europe. The solution for the present evidence seems to be simple from the political point of view – to close all the European borders for refugees. However, it is probably the wrong way from the humanistic point of view.

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