
Контрольная работа по английскому языку

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Контрольная работа по английскому языку ...



Задание № 1. Прочтите текст несколько раз без словаря. Выполните контрольные упражнения.

The History of Education
As long as we live we continue to learn, and the education we receive when we are young helps us to continue learning. We are taught to read and write, and are taught many of the essential facts about the world and shown how to sort them out so that later in life, we shall be able to find out things without asking other people.
The first teachers were fathers and mothers, but very early in the history of man children began to be taught by people other than their fathers and mothers. It is thought that schools first started in Egypt 5,000 to 6,000 years ago, and that the invention of writing made them necessary. Reading and writing were quite different from the skills used in everyday life, and writing made it possible to store up knowledge which grew with each generation. Specially trained people were therefore needed to teach it.
Sparta and Athens were two Greek states. The Spartans gave a purely military education to their children. At the age of seven all boys of noble families were taken from their homes and sent to live in schools. They were kept under a very strict discipline and were taught hunting, military scouting, swimming and the use of weapons. The Spartans despised literature, and some people think they could not even read.
At the same time the Athenians were building what we call liberal education. They thought it important to educate the body as well as the mind, and had a programme of physical training. As time went on they paid special attention to reading, writing and literature and these were taught by a special teacher. Common people were not educated; they were trained in craftsmanship, workmanship and trades.
Greek philosophers always discussed what education should try to do and what it should include.
The Romans were very good at organizing, and they were the first people to have schools run by government free of charge. Throughout their great empire there was a network of these schools which provided for three stages of education.
In Great Britain the first teachers we read about were craftsmen. They taught children to read, write and count, to cook and mend their own shoes. In the early 19th century the main system of teaching was the "Monitor" system*. The teacher could manage a class of 100 or more by using older pupils or "monitors" to help him. The schools had long desks which were sometimes arranged so that the teacher could see every child in a large class.

*the "Monitor" system (of teaching) ­ Ланкастерская система образования, при которой старшие ученики следят за младшими

Контрольные упражнения к тексту.
1. Выпишите в порядке следования глаголы в страдательном залоге, укажите время.

2. Выпишите четыре сложных глагола (с предлогом или наречием), переведите их.

3. Выпишите три причастия II, в функции определения, переведите.

4. Выпишите в порядке следования все герундии, переведите их.

5. Выпишите все модальные глаголы и обороты, переведите их.

6. Выпишите сложные существительные, имеющие в составе слово man, переведите их.

7. Выпишите из первого и последнего абзацев предложения с бессоюзным придаточным определительным предложением, подчеркните его, переведите оба предложения.

Задание № 2. Переведите 3­ий и 4­ый абзацы текста устно и ответьте письменно, соответствуют ли данные предложения тексту (соответствует/не соответствует). Если не соответствует, дайте правильный вариант и переведите его:
a) At the age of seven all boys in Sparta were sent to live in schools.
в) In Athens with their liberal education they had a programme of physical training and educated only the body.

Задание № 3. Переведите текст, кроме 3­го и 4­го абзацев, со словарем письменно.


Задание № 1. Прочтите текст несколько раз без словаря. Выполните контрольные упражнения.
The First Baloons
Etienne and Joseph Montgolfier lived in the eighteenth century in a little village in France where their father had a paper factory. The two brothers took paper bags from their father, filled them with smoke over a fire and watched them go up into the air.
After numerous experiments they were ready to show how their balloon worked. On the day of the flight people from different places came to the little village to see the spectacle. The brothers had constructed a bag some thirty feet in diameter. The big bag was held over a fire. When it was filled with hot smoke, it went high up into the air. It was in the air for minutes and then, as the air bag became cold, the balloon went slowly down.
The news about the experiment reached the king who wanted to see it himself. So on September 19, 1783 the Montgolfier brothers repeated their experiment in the presence of the King and Queen of France. This time the balloon carried a cage with a sheep, a cock, and a duck who were thus the first air travellers. The flight was successful. The balloon came down some distance off, the sheep, the cock and the duck completely unharmed.
If the animals could live through this, men could risk too. A month later a balloon was sent up with a Frenchman, Rozier by name. He stayed up in the air for twenty­five minutes at a height of about one hundred feet above the ground, and then came down, saying that he had greatly enjoyed the view of the country.
A month later he and Arlandes made the first free balloon flight. Their friends who came to say good­bye to them were very sad because they thought the flight was very dangerous, but they went up several hundred feet, were carried by the wind over Paris and came down in safety.
In 1785 a Frenchmanand an American crossed the English Channel in a balloon. When they had covered three quarters of the way, the balloon began to go down. They threw everything they could overboard. They even undressed and threw away practically all their clothes. If they had not done it, they would have never reached the French coast safely.

Контрольные упражнения к тексту.
1. Выпишите из текста словосочетания из двух существительных, первое из которых является определением ко второму, переведите их.

2. Выпишите из первого абзаца предложение с инфинитивом как дополнением, подчеркните его вместе с основным глаголом и местоимением, переведите все предложение.

3. Выпишите из двух последних абзацев предложения с бессоюзным придаточным предложением, подчеркните его, определите тип, переведите предложения.

4. Выпишите из третьего абзаца текста предложение с самостоятельным причастным оборотом, подчеркните его, переведите предложение.

5. Выпишите из текста 2 сложных предложения с придаточными условными, подчеркните глаголы­сказуемые в обеих частях предложений, укажите, к какой группе относятся придаточные условные, переведите предложения.

6. Выпишите все сложные глаголы (с предлогами и наречиями), переведите их.

Задание № 2. Переведите текст со словарем письменно.

Первые шары.


Задание № 1. Прочтите текст несколько раз без словаря. Выполните контрольные упражнения к тексту

Economic Goods and Services
People begin to learn about economics when they are still very young. Even before they start school, they make two very important economic discoveries. They find that there are lots of things in the world they want. They also find that they cannot have them all. There is a big gap between what they want and what they can have.
Later, young people learn another lesson. When they watch television commercials, they discover that there are thousands of things they or their parents could buy. Gradually, they settle into two major economic roles: consumer and producer.
In the role of consumer, a person buys goods and services for personal use, not for resale. Consumer goods are products, such as food, clothing, and cars, that satisfy people's economic needs and wants. Some consumer goods, such as food, do not last a long time. Other goods, such as cars or TV sets, last longer. Sooner or later, though, consumer goods are used up. Bananas are a typical example of perishable goods, by "perishable" we mean goods which cannot be stored for any length of time without going bad. Most foodstuffs are in the perishable category. Services are actions, such as haircutting, cleaning or teaching. Services are used up at the time they are provided.
A producer makes the goods or provides the services that consumers use. A person who makes lemonade and then sells it is producing goods. A clerk in a store is providing a service. Students working after school or during the summer earn money to buy some of the things they want ­ records, books, or a car. They are learning about the role of the producer.
In order to produce something, however, a person must first have right resources. Resources are the materials from which goods and services are made. There are three kinds of resources: human (people), natural (raw materials), and capital resources (capital, or the money or property). If either of these resources is missing, production will stop.

The economy as a whole, like an individual, can produce only products for which it has the right kind of resources. No economy can produce the things people want if it does not have enough of the right kind of resources. In other words, there is a scarcity of resources. Scarcity is the situation that exists when demand for a good, service, or resources is greater than supply. In economics, you will study how people use their resources to make the goods and to provide the services they want. Economics is also the study of how people decide who will get the goods and the services produced. Human wants tend to be unlimited, but human, natural, and capital resources are, unfortunately, limited.
The basic economic questions individuals and nations face are: What goods and services will be produced? How will they be produced? Who will get them? How much will be produced for now and how much for the future? The answers to the questions depend on a country's human, natural, and capital resources, and also on its customs and values. Each country will answer these questions in a different way.

Контрольные упражнения к тексту.

1. Выпишите из третьего абзаца существительное с приставкой, обозначающей повторение действия, обозначьте состав слова, переведите его.

2. Выпишите из третьего абзаца два сложных слова, образованных словосложением, обозначьте составляющие их элементы, переведите слова.

3. Выпишите из последнего абзаца глагол, соответствующий существительному, обозначающему часть тела, переведите его.

4. Выпишите из предпоследнего абзаца подчеркнутое словосочетание, определите, какой частью речи является слово wants, переведите словосочетание.

5. Выпишите из четвертого и шестого абзацев 3 инфинитива из подчеркнутых предложений, назовите их функцию, переведите, употребив соответствующий для данной функции союз.

6. Выпишите подчеркнутые предложения. Подчеркните в них бессоюзные придаточные определительные предложения, переведите предложения.

Задание № 2. Переведите текст со словарем письменно.



Задание № 1. Прочтите текст несколько раз без словаря. Выполните контрольные упражнения.

The History of Education
As long as we live we continue to learn, and the education we receive when we are young helps us to continue learning. We are taught to read and write, and are taught many of the essential facts about the world and shown how to sort them out so that later in life, we shall be able to find out things without asking other people.
The first teachers were fathers and mothers, but very early in the history of man children began to be taught by people other than their fathers and mothers. It is thought that schools first started in Egypt 5,000 to 6,000 years ago, and that the invention of writing made them necessary. Reading and writing were quite different from the ski lls used in everyday life, and writing made it possible to store up knowledge which grew with each generation. Specially trained people were therefore needed to teach it.
Sparta and Athens were two Greek states. The Spartans gave a purely military education to their children. At the age of seven all boys of noble families were taken from their homes and sent to live in schools. They were kept under a very strict discipline and were taught hunting, military scouting, swimming and the use of weapons. The Spartans despised literature, and some people think they could not even read.
At the same time the Athenians were building what we call liberal education. They thought it important to educate the body as well as the mind, and had a programme of physical training. As time went on they paid special attention to reading, writing and literature and these were taught by a special teacher. Common people were not educated; they were trained in craftsmanship, workmanship and trades.
Greek philosophers always discussed what education should try to do and what it should include.
The Romans were very good at organizing, and they were the first people to have schools run by government free of charge. Throughout their great empire there was a network of these schools which provided for three stages of education.
In Great Britain the first teachers we read about were craftsmen. They taught children to read, write and count, to cook and mend their own shoes. In the early 19th century the main system of teaching was the "Monitor" system*. The teacher could manage a class of 100 or more by using older pupils or "monitors" to help him. The schools had long desks which were sometimes arranged so that the teacher could see every child in a large class.

*the "Monitor" system (of teaching) ­ Ланкастерская система образования, при которой старшие ученики следят за младшими

Контрольные упражнения к тексту.
1. Выпишите в порядке следования глаголы в страдательном залоге, укажите время.

2. Выпишите четыре сложных глагола (с предлогом или наречием), переведите их.

3. Выпишите три причастия II, в функции определения, переведите.

4. Выпишите в порядке следования все герундии, переведите их.

5. Выпишите все модальные глаголы и обороты, переведите их.

6. Выпишите сложные существительные, имеющие в составе слово man, переведите их.

7. Выпишите из первого и последнего абзацев предложения с бессоюзным придаточным определительным предложением, подчеркните его, переведите оба предложения.

Задание № 2. Переведите 3­ий и 4­ый абзацы текста устно и ответьте письменно, соответствуют ли данные предложения тексту (соответствует/не соответствует). Если не соответствует, дайте правильный вариант и переведите его:
a) At the age of seven all boys in Sparta were sent to live in schools.
в) In Athens with their liberal education they had a programme of physical training and educated only the body.

Задание № 3. Переведите текст, кроме 3­го и 4­го абзацев, со словарем письменно.


Задание № 1. Прочтите текст несколько раз без словаря. Выполните контрольные упражнения.
The First Baloons
Etienne and Joseph Montgolfier lived in the eighteenth century in a little village in France where their father had a paper factory. The two brothers took paper bags from their father, filled them with smoke over a fire and watched them go up into the air.
After numerous experiments they were ready to show how their balloon worked. On the day of the flight people from different places came to the little village to see the spectacle. The brothers had constructed a bag some thirty feet in diameter. The big bag was held over a fire. When it was filled with hot smoke, it went high up into the air. It was in the air for minutes and then, as the air bag became cold, the balloon went slowly down.
The news about the experiment reached the king who wanted to see it himself. So on September 19, 1783 the Montgolfier brothers repeated their experiment in the presence of the King and Queen of France. This time the balloon carried a cage with a sheep, a cock, and a duck who were thus the first air travellers. The flight was successful. The balloon came down some distance off, the sheep, the cock and the duck completely unharmed.
If the animals could live through this, men could risk too. A month later a balloon was sent up with a Frenchman, Rozier by name. He stayed up in the air for twenty­five minutes at a height of about one hundred feet above the ground, and then came down, saying that he had greatly enjoyed the view of the country.
A month later he and Arlandes made the first free balloon flight. Their friends who came to say good­bye to them were very sad because they thought the flight was very dangerous, but they went up several hundred feet, were carried by the wind over Paris and came down in safety.
In 1785 a Frenchmanand an American crossed the English Channel in a balloon. When they had covered three quarters of the way, the balloon began to go down. They threw everything they could overboard. They even undressed and threw away practically all their clothes. If they had not done it, they would have never reached the French coast safely.

Контрольные упражнения к тексту.
1. Выпишите из текста словосочетания из двух существительных, первое из которых является определением ко второму, переведите их.

2. Выпишите из первого абзаца предложение с инфинитивом как дополнением, подчеркните его вместе с основным глаголом и местоимением, переведите все предложение.

3. Выпишите из двух последних абзацев предложения с бессоюзным придаточным предложением, подчеркните его, определите тип, переведите предложения.

4. Выпишите из третьего абзаца текста предложение с самостоятельным причастным оборотом, подчеркните его, переведите предложение.

5. Выпишите из текста 2 сложных предложения с придаточными условными, подчеркните глаголы­сказуемые в обеих частях предложений, укажите, к какой группе относятся придаточные условные, переведите предложения.

6. Выпишите все сложные глаголы (с предлогами и наречиями), переведите их.

Задание № 2. Переведите текст со словарем письменно.

Первые шары.


Задание № 1. Прочтите текст несколько раз без словаря. Выполните контрольные упражнения к тексту

Economic Goods and Services
People begin to learn about economics when they are still very young. Even before they start school, they make two very important economic discoveries. They find that there are lots of things in the world they want. They also find that they cannot have them all. There is a big gap between what they want and what they can have.
Later, young people learn another lesson. When they watch television commercials, they discover that there are thousands of things they or their parents could buy. Gradually, they settle into two major economic roles: consumer and producer.
In the role of consumer, a person buys goods and services for personal use, not for resale. Consumer goods are products, such as food, clothing, and cars, that satisfy people's economic needs and wants. Some consumer goods, such as food, do not last a long time. Other goods, such as cars or TV sets, last longer. Sooner or later, though, consumer goods are used up. Bananas are a typical example of perishable goods, by "perishable" we mean goods which cannot be stored for any length of time without going bad. Most foodstuffs are in the perishable category. Services are actions, such as haircutting, cleaning or teaching. Services are used up at the time they are provided.
A producer makes the goods or provides the services that consumers use. A person who makes lemonade and then sells it is producing goods. A clerk in a store is providing a service. Students working after school or during the summer earn money to buy some of the things they want ­ records, books, or a car. They are learning about the role of the producer.
In order to produce something, however, a person must first have right resources. Resources are the materials from which goods and services are made. There are three kinds of resources: human (people), natural (raw materials), and capital resources (capital, or the money or property). If either of these resources is missing, production will stop.

The economy as a whole, like an individual, can produce only products for which it has the right kind of resources. No economy can produce the things people want if it does not have enough of the right kind of resources. In other words, there is a scarcity of resources. Scarcity is the situation that exists when demand for a good, service, or resources is greater than supply. In economics, you will study how people use their resources to make the goods and to provide the services they want. Economics is also the study of how people decide who will get the goods and the services produced. Human wants tend to be unlimited, but human, natural, and capital resources are, unfortunately, limited.
The basic economic questions individuals and nations face are: What goods and services will be produced? How will they be produced? Who will get them? How much will be produced for now and how much for the future? The answers to the questions depend on a country's human, natural, and capital resources, and also on its customs and values. Each country will answer these questions in a different way.

Контрольные упражнения к тексту.

1. Выпишите из третьего абзаца существительное с приставкой, обозначающей повторение действия, обозначьте состав слова, переведите его.

2. Выпишите из третьего абзаца два сложных слова, образованных словосложением, обозначьте составляющие их элементы, переведите слова.

3. Выпишите из последнего абзаца глагол, соответствующий существительному, обозначающему часть тела, переведите его.

4. Выпишите из предпоследнего абзаца подчеркнутое словосочетание, определите, какой частью речи является слово wants, переведите словосочетание.

5. Выпишите из четвертого и шестого абзацев 3 инфинитива из подчеркнутых предложений, назовите их функцию, переведите, употребив соответствующий для данной функции союз.

6. Выпишите подчеркнутые предложения. Подчеркните в них бессоюзные придаточные определительные предложения, переведите предложения.

Задание № 2. Переведите текст со словарем письменно.

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

МОДУЛЬ 2 Выполните задание №1.Приступайте к выполнению практических заданий, к тексту.Переписывать предложения и текст заданий НЕ ТРЕБУЕТСЯ. Достаточно выполнять все задания и переводить предложения по порядку, указав номер.Пришлите выполненные задания по обычной или электронной почте.Задание № 1. Прочтите текст несколько раз без словаря. Выполните контрольные упражнения.The First BaloonsEtienne and Joseph Montgolfier lived in the eighteenth century in a little village in France where their father had a paper factory. The two brothers took paper bags from their father, filled them with smoke over a fire and watched them go up into the air.After numerous experiments they were ready to show how their balloon worked. On the day of the flight people from different places came to thelittle village to see the spectacle. The brothers had constructed a bag some thirty feet in diameter. The big bag was held over a fire. When it was filled with hot smoke, it went high up into the air. It was in the air for minutes and then, as the air bag became cold, the balloon went slowly down.The news about the experiment reached the king who wanted to see it himself. So on September 19, 1783 the Montgolfier brothers repeated their experiment in the presence of the King and Queen of France. This time the balloon carried a cage with a sheep, a cock, and a duck who were thus the first air travellers. The flight was successful. The balloon came down some distance off, the sheep, the cock and the duck completely unharmed.If the animals could live through this, men could risk too. A month later a balloon was sent up with a Frenchman, Rozier by name. He stayed up in the air for twenty­five minutes at a height of about one hundred feet above the ground, and then came down, saying that he had greatly enjoyed the view of the country.A month later he and Arlandes made the first free balloon flight. Their friends who came to say good­bye to them were very sad because they thought the flight was very dangerous, but they went up several hundred feet, were carried by the wind over Paris and came down in safety.In 1785 a Frenchmanand an American crossed the English Channel in a balloon. When they had covered three quarters of the way, the balloon began to go down. They threw everything they could overboard. They even undressed and threw away practically all their clothes. If they had not done it, they would have never reached the French coast safely.Контрольные упражнения к тексту.Выпишите из текста словосочетания из двух существительных, первое из которых является определением ко второму, переведите их.paper factory – бумажная фабрикаair bag – баллонет balloon flight – полёт шара-пилотаВыпишите из первого абзаца предложение с инфинитивом как дополнением, подчеркните его вместе с основным глаголом и местоимением, переведите все предложение.The two brothers took paper bags from their father, filled them with smoke over a fire and watched them go up into the air. Два брата взяли бумажные мешки у своего отца, наполнили их дымом над огнем и смотрели, как они поднимаются в воздух.Выпишите из двух последних абзацев предложения с бессоюзным придаточным предложением, подчеркните его, определите тип, переведите предложения.1) Their friends who came to say good­bye to them were very sad because they thought the flight was very dangerous, but they went up several hundred feet, were carried by the wind over Paris and came down in safety. Их друзья, которые пришли, чтобы попрощаться с ними были очень грустными, потому что они думали, что полет будет очень опасным, но они пролетели несколько сотен футов, были снесены ветром над Парижем и безопасно опустились вниз.2) They threw everything they could overboard. Они бросили все, что они могли за борт.Выпишите из третьего абзаца текста предложение с самостоятельным причастным оборотом, подчеркните его, переведите предложение.The balloon came down some distance off, the sheep, the cock and the duck completely unharmed. Воздушный шар опустился неподалеку, овца, петух и утка были совершенно невредимыми.Выпишите из текста 2 сложных предложения с придаточными условными, подчеркните глаголы­сказуемые в обеих частях предложений, укажите, к какой группе относятся придаточные условные, переведите предложения.1) If the animals could live through this, men could risk too. Если животные остались живы, то люди также могли рискнуть.2) If they had not done it, they would have never reached the French coast safely. Если бы они этого не сделали, они бы не достигли благополучно французского побережья.Выпишите все сложные глаголы (с предлогами и наречиями), переведите их.to go up – подниматьсяto hold over – откладыватьto go down – спускатьсяto live trough – пережитьto send up – запуститьto stay up – оставаться на местеto come down – спускатьсяto throw away – выкинутьЗадание № 2. Переведите текст со словарем письменно.Первые шары.Этьен Монгольфье и Иосиф жили в восемнадцатом веке в маленькой деревне во Франции, где их отец имел бумажный завод. Два брата взяли бумажные мешки у своего отца, наполнили их дымом над огнем и смотрели, как они поднимаются в воздух.После многочисленных экспериментов они были готовы показать, как их шар работал. В день полета люди из разных мест пришли к маленькой деревне, чтобы увидеть зрелище. Братья построили мешок примерно тридцать футов в диаметре. Большой мешок был подвешен над огнем. Когда он наполнился горячим дымом, он поднялся высоко в воздух. Был в воздухе в течение минуты, а затем, когда воздушный мешок охладел, воздушный шар медленно стустился вниз.Новости об эксперименте дошли до царя, который хотел увидеть это лично. Так 19 сентября 1783 года братья Монгольфье повторили свой эксперимент в присутствии короля и королевы Франции. На этот раз шар нес клетку с овцой, петухом и уткой, которые, таким образом, были первыми авиапассажиры. Полет был успешным.Воздушный шар опустился неподалеку, овца, петух и утка были совершенно невредимыми.Если животные благодаря этому остались живы, то люди также могли рисковать. Через месяц воздушный шар был отправлен с французом по имени Розье. Он остался в воздухе в течение двадцати пяти минут на высоте около ста футов над землей, а затем спустился, сказав, что он очень наслаждался видом страны.Через месяц он и Арландес сделали первый бесплатный полет на воздушном шаре. Их друзья, которые пришли, чтобы попрощаться с ними были очень грустными, потому что они думали, что полет будет очень опасным, но они пролетели несколько сотен футов, были снесены ветром над Парижем и безопасно опустились вниз.В 1785 году американский Frenchmanand пересек Ла­Манш на воздушном шаре. Когда они покрыли три четверти пути, воздушный шар начал спускаться. Они бросили все, что они могли за борт. Они даже разделись и выбрасывали практически все свои одежды. Если бы они этого не сделали, они бы не достигли безопасно французского побережья.МОДУЛЬ 3Приступайте к выполнению практических заданий. 2. Переписывать предложения и текст заданий НЕ ТРЕБУЕТСЯ.Достаточновыполнять все задания по порядку, указав номер.4. Пришлите выполненные задания по обычной или электронной почте.Задание № 1. Прочтите текст несколько раз без словаря. Выполните контрольные упражнения к текстуEconomic Goods and ServicesPeople begin to learn about economics when they are still very young. Even before they start school, they make two very important economic discoveries. They find that there are lots of things in the world they want. They also find that they cannot have them all. There is a big gap between what they want and what they can have.Later, young people learn another lesson. When they watch television commercials, they discover that there are thousands of things they or their parents could buy. Gradually, they settle into two major economic roles: consumer and producer.In the role of consumer, a person buys goods and services for personal use, not for resale. Consumer goods are products, such as food, clothing, and cars, that satisfy people's economic needs and wants. Some consumer goods, such as food, do not last a long time. Other goods, such as cars or TV sets, last longer. Sooner or later, though, consumer goods are used up. Bananas are a typical example of perishable goods, by "perishable" we mean goods which cannot be stored for any length of time without going bad. Most foodstuffs are in the perishable category. Services are actions, such as haircutting, cleaning or teaching. Services are used up at the time they are provided.A producer makes the goods or provides the services that consumers use. A person who makes lemonade and then sells it is producing goods. A clerk in a store is providing a service. Students working after school or during the summer earn money to buy some of the things they want ­ records, books, or a car. They are learning about the role of the producer.In order to produce something, however, a person must first have right resources. Resources are the materials from which goods and services are made. There are three kinds of resources: human (people), natural (raw materials), and capital resources (capital, or the money or property).

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