
Вариативность перевода имен собственных (на материалах английского и русского языков)

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Работа состоит из введения, двух глав, заключения, списка использованной

литературы и двух приложений. В первой (теоретической главе)


определение общелингвистических свойств имен собственных; выявлены
общие проблемы заимствования и передачи имен собственных; определены
методологические базы и методы перевода имен собственных; обозначены
различные категории имен собственных.
Вторая (практическая) часть состоит из детального анализа антропонимов и









происхождения, определение метода перевода, который впоследствии
подтверждается примерами из мировой художественной литературы. В
заключении представлены выводы, в которых приводятся основные
результаты исследования, а так же процентное соотношение относительно ...



1. Theoretical part ........................................................... 7

1.1 Proper names as a type of linguistic signs .......................................................... 7

1.2 Proper name’s methods of translation............................................................... 12

1.3 Categories of proper names .............................................................................. 17


2. Practical part…………………………………………………………………..26

2.1 Anthroponyms……………………………………………………………….26

2.2 Geographical names…………………………………………………………36






Contrary to popular views, the translation of proper names is a non-trivial question, closely related to the problem of the meaning of the proper name.

Proper names are very important in our life. They are responsible for identification of an object or a subject. If a name is mispronounced or written incorrectly, it can be considered as the distortion of an identity in the sense of personality. Proper names are extremely important for communication. The acquaintance with another person always begins with the introduction of his name.

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Therefore we translatesuch words using transliteration : Эмбаррас, Спот, Линолеумвилль- these wordsare transliterated with elements of transcription. Reelfoot Lake is translated asозеро Рилфут ( semantic translation + transcription ).262. Practical part2.1 AnthroponymsThe choice of personal names names is made on condition of their degree ofpopularity in advanced and developed countries in the field of tourism.1. Adam ['ædəm] - АдамOrigin: HebrewMethod of translation: TransliterationGeneral informationGender: MasculineUsage: English, French, German, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Polish,Czech, Slovak, Russian,Ukrainian, Croatian, Serbian, Macedonian, Romanian,Hebrew, Arabic, Georgian, Biblical, BiblicalLatin,BiblicalGreek, BiblicalHebrewExamples:Man’s rebellion against his makers was,no doubt, merely justifiabletyrannicide against the infinitely wicked sons of Adam, then. Walter M.Miller, Jr. A Canticle For Leibowitz (1960)Восстание людей против своих создателей было, без сомнения, простооправданным тираноубийством бесконечно порочных сыновей Адама.Уолтер Миллер. Страсти по ЛейбовицуA body would a thought he was Adam ― he was just all mud. Mark Twain.The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884)Ни дать ни взять Адам―сплошная глина. МаркТвен.ПриключенияГекльберри Финна2. Agatha ['ægəθə] - АгатаOrigin: Latinized form of the Greek nameMethod of translation: Transcription + Transliteration (Practical Transcription)General informationGender: Feminine27Usage: English, Ancient Greek (Latinized)Examples:The audience probably thought it was a duet. When Aunt Agatha sits downto the piano, she makes quite enough noise for two people. Oscar Wilde. ThePicture of Dorian Gray (1890-1891)Публика, вероятно, думала, что исполняется дуэт,ведь за роялем тетя Агата вполне может нашуметь за двоих. ОскарУайльд. Портрет Дориана ГреяI have asked Sister Agatha to beg the Superior to let our wedding be thisafternoon, and am waiting her reply. Bram Stoker. Dracula (1897)Я попросила сестру Агату пойти к директору за разрешениемназначить нашу свадьбу на сегодняшний вечер, и вот я сижу и ждуответа. Брэм Стокер. Дракула3. Alan ['ælən] - АланOrigin: NormanMethod of translation: TransliterationGeneral InformationGender: MasculineUsage: English, Scottish, Breton, FrenchExamples:In a few moments, Alan Campbell walked in, looking very stern and ratherpale. Oscar Wilde. The Picture of Dorian Gray (1890-1891)Через минуту появился Алан Кэмпбэл, суровый и очень бледный.Оскар Уайльд. Портрет Дориана ГреяThis is a strange return for hospitality. "Do you see me?" said Alan. RobertLouis Stevenson. Kidnapped (1886)Странная плата за гостеприимство. "Вы хорошо меня видите?"- сказалАлан. Роберт Луис Стивенсон. Похищенный284. Amy ['eɪ mɪ ] – ЭмиOrigin: Old FrenchMethod of translation: TranscriptionGeneral Information:Gender: FeminineUsage: EnglishExamples:A certain Amy Lawrence vanished out of his heart and left not even amemory of herself behind. Mark Twain. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer(1876)Некая Эми Лоуренс мгновенно испарилась из его сердца, не оставив посебе даже воспоминания. Марк Твен. Приключения Тома СойераAmy and Louisa Eshton had cried out simultaneously- «What a love of achild! » Charlotte Brontë. Jane Eyre (1847)Луиза и Эми Эштон воскликнули: «Какая прелестная девочка!»Шарлотта Бронте. Джейн Эйр5. Andrew ['ændruː] – ЭндрюOrigin: GreekMethod of translation: TranscriptionGeneral Information:Gender: MasculineUsage: English, BiblicalExamples:They love Lecter even better than Prince Andrew.ThomasHarris.TheSilence of the Lambs (1988)Они любят доктора Лектера больше, чем принца Эндрю. Томас Харрис.Молчание ягнят29Nor did James and Andrew, who took him into their store in Savannah,regret his lack of education. Margaret Mitchell. Gone with the Wind, Part I(1936)Джеймсу и Эндрю, пристроившим его у себя в лавке в Саванне, тожене приходилось сокрушаться по поводу его необразованности.Маргарет Митчелл, Унесенные ветром, ч.16. Barbara ['bɑ ːb(ə)rə] - БарбараOrigin: GreekMethod of translation: TransliterationGeneral Information:Gender: FeminineUsage: English, French, German, Polish, Hungarian, Slovene, Croatian, LateRomanExamples:I never could keep Scripture straight since I read a book name «TheWinning of Barbara Worth». John Steinbeck. The Grapes of Wrath (1939)Я как прочел книжку "Победа Барбары Борт", так у меня Священноеписание из головы вышибло. Джон Стейнбек. Гроздья гнева“Barbara,” she said to the servant who answered it, “I have not yet had tea;bring the tray and place cups for these two young ladies.” Charlotte Brontë.Jane Eyre (1847)Барбара,- сказала она вошедшей горничной,- я еще не пила чаю.Принесите поднос и поставьте две чашки чая для этих двух молодыхбарышень. Шарлотта Бронте. Джейн Эйр7. Clara ['klɑ ːrə] – КлараOrigin: LatinMethod of translation: Transcription + Transliteration (Practical Transcription)General Information:Gender: Feminine30Usage:Italian, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, Romanian, English, LateRomanExamples:“I know”, said Lennie miserably. “I tried, Aunt Clara, ma’am. I tried andtried.” John Steinbeck. Of Mice and Men (1937)Знаю,- сказал Ленни жалобно. Я старался, тетя Клара, очень дажестарался. Джон Стейнбек. О мышах и людяхShe had two successors: an Italian, Giacinta, and a German, Clara; bothconsidered singularly handsome. Charlotte Brontë. Jane Eyre (1847)У нее были две преемницы: итальянка Гиацинта и немка Клара. Обеони слыли замечательными красавицами. Шарлотта Бронте. ДжейнЭйр8. Dorothy ['dɔ rəθɪ ] - ДоротиOrigin: EnglishMethod of translation: Transcription + Transliteration (Practical Transcription)General Information:Gender: FeminineUsage: EnglishExamples:"We had a lot of earthquakes," said Dorothy. L. Frank Baum. Dorothy andthe Wizard in Oz (1908)— Нас то и дело трясло, — пояснила Дороти. Л. Фрэнк Баум. Дороти иВолшебник в Стране ОзI remember it was the same way with little Dorothy. L. Frank Baum. TheMarvelous Land of Oz (1904)Точно так же вела себя, помнится, маленькая Дороти. Л. Фрэнк Баум.Чудесная Страна Оз319. Edward ['edwəd] – Эдвард, ЭдуардOrigin: EnglishMethod of translation: Transcription + Transliteration (Эдвард); Transposition(Эдуард)General Information:Gender: MasculineUsage: English, PolishExamples:Edward II gave to Piers Gaveston a suit of red-gold armour studded withjacinths, a collar of gold roses set with turquoise-stones, and a skull-capparseme with pearls. Oscar Wilde. The Picture of Dorian Gray (1890-1891)Эдвард Второй подарил Пирсу Гэйвстону доспехи червонного золота,украшенные гиацинтами, колет из золотых роз, усыпанный бирюзой, ишапочку, расшитую жемчугами. Оскар Уайльд. Портрет Дориана ГреяLike James, Soames didn’t know, he couldn’t tell- with Edward on thethrone! John Galsworthy. In Chancery (1920)Сомс, подобно Джеймсу, ничего не знал, ничего не мог сказать, чтобудет, когда на престол сядет этот Эдуард. Джон Голсуорси. В петле10. Grace [greɪ s] - ГрейсOrigin: LatinMethod of translation: TranscriptionGeneral Information:Gender: FeminineUsage: EnglishExamples:Grace Marr, a girl whom she had met at Trippetts Mills, had gone toLycurgus…Theodore Dreiser. An American Tragedy (1925)Грейс Марр, девушка, которую она знала по Трипетс - Милс, уехала вЛикург… Теодор Драйзер. Американская трагедия32“Some of the servants, very likely,” she answered: “perhaps Grace Poole.”Charlotte Brontë. Jane Eyre (1847)-Вероятно, кто-нибудь из горничных,- ответила она.- Может быть,Грейс Пул. Шарлотта Бронте. Джейн Эйр11. Harry ['hærɪ ] - ГарриOrigin: Medieval EnglishMethod of translation: Transcription+ Transliteration (Practical Transcription);According to the rules of Russian language** Why do we translate and pronounce English sound "H" as "Г" in Russian?When this problem first arose, the pronunciation of the fricative sound "Г" wasthe literary norm, and which by its characteristics is very similar to the English"H". And now this rule of translation and pronunciation is rooted in the Russianlanguage.General Information:Gender: MasculineUsage: EnglishExamples:“I’ve come to bring Harry to his aunt and uncle.” Joanne Rowling. HarryPotter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (1997)Я пришел, чтобы отдать Гарри его дяде и тете. Дж. К. Роулинг. ГарриПоттер и Волшебный каменьMy brother, Harry Pinner, is promoter, and joins the board after allotmentas managing director. Arthur Conan Doyle. The Stock-Broker's Clerk(1893)Генеральный директор фирмы - мой брат Гарри Пиннер, он же иосновал её. Артур Конан Дойл. Приключения клерка3312. John [ʤ ɔ n] – Джон, ИоаннOrigin: English form of the Hebrew nameMethod of translation: Transcription (Джон); Transposition (Иоанн)General Information:Gender: MasculineUsage: English, BiblicalExamples:The canvas started to bulge in the middle, the fragile outlines of the VirginMary, Baby Jesus, and John the Baptist beginning to distort. DanBrown.The Da Vinci Code (2003)Полотно вспучилось посередине, смутные очертание Девы Марии,младенца Иисуса и Иоанна Крестителя исказились. Дэн Браун. Код ДаВинчиGeneral John B. Gordon, Georgia's great hero, was frequently there with hisfamily. Margaret Mitchell. Gone with the Wind, Part 2 (1936)А у Мелани часто бывал герой Джорджии генерал Джон Б. Гордон ссемьей. Маргарет Митчелл. Унесенные ветром, ч.213. Mary ['meərɪ ] – Мэри, МарияOrigin: GreekMethod of translation: Transcription (Мэри); Transposition (Мария)General Information:Gender: FeminineUsage: English, BiblicalExamples:Some calls me Sarah, some calls me Mary. Mark Twain. The Adventures ofHuckleberry Finn (1884)Одни зовут меня Сара, а другие Мэри.МаркТвен.ПриключенияГекльберри Финна34"As I said earlier, the marriage of Jesus and Mary Magdalene is part of the historical record.” Dan Brown. The Da Vinci Code (2003)“Я ведь уже говорил, брак Иисуса и Марии Магдалины зафиксирован висторических хрониках.” Дэн Браун. Код Да Винчи14. Walter [wɔ ltə] – Уолтер, ВальтерOrigin: GermanMethod of translation: Practical Transcription (Уолтер); the erroneous translationof name is saved and became firmly established in the Russian language(Вальтер)General Information:Gender: MasculineUsage:English, German, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Polish, Italian, AncientGermanicExamples:“I guess your friend Walter Chase wasn't too proud to come in on it”.F. Scott Fitzgerald. The Great Gatsby (1925)“Ваш друг Уолтер Чейз, например, не погнушался вступить с нами вкомпанию”. Ф. Скотт Фицджеральд. Великий Гэтсби“I assumed it must be because she liked the novel by that name by SirWalter Scott”. Kurt Vonnegut. Hocus Pocus (1990)Я считал, что она назвала меня в честь героя романа сэра ВальтераСкотта. Курт Воннегут. Фокус-покус15. William ['wɪ ljəm] - Уильям, Вильям; ВильгельмOrigin: GermanMethod of translation: Practical Transcription (Уильям); Transliteration(Вильям)35General Information:Gender: MasculineUsage: EnglishExamples:THERE were four of us―George, and William Samuel Harris, and myself, and Montmorency. Jerome K. Jerome. Three Men in a Boat (To Say NothingOf The Dog) (1889)Нас было четверо: Джордж, Уильям Сэмюэль Гаррис, я и Монморанси.Джером К. Джером. Трое в лодке, не считая собаки“The man with the blue coat and the roll of paper is Sir William Baskervill,Who was Chairman of Committees of the House of Commons under Pitt”.Arthur Conan Doyle. The Hound of the Baskervilles (1902)“А вот тот, в синем сюртуке и со свитком в руках, сэр ВильямБаскервиль, председатель комиссии Палаты общин при Питте”.Артур Конан Дойл. Собака Баскервилей[For more detailed information see Appendix]362.2 Geographical namesThe choice of geographical names is made on condition of their degree ofpopularity in the tourism industry.Note: It should be noted that the majority of geographical names got theirtranslation many centuries ago and they had firmly entered our language.Therefore, sometimes for translator it's difficult to determine the link between theoriginal word and its translation. For example:China – КитайIn order to know why the word China is translated as Китай, we surely need toknow its historical background.It's commonplace opinion that the word "China" comes from the name "Катай",which, in turn, doesn't have Chinese roots. Originally this word was used for theMongolian group of nomadic tribes from Manchuria - Киданов (Китаев).A simpler version of the origin of the word "Китай" that it's an old Russian termmeaning "fenced, walled place" ( e.g. "China Town" in Moscow). Ancient "cue" - astick, a pole, "Tai" - cover, hide. Logical to assume that a country protected by theGreat Wall, called in Russia "Китай"1. Abadan [ːæbə'dɑ ːn] – Абадан (Iran)Method of translation: TransliterationHistorical reference: The earliest mention of the island of Abadan, if not the portitself is found in works of the geographer Marcian, who renders the name"Apphadana".Earlier, the classical geographer, Ptolemy notes "Apphana" as anisland off the mouth of the Tigris (which is, where the modern Island of Abadan islocated). An etymology for this name is presented by 'B. Farahvashi to be derivedfrom the Persian word "ab" (water) and the root "pā" (guard, watch) thus"coastguard station".Origin: Persian-name of the city.372. Abu Dhabi [ːæbuː'dɑ ːbɪ ] – Абу Даби (United Arab Emirates)Method of translation: Transcription + Transliteration (Practical Transcription)Historical reference: Literally it means “father of a gazelle”. According to alegend, in the middle of the 18th century one hunter wounded a gazelle (“dubi” inlocal dialect). Escaping, he crossed the strait, called Maliha (salty) and having lostthe way, died from thirst. Near this place a spring was found, named Abu-Dhabithat exist till now 2 km to the south Cornish embankment.Origin: Arabic-name of the city.3. Adriatic Sea [ːeɪ drɪ ætɪ k -] - Адриатическое мореMethod of translation: Calque**Suffix (ː- еск) is typical for geographical names in russian languageHistorical reference: Originally, the sea was known in Latin as Mare Superum.Later, it was replaced by Mare Adriaticum. The name, derived from the Etruscancolony of Adria (or Hadria), originally designated only the upper portion of the sea(Herodotus vi. 127, vii. 20, ix. 92; Euripides, Hippolytus, 736), but was graduallyextended as the Syracusan colonies gained in importance. The name Adria isderived from the Illyrian word adur meaning "water" or "sea".Origin: Latin-name of the sea.4. Africa ['æfrɪ kə] - АфрикаMethod of translation: TransliterationHistorical reference: The name Africa came into Western use through the Romans,who used the name Africa terra — "land of the Afri" (plural, or "Afer" singular) —for the northern part of the continent, as the province of Africa with its capitalCarthage, corresponding to modern-day Tunisia.Origin: Roman-name of the continent.385. America [ə'merɪ kə] - АмерикаMethod of translation: TransliterationHistorical reference: America was named after Amerigo Vespucci; however it wasgiven it's name by cartographer Martin Waldseemueller in 1507. Why he namedthe New World (actually, just South America) America rather than Vespucciland--is easy to see. Amerigo's first name was a lot more euphonious than his last nameand could be latinized into a word that started and ended with the letter A, just likeAsia and Africa before it.Origin: Latinized form of the name Amerigo (the man America was named after)-name of the continent.6. Amsterdam [ːæm(p)stə'dæm] - Амстердам (Netherlands)Method of translation: TransliterationHistorical Reference: The earliest recorded use of the name "Amsterdam" is from acertificate dated 27 October 1275, when the inhabitants, who had built a bridgewith a dam across the Amstel, were exempted from paying a bridge toll byCount Floris V. The certificate describes the inhabitants as homines manentes apudAmestelledamme (people living near Amestelledamme). By 1327, the name haddeveloped into Aemsterdam.Origin: Dutch-name of the city.7. Argentina [ːɑ ːʤ (ə)n'tiːnə] - АргентинаMethod of translation: TransliterationHistorical Reference: The name of Argentina, traditionally called the Argentine inEnglish, is ultimately derived from the Latin argentum "silver" and the feminine ofthe adjectival suffix -īnus. The first use of the name Argentina can be traced backto the first voyages made by the Spanish and Portuguese conquerors to the Río dela Plata which means "Silver River", in the first years of the 16th century.Origin: Latin-name of the federal republic.398. Bali ['bɑ ːlɪ ] – Бали ( Indonesia)Method of translation: TransliterationHistorical reference: The name Bali dwipa ("Bali island") has been discoveredfrom various inscriptions, including the Blanjong pillar inscription written by SriKesari Warmadewa in 914 AD and mentioning "Walidwipa". It was during thistime that the complex irrigation system subak was developed to grow rice.Origin: Hindu-name of the island.9. Baltic Sea [ʹ bɔ :ltık] – Балтийское море (Northern Europe)Method of translation: Calque*According to the rules of Russian language: suffix (˄- йск) is typical forgeographical names in russian language.Historical reference: While Tacitus called it Mare Suebicum after the Germanicpeople of the Suebi, the first to name it also as the Baltic Sea(Mare Balticum) waseleventh-century German chronicler Adam of Bremen. The origin of the lattername is speculative. It might be connected to the Germanic word belt, a nameused for two of the Danish straits, the Belts, while others claim it to be derivedfrom Latin balteus (belt). However it should be noted that the name of the Beltsmight be connected to Danish bælte, which also means belt.Origin: German-name of the sea.10.Barcelona [ːbɑ ːsɪ 'ləunə] - БарселонаMethod of translation: TransliterationHistorical reference: The origin of the name Barcelona is unclear and there aremany versions which, rather than being historical, are legends which attribute thename to the cultural legacy left by the first inhabitants of the city.The first legend states that the name Barcelona is the modified version of Barke-no¸ the original name which was given to the city by Iberian settlers.40The second legend states that the Barcelona was named by Carthaginians and thename arose from the Carthaginian surname Barca, which means ‘ray’.The Roman legend states that during a 9-boat expedition there was a big storm,the first 8 boats managing to escape without damage, whilst the ninth was lost atsea and Hercules ran aground at Montjuic. The place pleased the navigators somuch that they named it after the lost boat- “Barca Nona” (the ninth boat).Origin: Unknown-name of the city.11. White Sea [ː(h)waɪ t'siː] - Белое море (Russia)Method of translation: Calque (White- белое; Sea- море)Historical reference: The White Sea gets its name from the pale colored light andice. This makes the waters look so light it actually looks white.Origin: English-name of the sea.12. Belgium ['belʤ əm] – Бельгия (Western Europe)Method of translation: Practical transcription according to the rules of Russianlanguage**component –ия is typical for names of the states and territories (it also occurs inLatin words with the ending -ia)Historical reference: The name 'Belgium' is derived from Gallia Belgica,a Roman province in the northernmost part of Gaul that before Roman invasion in100 BC, was inhabited by the Belgae, a mix of Celtic and Germanic peoples.Origin: Roman-name of the federal monarchy.13. Berlin [bɜ ː'lɪ n] - БерлинMethod of translation: TransliterationHistorical reference: The origin of the name Berlin is uncertain, but it may haveits roots in the language of West Slavic inhabitants of the area of today's Berlin,and may be related to the Old Polabian stem berl-/birl-("swamp"). Folk41etymology connects the name to the German word for bear, Bär. A bear alsoappears in the coat of arms of the city.Origin: Unknown-name of the city.14.

Список литературы

1. Allerton, D. J. The Linguistic and Sociolinguistic Status of Proper Names //
The Journal of Pragmatics, 1987. – 221p.

2. Bachman, L. F. Fundamental considerations in language testing // Oxford.
Oxford University Press, 1990. – 473 p.
3. Campel, M. Personal name // Columbia Editors, 2009. – 23 p.
4. Carroll, J. M. What's In a Name? // New York: W. H. Freeman, 1985. – 11p.

5. Catford, J. C. A Linguistic Theory of Translation // Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 1965. – 103 p.

6. Hermans, T., Modern Dutch Studies. Essays in Honour of Professor Peter

King on the Occasion of his Retirement. London // Atlantic Highlands: The
Athlone Press., 1988. – 82 p.

7. Marmaridou, A. S. Proper names in communication // Journal of
Linguistics, 1989. – 372 p.

8. McDonald D.D. Internal and External Evidence in the Identification and

Semantic Categorisation of Proper Names // In B. Boguraev and J.

Pustejovsky, eds, Corpus Processing for Lexical Acquisition., MIT Press,
Cambridge, Mass, 1993. – 225 p.
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