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С этим эссе я заняла 2 место в межвузовском конкурсе эссе на экономические темы ...
In this quotation, the famous British economist Edwin Cannan deals with the concept of economic competition, its importance for the market economy. The author believes that world competition means a contest, a rivalry for the right to be the best at something, to possess something special. According to contemporary economists, competition is the process of achieving the same goals by two or more candidates.
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The war means fighting, military actions, directed one against another. The purpose of any war is the destruction of the enemy. Competition is also the fight, but it does not imply moral or physical destruction of the opponent. It is the fight for access to some resources. In economy the competitors are represented by two or more companies, each of them tries to offer more beneficial conditions to customers in order to win their trust and to break into new markets. In case of war, the competing companies aim only to destroy their opponents, using illegal means, and didn’t seek to improve production.I think that economic competition is mutually beneficial. It encourages a manufacturer to develop new technologies and products that best meet the needs of the consumer. For example, various new programs, operating systems, laptops appear in the market of computer technologies every year. Competition develops science, it is an indisputable fact.Moreover, under competitive conditions, entrepreneurs are forced to think through all aspects of business in order to beat competitors.
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