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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

2. Возобновление контроля над своей территорией после вооруженного конфликта – это вопрос здравого смысла. Территориальная целостность, нерушимость границ и государственный суверенитет – это необходимые составляющие любого государства. The resumption of control over its territory after the armed conflict is a matter of common sense. Territorial integrity, inviolability of borders and national sovereignty is the necessary components of any state.
3. Согласно международному праву, нормы – наставительные предписания, соблюдение которых предотвращает присвоение любым субъектом какой-либо части нейтральных вод или космического пространства; гарантирует исполнение любых обязательств добросовестно, и дает право каждому государству осуществлять государственную власть над своими гражданами. Underinternational law, standards - didactic regulations, compliance with which prevents you from assigning any subject any part of the neutral waters or of outer space; guarantees the fulfillment of any obligations in good faith, and gives the right to every state to exercise governmental authority over their citizens.
4. В средние века война была нормальным состоянием соседних государств. В ходе вооруженных конфликтов противники захватывали заложников, контролировали чужие территории, закладывали собственность королей в обмен на свои собственные жизни. In the middle ages, war was the normal condition of the neighbouring States. During armed conflicts opponents took hostages, controlled foreign territory, laid the property of the kings in exchange for his own life.
5. Установление рабочих рамок для межгосударственных отношений создает благоприятную почву для дальнейшего сотрудничества. The establishment of a framework for inter-state relations creates favorable conditions for further cooperation.
6. Одну из важнейших основ безопасности государств составляет принцип нерушимости государственных границ, что означает отказ от любых территориальных притязаний, а также признание существующих границ на законных основаниях. One of the important bases of the security of States is the principle of inviolability of state borders, which means the refusal of territorial claims, and recognition of existing borders legally.
4. Translate the following text from Russian into English
The principles of international law are the rules that govern the behavior of subjects arising from social practice, legally binding. A principle of international law is a norm of international law binding for all entities.
Compliance with the principles of international law is strictly necessary. To cancel the principle of international law is possible only by cancelling social practice, which is not the power of a single state or group of States.
The principles of international law are formed customary and Treaty by. They fulfil two functions: to contribute to the stabilization of international relations, limiting them to specific regulatory framework, and fix everything new that appears in the practice of international relations, and thus contributes to their development.
A characteristic feature of the principles of international law is their versatility. This means that all subjects of international law are obliged to strictly comply with the principles.
The basic principles of international law committed in the UN Charter. It is widely recognized that the principles of the UN Charter have the character of jus cogens, that is, are the obligations of a higher order and cannot be cancelled by States, either individually or by mutual agreement. The most authoritative documents revealing the content of the principles of modern international law, are the Declaration on principles of international law concerning friendly relations and cooperation among States in accordance with the UN Charter, adopted by the UN General Assembly on 24 October 1970, and the Declaration of principles that States parties will be guided by the mutual relations contained in the Final act of the conference on security and cooperation in Europe of 1 August 1975.
6. Translate the following sentences from English into Russian using your active vocabulary.
1. A state injuring the rights or property of another state in breach of its international obligations incurs international responsibility. Государство, покусившись на права или собственности другого государства, в нарушение своих международных обязательств несет международную ответственность.
2. A state’s violation of international law may be justified on the ground of: consent, force majeure, distress, necessity, self-defense, and countermeasures. Государственное нарушение норм международного права может быть оправдано на основании: согласие, форс-мажор, бедствие, необходимости самообороны, и контрмеры.
3. A state is defined as an entity that has a permanent population, under the control of its own government and that engages in, or has the capacity to engage in, formal relations with other entities. Государство определяется как объект, который имеет постоянное население под контроль свое собственное правительство и занимается, или имеет возможность вступать в официальные отношения с иными лицами.
4. It is a fact of the utmost significance that states — still the most important of the subjects of international law — do not claim that they are above the law or that international law does not bind them. Это то первостепенное значение, которое государства - наиболее важные субъекты международного права - не утверждают, что они выше закона или международного права их не связывает.
7. Translate the following texts from Russian into English using your active vocabulary:
The principle of the sovereign equality of States
The maintenance of international order can only be achieved with full respect for the legal equality of the participants. This means that every state has the duty to respect the sovereignty of other participants in the system, that is their right within its own territory to exercise the legislative, Executive, administrative and judicial authority without any intervention on the part of other States, as well as conducting its foreign policy. Sovereign equality of States is the basis of contemporary international relations, which summarizes in paragraph 1 item 2 of the UN Charter: "the Organization is based on the principle of the sovereign equality of all its Members".
The main social purposes of the principle of sovereign equality is to provide legally equal participation in international Affairs of all States, regardless of differences in economic, social, political or otherwise. Because States are equal members of the international community, they all have essentially the same rights and duties.
According to the Declaration of 1970, sovereign equality includes the following elements:
• States legally equal;
• Each state enjoys the rights inherent in full sovereignty;
• Every state has the duty to respect the personality of other States;
• Territorial integrity and political independence of a state is inviolable;
• Each state has the right freely to choose and develop their political, social, economic and cultural systems;
• Every state has the duty to comply fully and in good faith with its international obligations and to live in peace with other States.
8. Answer the following questions.
1. What are the general principles of International law? The principles are: sovereign equality, respect for the rights inherent in sovereignty; refraining from the threat or use of force; inviolability of frontiers; territorial integrity of States; peaceful settlement of disputes; non-intervention in internal affairs; respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, including the freedom of thought, conscience, religion or belief; equal rights and self-determination of peoples, equal rights and self-determination of peoples; cooperation among States; fulfillment in good faith of obligations under international law.
2. What kinds of peaceful means may be used in the settlement of International disputes? They are negotiation, enquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement or other peaceful means of their own choice including any settlement procedure agreed to in advance of disputes to which they are parties.
3. When international organizations can interfere in the internal affair of some state? They will accordingly refrain from any form of armed intervention or threat of such intervention against another State.
4. What rights are given to the states by the principle ‘Territorial integrity of states’? They will refrain from any action inconsistent with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations against the territorial integrity, political independence or the unity of any State, and in particular from any such action constituting a threat or use of force
5. Should all the states respect human rights irrespective people’s race, religion, nationality? Yes , they should.
6. Collaboration in what fields is meant by the principle ‘Cooperation among states’?
The States will develop their co-operation with one another and with all States in all fields in accordance with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations.
1. Make the literary translation of the text.
Национальность-это связь между индивидуумом и государством. Гражданство подают сначала нужно определить, какой человек, пользуется правами и обязательствами, которые государство предоставляет своим гражданам. Национальность имеет большое значение и выполняет множество функций, в международном праве. На основании гражданства, государства имеют право осуществлять дипломатическую защиту своих граждан. Государства могут осуществлять гражданские или уголовной юрисдикции на основе гражданства. Государства могут отказать в выдаче своих граждан другого государства, направляющего запрос об экстрадиции.
Гражданство также подразумевает определенные обязательства, в частности, обязанность нести военную службу национального государства. Основная идея в гражданстве государства свободы в определении правил национальности. Каждое государство имеет право определять, кто является его гражданином, а кто нет.
Вопросы гражданства подпадают под внутреннюю юрисдикцию каждого государства. Например, Кыргызской только закон может определить, на основе которого кто-то Кыргызский или нет. Под 1930 году Гаагской конвенции по некоторым вопросам, касающимся коллизии гражданства правил, “каждое государство определяет в соответствии со своим законодательством, кто является его гражданами. Этот закон признается другими государствами в той мере, насколько это соответствует международным конвенциям, международному обычаю и общим принципам права, признанным в отношении гражданства ". (Ст. 1) хотя национальность -это прежде всего предмет муниципального права каждого государства, он, тем не менее, руководствуется в большей степени принципов международного права. Хотя каждое государство определяет, кто является его гражданами, национальное законодательство не может противоречить международным конвенциям, международному обычаю и общие принципы права.
2. Answer the questions to the text.
1. What does nationality serve to? Nationality serves first to determine which person enjoys the rights and is bound by the obligations which a state grants to its nationals.
2. What rights do states possess in relation to their citizens? States have the right to exercise diplomatic protection of their own nationals.
3. Does nationality imply any specific obligations of citizens towards the national state? Yes it does.
4. Nationality is not a matter of only national law of each state, is it? No , it is not.
3. Complete the following passage, using suitable forms of the given words:
Legal, the matter, permits, territorial, bigamy, wherever, murder, corollary.
Nationality jurisdiction
It is clear that international law 1) permits (but does not require) a state to exercise jurisdiction over its nationals, 2) legal they may be when the offence or civil wrong is committed. A national is entitled to the diplomatic protection of his or her state at all times and, as a 3) murder, he or she is subject to its civil and criminal jurisdiction. Necessarily, the jurisdiction will not be exercised until the national physically comes within the territory of his or her home state and it may be that the state takes no action because 4) wherever has been dealt with by the state in whose territory the events did occur. However, there is a recognized 5) corollary right to exercise jurisdiction on the basis of nationality, and this is now exercised by the UK in respect of offences of a serious nature (e.g., 6) bigamy , some sexual offences. Thus, in the Trial of Earl Russell [1901] AC 446, the defendant, a UK national, was convicted of 7) the matter even though the second act of marriage took place outside the United Kingdom. This case is also an early (and then rare) example of the subjective 8) territorial principle in operation in the United Kingdom.
4. Match the words listed below with the dictionary definitions which follow.
to dodge
to consider
to restrict
to draw up
1. To keep within limits. to restrict
2. Move quickly to one side, change position or direction, in order to escape or avoid something. to dodge
3. Order within authority that something must not be done, said, etc. ban
4. Contract or other written instrument binding two or more states under international law. treaty
5. Stream flowing from a larger stream, or from a lake, sewage tank, etc. withdrawal
6. To see, hear, recognize, and understand well the difference. distinguish
7. To make valid, to adjust, to process. to consider
8. Relationship between an individual and a state in which the individual owes allegiance to the state and in turn is entitled to its protection. responsibility
9. Process of granting nationality or citizenship to an alien. acquire
10. Colliding, clash, conflict. collision
11. Reasons for saying, doing, or believing something. consequence
12. To take into account, to make allowances for. to draw up
13. That which follows or is brought about as the effect of something. naturalization
14. Impressment, reserve, shut-down, requisitioning. to draw up
15. Being accountable. effluent
16. To gain for oneself by skill or ability, by one’s own efforts or behaviour. ground
5. Read the following text, entitle it, divide it into parts, and give your title to each part you make.
1. Principiles of the State
If nationality rules are ultimately decided by the municipal law of each state, some principles are, however, commonly adopted by states. Nationality may be acquired as the result of birth or it may be acquired by naturalization. A person's nationality is determined by that of his parents (jus sanguinis) or by the state of the territory of birth (jus soli).
2. How to acquire the nationality
These two most important ways of acquiring nationality are not mutually exclusive. The law of a very large number of states rests on both. It is worth mentioning, that many legislations stipulate that children born to foreigners exercising official duties on behalf of their government will not acquire the nationality of the state where their parents exercise their duties.
3. The principle of jus soli
Many states have also applied the principle of jus soli to birth on ships or aircraft registered under their flag: children born on a British vessel could acquire the British nationality (this rule is also applied in Argentina, Commonwealth states, Germany, Norway and the United States). Individuals may acquire a new nationality by naturalization. Naturalization is the formal act whereby an alien is received as a national of a given state. This is based on an explicit and voluntary act of the individual.
4. Naturalization
Many states allow naturalization but usually require social or residential links. A prolonged residence in the state is often a condition of acquiring the nationality of this state. Naturalization is defined as a voluntary act. In some cases nationality may be conferred automatically as the effect of some changes in civil status. In some states, a wife acquires automatically the nationality of her husband (this rule is usually justified by the necessity of maintaining family unity) and she is unable to retain her own nationality even if she intended so.
5. The Convention on the Nationality of Married Women
In order to favour sexual equality, the United Nations General Assembly adopted in 1957 the Convention on the Nationality of Married Women. Under the terms of this convention, each contracting state agrees that "neither the celebration nor the dissolution of marriage between one of its nationals and an alien, nor change of nationality by the husband during marriage, shall affect the wife's nationality automatically". Neither marriage to an alien nor change of the nationality by the husband during marriage shall automatically change the nationality of the wife, render her stateless or force upon her the nationality of husband; States Parties shall grant women equal rights with men with respect to the nationality of the children. «The modern tendency followed by states is that a wife or a husband may acquire her or his spouse's nationality by means of facilitated naturalization. This naturalization is not automatically granted. It needs the consent of the person concerned. Under many legislations a minor may acquire the nationality of his adoptive parents.
6. Try to give your explanation or find synonyms for the following words relating to the given topic:
Protection - defense, guard, prevention, security, barrier
to extradite – to give up
military service - war service
domestic - home
consistent - permanent, unchanged
inconsistent - contradictory, incompatible, inadequate
to acquire – to have
to entitle – to give a name
request - query, plea, requirement
to exercise – to make
to enjoy - to like
7. Translate the text into English.
This legal status, which is characterized by the absence of the person's citizenship of any state. Statelessness can be absolute and relative.
Absolute statelessness statelessness since birth. Relative statelessness statelessness resulting loss of nationality. Statelessness is a legal anomaly. State fighting with him, seeking his limit.
Persons without citizenship (stateless) should not be disenfranchised. In principle, their legal status is determined by the internal law of the state in whose territory they reside. All States are obliged to respect fundamental human rights and in accordance with this to ensure that persons without citizenship the appropriate mode. In each country he, however, has its own characteristics. In Russia the status of stateless persons is essentially equal to the status of foreigners, except for one thing: a foreign diplomatic representative office has no right to provide them with protection. As foreigners, they are not military duty and have no voting rights, are not subject to the same professional limitations on foreigners.
8. Read the following text and make a summary of it in English using active vocabulary.
The population. The concept of population and citizenship
Under the population often mean the totality of individuals living in the moment on the territory of a state.
The population of any country consists of the following categories: citizens of this state, foreigners (the so-called ordinary foreigners, i.e. not using the immunities and privileges), stateless persons, persons with dual citizenship.
Citizenship is stable legal connection between individuals and the state, expressed in the totality of their mutual rights and duties. Sometimes citizenship called a person belonging to the state. Citizenship - sustainable legal relationship because even in case of departure of the citizen abroad his citizenship automatically, as a rule, does not stop.

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