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This work is about traditions and customs of British Parliament, 2015 ...


Dogs, except guide dogs are not allowed in the parliament building. One member of the lower house of parliament, David Blunkett, is deprived of vision, so he always brings along his guide dog Lucy.


If you arrive in Great Britain you'll hear the word “tradition” everywhere. Englishmen have sentimental love for things and traditions. They never throw away old things. And of course there are many interesting traditions in British Parliament.

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

The Woolsack in the House of Lords.The Lord Speaker in the House of Lords is sitting on a sack of wool. This custom came from the Middle Ages, when England was a major exporter of wool and woolen products to Europe and was considered the leading manufacturer in quality and quantity of material. Symbolizing the country's national treasures, the Lord Speaker sat and still sits on the bag, stuffed with wool. The only change in tradition - a bag stuffed with wool production is not only Britain but other countries of the Commonwealth, which symbolizes the unity of these countries.Police.When the meetings in the parliament end police shouts «Who goes home?» This tradition began in the days when London didn’t have central street lighting yet , and members of parliament walked home in small groups, reducing the risk of being robbed on the dark streets of the city. By the way, probably true today, especially since the scheduled evening sessions end at 10 pm, but they could be continued well after midnight. The police do not enter the courtroom as long as the discussion is over."Unparliamentary language".Expressions used in the House, should be subject to special rules. The Parliament can’t pronounce the words and expressions that may offend other members of parliament, can’t use offensive language, hinting or openly declare that another member of the House is lying or drunk, and pervert the words of others. A small glossary of banned words in Parliament: blackguard, coward, git, hooligan, rat, swine, stool -pigeon and the traitor. If someone has violated these rules, the Speaker will ask that someone take them back. If he does not obey, blame person can be punished and even dismissed from the meeting for a specified period.Dogs.

Список литературы

1. http://www.parliament.uk
2. http://ru.wikipedia.org
3. From the history of British modern and contemporary. Vyatkin V. M. 2004.
4. National parliaments of the world. Encyclopedic dictionary. Saidov A. H. 2005.
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