
Английский язык, 4 задания: Форма Gerund or Participle; Косвенные вопросы, пассивные конструкции, инфинитивные формы; Заполнить смысловые пропуски; Трансформировать диалог.

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Контрольная работа*
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Английский язык, 4 задания: Форма Gerund or Participle; Косвенные вопросы, пассивные конструкции, инфинитивные формы; Заполнить смысловые пропуски; Трансформировать диалог. Образец 7071
Английский язык, 4 задания: Форма Gerund or Participle; Косвенные вопросы, пассивные конструкции, инфинитивные формы; Заполнить смысловые пропуски; Трансформировать диалог. Образец 7072
Английский язык, 4 задания: Форма Gerund or Participle; Косвенные вопросы, пассивные конструкции, инфинитивные формы; Заполнить смысловые пропуски; Трансформировать диалог. Образец 7073
Английский язык, 4 задания: Форма Gerund or Participle; Косвенные вопросы, пассивные конструкции, инфинитивные формы; Заполнить смысловые пропуски; Трансформировать диалог. Образец 7074
Английский язык, 4 задания: Форма Gerund or Participle; Косвенные вопросы, пассивные конструкции, инфинитивные формы; Заполнить смысловые пропуски; Трансформировать диалог. Образец 7075
Английский язык, 4 задания: Форма Gerund or Participle; Косвенные вопросы, пассивные конструкции, инфинитивные формы; Заполнить смысловые пропуски; Трансформировать диалог. Образец 7076
Английский язык, 4 задания: Форма Gerund or Participle; Косвенные вопросы, пассивные конструкции, инфинитивные формы; Заполнить смысловые пропуски; Трансформировать диалог. Образец 7077


Английский язык для студентов технических специальностей

Вариант 4


I. Выберите соответствующую форму Gerund or Participle I / II:

1. A lot of wonderful discoveries in the 20th century were the result of the intense work of Russian scientists.

a) making b) having been made c) made

Ответ: ...

2. Heat to a substance won’t always case rise of its temperature.

a) Having added b) Added c) Adding

Ответ: ...

3. Once and if designed properly, the system is very flexible.

a) designing b) having designed c) designed

Ответ: ...

4. Minerals and rocks are subjected to a process of constant development on geological conditions.

a) depending b) depended c) being depended

Ответ: ...

5. Into chemical reactions elements entirely change their properties.

a) Having gone b) Gone c) Going

Ответ: ...

6. When , cold masses of air chill warmer air masses.

a) moved b) moving c) being moved

Ответ: ...

7. They objected to the talks without all the colleagues presented.

a) being held b) holding c) having held

Ответ: ...

8. It is a common observation that bodies expand when.

a) heating b) heated c) being heated

Ответ: ...

9. The exchange rate, the population has all reasons to keep their savings in the local currency.

a) fixed b) fixing c) being fixed

Ответ: ...

10. New machines engineers pay attention to the conditions of their utilization.

a) Designed b) Having designed c) Designing

Ответ: ...

II. Переведите предложения, содержащие косвенные вопросы, пассивные конструкции, инфинитивные формы:

1) The question whether the atom can or cannot be split up is known to have interested scientists from ancient times.

Вопрос, можно ли поделить атом, как известно, интересовал ученых из древних времен. (косвенный вопрос)

2) The intention of the present work was to see whether a detailed study of a range of alloys would reveal any regularities of behavior.

Перевод: ...

3) Chemical methods of purifying water are given much attention to by our scientists.

Перевод: ...

4) The use of metals is affected by the available ore resources, the cost of extraction and refining, and the way in which they can be employed to practical advantage.

Перевод: ...

5) It is not possible to obtain as high thermal efficiencies when furnaces are fired with raw coal as with other means of firing, but these matters will not be dealt with here.

Перевод: ...

6) Retardation may be looked upon as negative acceleration.

Перевод: ...

7) When a concentrated clay suspension is allowed to settle, the clay will occupy a volume, which is different from the original volume of clay.

Перевод: ...

8) There are many methods available for the measurement of magnetics susceptibility. The choice of a method depends on the problem to be solved.

Перевод: ...

9) There are crystals in which there appears to be two types of interatomic attraction acting at the same time.

Перевод: ...

10) Metals known to exist in more than one crystallographic forms are cobalt, cerium, tin, manganese, chromium, and thallium.

Перевод: ...

11) We might synthesize water by allowing hydrogen and oxygen to combine, which they do very readily.

Перевод: ...

12) X-rays have been of tremendous assistance to the engineer in enabling him to work by knowledge instead of by rule of thumb.

Перевод: ...

13) Some mistakes must have been made in assembling the parts of the machine. Chalk is made of the shells of little animals. They must have been tiny things, for you can only see the shells with a very strong glass.

Перевод: ...

III. Заполните смысловые пропуски в тексте следующими словами: building, pump, valve, absorb, fluid, pressure, expansion, evaporator, condenser, heated.


A heat pump is an electrical device that pumps heat from one place to another. During cold weather, it extracts heat from the outside air, and transfers it into the (1). During hot weather, the heat (2) reverses this operation, and transfers heat from inside the building to the outside.

The machine is based on the two principles of the refrigeration cycle: (1) when a gas is compressed, it condenses, and gives out heat, and (2) when a liquid is expanded, it evaporates, and absorbs (or takes in) heat.

The main parts of a heat pump are a compressor, an expansion valve, two fans, a reversing (3) and two sets of coils, one on the outside and the other on the inside of the building. The coils are thin pipes which are bent in a U-shape many times, they can (4) and give out heat.

The compressor pumps a special fluid called a refrigerant around the coils. The refrigerant is under high (5) as it flows from the compressor to the condenser. As the (6) passes around the condenser coils, it gives out heat to the surrounding air. The fluid then passes through the (7) valve. Here the pressure is suddenly reduced and the fluid expands. This makes it evaporate. As the fluid passes around the evaporator coils, it absorbs heat from the surrounding air, making it cold. Then the fluid flows back to the compressor.


In cold weather, the outside coil acts as the (8) and the inside coil acts as the (9). The fluid in the evaporator is under low pressure, and so it evaporates. The fan pulls the outside air over the evaporator and the fluid absorbs heat from it. The compressor then pumps the heated fluid into the building under high pressure to the condenser. The second fan blows air over the condenser, and the (10) air is blown into the building.


1) building
2) ...
10) ...

IV. Трансформируйте диалог, согласно образцу:

DIALOGUE [L. = Lisa; С. = caller]
L.: Technical support, Lisa here. What’s the problem?
C.: Hi, Lisa. Bill here. I’ve set up a wireless router in the next room to my computer. But I can’t get a connection between the router and the computer.
L.: Aha. How far is the router from the computer?
C.: It’s only about eight meters away.
L.: Well, another electronic device could be interfering with the connection.
C.: What kind of device?
L.: It could be a cordless phone, a microwave oven, anything really. Do you have a cordless phone?
C.: Yes, I’ll check it now. Thanks.

Ответ ...

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* Категория работы носит оценочный характер в соответствии с качественными и количественными параметрами предоставляемого материала. Данный материал ни целиком, ни любая из его частей не является готовым научным трудом, выпускной квалификационной работой, научным докладом или иной работой, предусмотренной государственной системой научной аттестации или необходимой для прохождения промежуточной или итоговой аттестации. Данный материал представляет собой субъективный результат обработки, структурирования и форматирования собранной его автором информации и предназначен, прежде всего, для использования в качестве источника для самостоятельной подготовки работы указанной тематики.
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