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ПЛАН...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Введение............................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Что я могу знать........................................................................................................................................................................ 5
Что я должен делать............................................................................................................................................................... 7
На что я смею надеяться.... ...
In daily vanity, efforts, cares sometimes we ask ourselves questions: and why for me all this is necessary? whether what I spend the time for something is right? and that I really want? So is that we express ourselves in questions. Their quantity repeatedly exceeds number of people. But there is also other party – abundance of answers. The great number of the last, apparently, won't concede to answers.
We are tormented by many riddles. It is unpleasant to us to understand that they are. But to paradox from paradoxes, probably, always to be: take away, who at us – and as the relation sign will be replaced in a moment. And we immediately will start demanding to ourselves what to reject would desire – from this that there are already so much centuries and years bespobedno we want.
Why so? Yes because the person – too a riddle! It does everything not to do. Beginning from – lives to die, and, finishing on – speaks to hear. And any puzzles are necessary to it on purpose, at last, to be quit with them.
Aristotle considered that philosophers are generated by inaction. It was right since, really, not hands to bend questions. But as deeply he was mistaken. Where still there is heavier work – to see what you comprehend, and never to have the termination of sense to this vision?! (2,1,6) ٭
The philosophy is represented quite often as the certain abstract knowledge which is torn off from reality of everyday life. It not absolutely right representation. Actually it scoops all the problems from life and decides them for the only purpose – to help to be improved and develop to the person world outlook, spiritual and moral, esthetic installations, ideals and values of the personality by means of which it is possible to endure struggles of life and to achieve success. For this purpose the philosophy gives studying both rich actual material for reflection, and very effective instruments of cogitative activity. Studying of philosophy is the best school of reasonable thinking approved by centuries-old experience of mankind which allows to operate freely with concepts, to put forward, prove and criticize these or those judgments, to separate essential from insignificant, to open interrelations of all phenomena of reality. (10,6)
Most briefly and substantially definition of philosophy can be given, as search and finding by the person of answers to the main issues of life (the most essential, fundamental, all-embracing, not knowing exceptions, uniting life of people in a whole to which action field each person gets). (1,5)
To philosophy at various times, different people belonged differently, but they met in one – the philosophy always was and will be, despite times. "The philosophy, despite all the modifications, in effect constantly has one main task which is breaking up to many private questions from which that one, others more interest minds at present". (S. S. Gogotsky) (2,1,50)
"The philosophy purpose – logical clearing of thoughts. Philosophy – not the theory, and activity. Philosophical work consists in essence of explanations. Result of philosophy – not a quantity of "philosophical offers", but clearing of offers. The philosophy has to clear up and strictly differentiate thoughts which without it are as if dark and indistinct …" (Ludwig Wittgenstein) (2,1,128)
Each person has the subjective opinion though the outlook also depends both on society, and on time in which he lives. "Each philosophy is expression of the and only the time … Distinction of philosophical doctrines is not that one of them are immortal, and others is passing, and that one of them were vital during known time, and others never were vital. Enduring philosophical truth – illusion. Not they are essential, and the person who found in them the reflection. The person is larger, the philosophy – in that sense in what we speak about internal truth of any great work of art, the truth which not so is depending on provability, on lack of contradictions between separate provisions is more true". (Oswald Spengler) (2,1,107)
The philosophy of various cultures, societies has also the historical value. We have opportunity to look at the world eyes of other people, other time; to agree or challenge opinion; to draw for itself some conclusions.
People have a consciousness, a mentality form which in sensual, rational and in an eydetichesky form acquires various phenomena, processes, i.e. acts as result of knowledge, and way of its existence is the knowledge. We compare, we analyze, we draw conclusions; we recognize or as N we recognize something for ourselves. Anyway, we use philosophical questions. I. Kant allocated 4 main questions of philosophy:
1. That I can know
2. That I have to do
3. On what I dare to hope
4. What is the person
Unambiguously it is impossible to answer them, of course. Always it is possible to argue and change the point of view, but to think nevertheless is above them.
That I can know
In philosophy along with questions of in what the essence of the world consists, конечен the world or is infinite, whether it develops, etc., the important place is taken by the questions connected with knowledge of the subjects (things, the relations, subjects, processes) surrounding the person. The theory of knowledge is there is a gnoseology from which central tasks it is possible to distinguish the following:
¨ justification of opportunities of reliable knowledge and phenomena, and sushchnost of subjects;
¨ disclosure of variety of learning tools of reality;
¨ identification of informative opportunities of various forms and methods of cognitive activity;
¨ criticism of agnosticism, proof of its theoretical insolvency.
Интерес к философии должен неизбежно
возрастать по мере того, как жизненные
практические вопросы обостряются.
В повседневной суете, хлопотах, заботах порой мы задаем себе вопросы: а зачем мне все это нужно? верно ли то, что я трачу свое время на что-то? а чего я действительно хочу? Так уж есть, что мы выражаем себя в вопросах. Их количество многократно превышает число людей. Но есть и другая сторона – обилие ответов. Множество последних, кажется, не уступит ответам.
Нас мучает много загадок. Нам неприятно сознавать, что они есть. Но парадоксу из парадоксов, видимо, всегда быть: отними, кто у нас – и как сменится вмиг знак отношения. И мы немедленно начнем требовать себе то, что отринуть возжелали бы – из того, что вот уже столько веков и лет беспобедно хотим.
Отчего же так? Да потому, что сам человек – тоже загадка! Он все делает, чтобы не делать. Начиная от – живет, чтобы умереть, и, заканчивая по – говорит, чтобы слышать. И всякие головоломки ему нужны с целью, наконец-то, с ними разделаться.
Аристотель считал, что философов порождает безделье. Он был прав, т. к., действительно, не руками гнуться вопросы. Но как глубоко он заблуждался. Где еще есть более тяжкий труд – видеть то, что постигаешь, и никогда не иметь окончание смысла этому видению?! (2,1,6)
Список литературы
The list of the used literature
1. Kanke V. A. Filosofiya. Historical and systematic course: The textbook for higher education institutions. 3rd prod., reslave. and additional – M.: Publishing corporation "Logos", 2000.
2. Many-sided philosophy. In 2 t. – D.: Stalker, 1998.
3. Kissel M. L. Giambattista Vico. – M.: Thought, 1980
4. Vico Giambattista. The basis of new science about the general nature of the nations. Translation and A. A. Guber's comments. Under the general edition of M. A. Lifshits. – L., 1940
5. Юм D. Soch.: In 2 t. – M., 1966
6. Spirkin A. G. Filosofiya: textbook. – M.: Gardarika, 1998
7. World of philosophy: the book for reading. In 2 t. – M.: Politizdat., 1991
8. Fundamentals of philosophy in questions and answers / under the editorship of Ponomarev S. E. Studies. a grant for the highest studies. institutions – M.: Phoenix, 1997
9. My world and I / under the editorship of the prof. B. P. Bitinas: studies. a grant – M.:mezhdunarodny Fund of Education, 1993
10. Radugin A. A. Filosofiya: A course of lectures – M.: Владос, 1995
11. Edging I. Soch.: In 6 t. M, 1964
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