
Этимологический анализ слов (английский)

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It is also possible to be adopted straight from Latin language. The type of adoption is transliteration, which means that adopted word victorie was changed to victory according to phonetic features of English language.There is also a word ‘Victor’ as a proper noun in the English language, which came the same way from the OFrench (victor) from Latin noun (victorem = “the conquer”) from Latin verb vincere = “to conquer, to defeat”. Conclusion: the word ‘victory’ appeared in Early Middle English period from Old French language. The layer is Indo-European (from PIE (Proto-Indo-European root *weik). 3. Channel The result of etymological analysis is represented in the table 3. Table 3.Timenowadaysearly XIV centuryLanguageEnglishOld FrenchLatinWordchannelchanelcanalisMeaningBeg of runningwaterBeg of a waterway; tube; pipewaterpipe The Table 3 shows that the word ‘channel’ appeared from Old French language (Latin basement) and was used in Middle English language. The type of adoption is transliteration, which means that adopted word chanel was changed to channel according to phonetic features of English language by gemination of ‘n’ .There is also a patronymic synonym ‘canal’ which came the same way from the OFrench (indirect adoption) or straight from Latin (direct adoption). The word has the same meaning as ‘channel’.Conclusion: the word ‘channel’ appeared in Classic Middle English period from Old French language. The layer is Indo-European.4. SectionThe result of etymological analysis is represented in the table 4. Table 4.TimenowadaysLate XVI centuryLanguageEnglishOld FrenchLatinWordsectionsectionsectionemMeaningsectionIntersection of two straight lines, division of a scaleCutting off, devision The Table 4 shows that the word ‘section’ appeared from Old French language (Latin basement). It is also possible to be adopted straight from Latin language. Because, for example, another English word with the same root – ‘vivisection’ was adopted directly from Latin (‘ vivi’ (“alive”) + ‘section’ (“cutting of”)). The meaning is dissection of animal. The type of adoption is transcription, because the world didn’t change it morphological and phonetic structure. There are also some hybrid words, derivative from ‘section’ (verb): Sectioning, sectioned, by the adding –ing and –ed at the end of the word. Conclusion: the word ‘section’ appeared in Classic Middle English period from Old French language. The layer is Indo-European (from PIE (Proto-Indo-European root *sek). 5. DevonThe result of etymological analysis is represented in the table 5. Table 5.TimenowadaysI centuryLanguageEnglishOld EnglishCelticWordDevonDefenaDumnoniiMeaningCounty nameTerritory of the DefenaTerritory of the Dumnonii The Table 5 shows that the proper word ‘Devon’ appeared from Old English language (from Celtic). The type of adoption is transliteration, which means that adopted word Defena was phonetically adapted to Devon. Devonshire:Devon from OE native shire from OE ‘scir’ from Proto-Germanic *skizo native.The word is native. Conclusion: the word ‘section’ appeared in Old English. The layer is Proto-Germanic. 6. Cumberland7. DeiraDeira is an ancient Anglo-Saxon kingdom, which was founded by people from Germanic tribes in the middle of the VI century on the territory of North-East part of England. Comes from Old English Deren Rice. But actually in Latin language this region was called Deira. So, probably, at the beginning it was first proper name from OE – Deren Rice, which was combined in one word and reduced in Latin language. Then it came back to England in Latin transcription. Conclusion: the word ‘Deira’ appeared in Old English. The layer is English Specific.8. BernicaThe result of etymological analysis is represented in the table 7. Table 7.TimenowadaysXIV-XV centuryXII-XIV centuryApprox.

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