
Контрольная работа по английскому

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Контрольная работа*
Код 241435
Дата создания 28 марта 2016
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Контрольная работа по английскому
Вариант 2 ...


Вариант 2

1. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в требуемую по смыслу видовременную форму. В разделе Б обратите внимание на особенности пассивных конструкций. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. They (have opened / opened) a souvenir shop in the Alexander Garden last summer.
5. Today, there (are / will be) many parks and public gardens in Moscow.
6. Research activities and restoration works (helped /helps) preserve the monuments of the Moscow Kremlin.
7. The Moscow Kremlin (is / was) one of the greatest architectural
complexes in the world. Б
1. For many years Russia's greatest people (have been / were) buried near the Kremlin wall.
4. Moscow (was / will be) first mentioned in historical papers in 1147.
5. The Moscow Kremlin Museums (is / are) often visited by tourists.

2. Соотнесите функции Participle I и Participle II (А - Г) с номе- рами предложений. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
А. Participle I, определение; Participle II, часть глагольного сказуемого в пассивном залоге.
Б. Participle I, обстоятельство
В. Participle II, определение.
Г. Participle II, обстоятельство; Participle II , часть глагольного сказуемого в пассивном залоге.
1. A new pavilion housing the ticket office has been built.
2. While visiting Red Square most tourists take pictures of it.
3. The website contains all the information required for planning a visit to the Kremlin.
4. When taken to see Tsar Bell and Tsar Cannon children were asked to write a composition after the excursion.

3. Выпишите из следующих предложений модальные глаголы или их эквиваленты. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. We can see the works by Russian artists of the XIXth century if we are in The Moscow Kremlin.
2. I must send a postcard with The Saint Basil's Cathedral to my friend.
3. Red Square may be called the heart of Moscow.
4. The catalogues are to be bought in the museum's ticket office.
5. You have to cross the street and you will see the National library.
6 Visitors are not allowed to take photos of the pictures in the exhibi- tion halls.

4. Прочтите 1 – 4 абзацы текста и выполните задания к ним.


1. The Moscow Kremlin sometimes referred* to as simply the Kremlin, is a historic fortified* complex at the heart of Moscow. It overlooks* the Moskva River to the South, Saint Basil's Cathedral to the East and the Alexander Garden to the West. It is the best known of kremlins (Russian citadels*) and includes four palaces, four ca- thedrals and the enclosing* Kremlin Wall with Kremlin towers.
2. The Spasskaya Tower is the main tower with a through- passage* on the eastern wall of the Moscow Kremlin. The clock on the Spasskaya Tower usually called the Kremlin chimes* appeared between 1491 and 1585. It designates* official Moscow Time. The Kremlin complex serves as the official residence of the President of the Russian Federation.
3. The name Kremlin means "fortress", and was often used to refer to the government of the Soviet Union and its highest members. In the same way the Élysée Palace can refer to the President of the French Republic, the White House is to refer to the President of the United States. Kremlin is still used in reference to* the government of the Russian Federation and even the Russian President's official website is Kremlin.ru.
4. Closely associated with the Kremlin is Red Square, lying near its east wall. At its south end is the famous Cathedral of St Basil the Blessed, one of the most beautiful monuments of Orthodox art. It

was built by the order of Ivan the Terrible and commemorates the capture of Kazan and Astrakhan. The monument to Minin and Pozarsky commemorates the victory over the Poles.
5. Having 29 towers, the Kremlin preserves the memory of the
wooden fortifications erected by Yuri Dolgoruki around 1156 on the hill near the river Moskva. By its layout and its history of transfor- mations it is the prototype of the citadels at the centre of the Russian towns, such as Pskov, Tula, Kazan or Smolensk.

refer – упоминать
in reference to - в связи с fortified - укрепленный overlook - выходить на citadel –крепость, цитадель

enclose - окружать
through-passage - сквозной
Kremlin chimes - Кремлёв- ские куранты
designate – обозначать

Задания к тексту

1. Укажите, в каких абзацах текста (1-4) содержится информа- ция (A-D) .
A. Two of the most famous sights are located in Red Square.
B. Kremlin has been the site of the government for many years.
C. Moscow Time is shown by the clock on one of the Kremlin Tow- ers.
D. The word 'kremlin' means citadel in Russian.

2. Выберите вариант завершения предложения соответствую- щий тексту:
The monument to Minin and Pozarsky
A. …have been repaired several times.
B. … was opened in 1818.
C. … was copied for Nizhny Novgorod.
D. … commemorates the victory over Poland.

3. Укажите абзац, в котором говорится о местоположении Мос- ковского Кремля.

4. Абзац 3 рассказывает о(б)
A. … официальном визите Президента США в Россию.

B.… значении слова «Кремль».
C. …размещении сведений о структуре правительства на сайте Kremlin.ru.
D. …расположении башен Московского Кремля.

5. Переведите 3 и 5 абзацы текста письменно.


Вариант 2

1. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в требуемую по смыс- лу видо-временную форму. В разделе Б обратите внимание на особенности пассивных конструкций. Переведите предложе- ния на русский язык.
1. They (have opened / opened) a souvenir shop in the Alexander Garden last summer.
5. Today, there (are / will be) many parks and public gardens in Moscow.
6. Research activities and restoration works (helped /helps) preserve the monuments of the Moscow Kremlin.
7. The Moscow Kremlin (is / was) one of the greatest architectural
complexes in the world. Б
1. For many years Russia's greatest people (have been / were) buried near the Kremlin wall.
4. Moscow (was / will be) first mentioned in historical papers in 1147.
5. The Moscow Kremlin Museums (is / are) often visited by tourists.

2 . Соотнесите функции Participle I и Participle II (А - Г) с номе- рами предложений. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
А. Participle I, определение; Participle II, часть глагольного сказуемого в пассивном залоге.
Б. Participle I, обстоятельство
В. Participle II, определение.
Г. Participle II, обстоятельство; Participle II , часть глагольного сказуемого в пассивном залоге.
1. A new pavilion housing the ticket office has been built.
2. While visiting Red Square most tourists take pictures of it.
3. The website contains all the information required for planning a visit to the Kremlin.
4. When taken to see Tsar Bell and Tsar Cannon children were asked to write a composition after the excursion.

3. Выпишите из следующих предложений модальные глаголы или их эквиваленты. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. We can see the works by Russian artists of the XIXth century if we are in The Moscow Kremlin.
2. I must send a postcard with The Saint Basil's Cathedral to my friend.
3. Red Square may be called the heart of Moscow.
4. The catalogues are to be bought in the museum's ticket office.
5. You have to cross the street and you will see the National library.
6 Visitors are not allowed to take photos of the pictures in the exhibi- tion halls.

4. Прочтите 1 – 4 абзацы текста и выполните задания к ним.


1. The Moscow Kremlin sometimes referred* to as simply the Kremlin, is a historic fortified* complex at the heart of Moscow. It overlooks* the Moskva River to the South, Saint Basil's Cathedral to the East and the Alexander Garden to the West. It is the best known of kremlins (Russian citadels*) and includes four palaces, four ca- thedrals and the enclosing* Kremlin Wall with Kremlin towers.
2. The Spasskaya Tower is the main tower with a through- passage* on the eastern wall of the Moscow Kremlin. The clock on the Spasskaya Tower usually called the Kremlin chimes* appeared between 1491 and 1585. It designates* official Moscow Time. The Kremlin complex serves as the official residence of the President of the Russian Federation.
3. The name Kremlin means "fortress", and was often used to refer to the government of the Soviet Union and its highest members. In the same way the Élysée Palace can refer to the President of the French Republic, the White House is to refer to the President of the United States. Kremlin is still used in reference to* the government of the Russian Federation and even the Russian President's official website is Kremlin.ru.
4. Closely associated with the Kremlin is Red Square, lying near its east wall. At its south end is the famous Cathedral of St Basil the Blessed, one of the most beautiful monuments of Orthodox art. It

was built by the order of Ivan the Terrible and commemorates the capture of Kazan and Astrakhan. The monument to Minin and Pozarsky commemorates the victory over the Poles.
5. Having 29 towers, the Kremlin preserves the memory of the
wooden fortifications erected by Yuri Dolgoruki around 1156 on the hill near the river Moskva. By its layout and its history of transfor- mations it is the prototype of the citadels at the centre of the Russian towns, such as Pskov, Tula, Kazan or Smolensk.

refer – упоминать
in reference to - в связи с fortified - укрепленный overlook - выходить на citadel –крепость, цитадель

enclose - окружать
through-passage - сквозной
Kremlin chimes - Кремлёв- ские куранты
designate – обозначать

Задания к тексту

1. Укажите, в каких абзацах текста (1-4) содержится информа- ция (A-D) .
A. Two of the most famous sights are located in Red Square.
B. Kremlin has been the site of the government for many years.
C. Moscow Time is shown by the clock on one of the Kremlin Tow- ers.
D. The word 'kremlin' means citadel in Russian.

2. Выберите вариант завершения предложения соответствую- щий тексту:
The monument to Minin and Pozarsky
A. …have been repaired several times.
B. … was opened in 1818.
C. … was copied for Nizhny Novgorod.
D. … commemorates the victory over Poland.

3. Укажите абзац, в котором говорится о местоположении Мос- ковского Кремля.

4. Абзац 3 рассказывает о(б)
A. … официальном визите Президента США в Россию.

B.… значении слова «Кремль».
C. …размещении сведений о структуре правительства на сайте Kremlin.ru.
D. …расположении башен Московского Кремля.

5. Переведите 3 и 5 абзацы текста письменно.

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

После того, как дети увидели Царь-колокол и Царь-пушку, их попросили написать сочинение после экскурсии.1234АБВГ3. Выпишите из следующих предложений модальные глаголы или их эквиваленты. We can see the works by Russian artists of the XIXth century if we are in The Moscow Kremlin.Мы можем увидеть в Московском Кремле работы российских художников 19 века.I must send a postcard with The Saint Basil's Cathedral to my friend.Я должен отправить открытку с Собором Василия Блаженного моему другу.Red Square may be called the heart of Moscow.Красную Площадь можно назвать сердцем Москвы.The catalogues are to be bought in the museum's ticket office.Каталоги можно купить в билетной кассе музеев.You have to cross the street and you will see the National library.Вам нужно перейти улицу и Вы увидите Национальную библиотеку.6 Visitors are not allowed to take photos of the pictures in the exhibi- tion halls.Посетителям нельзя делать фотографии в выставочных залах.Переведите предложения на русский язык.Прочтите 1 – 4 абзацы текста и выполните задания к ним.THE MOSCOW KREMLINThe Moscow Kremlin sometimes referred* to as simply the Kremlin, is a historic fortified* complex at the heart of Moscow. It overlooks* the Moskva River to the South, Saint Basil's Cathedral to the East and the Alexander Garden to the West. It is the best known of kremlins (Russian citadels*) and includes four palaces, four cathedrals and the enclosing* Kremlin Wall with Kremlin towers.The Spasskaya Tower is the main tower with a through- passage* on the eastern wall of the Moscow Kremlin. The clock on the Spasskaya Tower usually called the Kremlin chimes* appeared between 1491 and 1585. It designates* official Moscow Time. The Kremlin complex serves as the official residence of the President of the Russian Federation.The name Kremlin means "fortress", and was often used to refer to the government of the Soviet Union and its highest members. In the same way the Élysée Palace can refer to the President of the French Republic, the White House is to refer to the President of the United States. Kremlin is still used in reference to* the government of the Russian Federation and even the Russian President's official website is Kremlin.ru.Closely associated with the Kremlin is Red Square, lying near its east wall. At its south end is the famous Cathedral of St Basil the Blessed, one of the most beautiful monuments of Orthodox art. It was built by the order of Ivan the Terrible and commemorates the capture of Kazan and Astrakhan. The monument to Minin and Pozarsky commemorates the victory over the Poles.

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Контрольная работа по английскому
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