
Intonation structure of english and russian speech

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2 Features of intonation models in English……………………………..........7
3 Six basic intonation designs in Russian…………………………..….......... 8
4 The analysis of expression of a theme……………………………….......... 9


In this work the analysis of English and Russian intonation in comparative aspect also is carried out. In the attention center there are intonation means of expression of a theme, contrast and emphasis. Similarities and distinctions are established at intonation expression of communicative values in two languages

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The unaccented syllables previous first shock and following last shock syllable, are said at the lowest level of a voice which isn't used almost in Russian range, therefore demand special training.D) English falling reaches the lowest level of a range; voice increase begins also with the lowest level.I) The English statement is characterized by presence of the centralized accent, i.e. one (the nuclear word) is much more allocated, than other shock words. On it is carried out considerable (the widest on a range and duration of vocal tone) falling.In the Russian statement an accent decentralized, i.e. all shock words receive more or less identical degree:Helen’s eyes were not very good. У Лены было плохое зрение.F) Allocated shock (non-nuclear) syllable in an English phrase it is carried out by movement of vocal tone from top to down, in Russian – from below upwards.Nuclear tones and their value As nuclear tone is called melodic end of the statement which, as a rule, coincides with last shock syllable.In English language there are some shock tones:Descending tone expresses completeness of the statement or its part, definiteness, confidence, a categoriality, independence.Descending tone is used in two versions: low and high. High falling gives to the statement ease, vivacity, interest.Ascending tone expresses incompleteness of the statement or its part, uncertainty, dependence, the polite reference. In English language tone increase begin in the end of a syllable, in Russian – in the beginningAscending tone is used also in two versions: low and high. High ascending tone is used basically in carryings over.Ascending -ascending tone expresses incompleteness with additional value of the polite offer, reluctant refusal, the reluctant consent etc.The use of nuclear tonesNuclear tones can be used independently or to finish a melodic number in the statements containing some of shock syllables except the nuclear. In English language there are some variants of pronouncing phrase parts (a melodic scale).Step-by-step (each shock syllable is said more low, than previous).The given type of a scale is neutral and, basically, is used in the beginning of a narration, the description, a reasoning, and also in special questionsSliding (each shock syllable is said more low, than previous, but with fall of tone in the syllable).The given type of a scale is used for the purpose of strong allocation of each of shock syllables. The statement possesses the big expressiveness.Scattered. Shock syllables form descending sequence, and unaccented syllables following them are said hardly above. The given type of a scale gives to the statement a shade of easy surprise, playfulness, a coquetry. Often it makes out the beginning of comic stories, jokes, painting them in corresponding tone.Concept about semantic groupWidespread offers usually share on the groups of words united on sense. Such groups of words are called as semantic groups or syntagma. In oral speech they separate from each other a pause or change by a melodic. Graphically the pause is represented by vertical line.The quantity of semantic groups in one statement depends on intention speaking, sense of the statement, tempo of speech, length of semantic groups etc.The semantic group expressing rather finished thought is said about descending tone; the incomplete thought is said about ascending tone or descending-ascending tone. 2 Features of intonation models in English1. The first unaccented syllable is pronounced at the lowest level of a range.2. The first shock syllable of a scale has the highest level of a voice (above the middle of a normal range).3. Initial unaccented syllables to the first shock are pronounced by gradually raising tone or at the lowest level of a range.4. The general fall of a voice in a scale occurs on shock syllables and proceeds on following for them unaccented.5. Voice increase occurs only on last shock syllable.6. If last shock syllable follow unaccented, it is pronounce by equal tone, and voice increase occurs on last shock words.3 Six basic intonation designs in RussianBut in Russian it is possible to allocate six basic intonation designs.The intonation design-1 on center sounds occurs tone fall, tone of a center part below an average. The intonation design-1 usually meets at completeness expression in the narrative offer.Intonation design-2 center sounds are said within a range of a center part, on the following ambassador of the center a syllable tone fall below the average level. The intonation design-2 usually meets in questions an interrogative word and in offers with the reference, will: Where are you going? Ana, there it is dangerous!Intonation design-3 on center sounds sharply ascending movement of tone, tone of a center part below an average. The intonation design-3 is characteristic for expression of incompleteness of speech. So, the Intonation design-3 usually meets in questions without an interrogative word: Is Ana drinking juice? There is an Intonation design-3 and at references request expression: Bob, call tomorrow!Intonation design-4 on center sounds descending movement of tone, tone of a center part above an average. The intonation design-4 usually meets in incomplete questions the comparative union and, in questions with a requirement shade: And Natasha? Is your name? Is your surname?The intonation design-5 has two centers: on sounds of the first center ascending movement of tone, on sounds of the second center or on a syllable following it – descending, tone center to center above an average, tone below an average. The intonation design-5 usually meets at expression of high degree of a sign, action, a condition: How does she dance?4 The analysis of expression of a themeOne of the basic means of expression of a theme in Russian is served by accent lifting of type the Intonation design-3 (. This design is characterized by that after lifting on a shock syllable themes falling on the subsequent syllables if they are follows. We will pass to English language. Bollinger (1965), having investigated properties of English, has allocated the intonation type marking a theme of the statement, and named its accent B. This accent is characterized by ascending intonation and corresponds to an intonation design-3 in Russian. Many researchers among whom Stedman (1991), Valdivia and Engrail (1996), Gödel and Frothier (2003), converge that the theme in English language is expressed by tone lifting on the shock syllable of a word form made from enough low level. Hedger and Sosa (2002а), agreeing that to themes such intonation drawing more often is attributed, allocate one more design. It is small lifting on a shock syllable of the word form, made in a high range of frequencies which falling follows. According to Hedger and Sosa (2002а), distinction between these two types consists in the following: in a case with the first type, the high peak on a shock syllable is preceded by sharp lifting from very low level. This lifting usually begins not earlier, than the beginning public in a shock syllable. And the second type starts to rise much earlier. Lifting is made above (in a high range of frequencies), than in the first case, and it not such sharp.As we see, the most part of domestic and foreign linguists converge that the theme is expressed by tone lifting on a shock syllable.Our supervision confirms it. We will consider an English example (1) and its soundtrack (the schedule of change of frequency of the basic tone in hertz). Tone lifting is made on a word form a boy. It is a theme and is allocated by cursors.A boy saw a girl Besides the lifting of tone noted in the literature on themes, we observe one more type of expression of a theme. These rising-falling movements of tone by which the themes consisting, as a rule, more than from one word form and having more of one shock syllable are marked. Such designs take place in all Two languages, but for Russian they are rare enough, and in English we observe them often enough. The similar intonation model is characteristic and for English language that is well visible from an example (2).(2) In New York city, you know, cosmopolitan New York city...Here theme New York (it is the second occurrence of combination New York) is marked by rising-falling tone, and lifting is made on New and the subsequent falling - on York. Thus, the English theme can be marked as tone lifting (a theme a boy in an example (1), and rising-falling tone, and falling is made on more than a brief theme (as in an example (2)).Let's address to a theme in a composition with contrast. We will explain that semantics of contrast consists in correlation of the certain allocated element traditionally named focus of contrast, with known set from which the choice is made.

Список литературы

1. E.A.Bryzgunovoj, Russian grammar 1982:98)
2. A. Conan Doyle Hound of the Baskervilles http://conan-doyle.narod.ru/1/hound_of.htm
3. James Elroy Flecker, To a Poet a Thousand Years Hence, http://fun-english.narod.ru/poetry/flecker.htm
4. J. Thompson, Gifts, http://fun-english.narod.ru/poetry/thompson.htm
5. Steedman M. Structure and Intonation // Language, 1991. 67, p.260-296.
6. Vallduvi E.& Engdahl E. The linguistic realization of Information packaging // Linguistics, 1996. 34, p.459-510.
7. Russian grammar. M.: Science, 1982.
8. Yanko t.E. Communicative strategies of Russian speech// of M.: Languages of slavonic culture, 2001.
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