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Контрольная работа*
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Контрольная работа №4 (3)
I. Прочитайте, а затеи письменно переведите 1, 2, 3 абзацы текста. Английский текст перепишите на левой странице тетради, русский - на правой:
l. In everyday conversation the word “resistance” is, generally, used to mean anything that tends to oppose motion.
2. If a tram is running at a uniform speed along straight rails friction tends to reduce the speed of the tram, opposing its motion. Likewise, resistance tends to reduce the flow of electric current.
The power expended in maintaining the current through resistance is transformed into heat. That is why, heat develops in a metallic conductor, whenever current flows. The amount of heat developed when the current is flowing through the conductor is the measure of the ohmic resistance of the conductor. ...
I. Прочитайте, а затеи письменно переведите 1, 2, 3 абзацы текста. Английский текст перепишите на левой странице тетради, русский - на правой:
l. In everyday conversation the word “resistance” is, generally, used to mean anything that tends to oppose motion.
2. If a tram is running at a uniform speed along straight rails friction tends to reduce the speed of the tram, opposing its motion. Likewise, resistance tends to reduce the flow of electric current.
The power expended in maintaining the current through resistance is transformed into heat. That is why, heat develops in a metallic conductor, whenever current flows. The amount of heat developed when the current is flowing through the conductor is the measure of the ohmic resistance of the conductor.
3. When an electric current flows through a resistance, there is a loss of energy as well as a loss of voltage or electric pressure and both these Josses are directly proportional to the amount of resistance.
4. The larger the diameter of the wire, the smaller the resistance is and, hence, the more current will flow through it. This relationship between current, strength and the cross-sectional area of a conductor was first established by Petroff, our first Russian electrician.
5. As a rule, if the length of a conductor is doubled, the resistance is doubled and if its cross-sectional area is doubled, its resistance is halved.
II. Найдите в тексте ответы на следующие вопросы:
1. What happens with the resistance if the diameter of the wire becomes
2. Who established the relationship between current, strength and the cross- sectional area of a conductor?
III. Найдите в тексте производные от следующих слов, выпишите их. переведите на русский язык, укажите часть речи:
1. resist
2. general
3. oppose
4. conduct
5. volt
6. proportion
7. press
8. direct
IV. Перепишите и переведите на русский язык следующие предложения. Подчеркните инфинитив и определите его функцию:
1. То charge an object by induction, you have to hold a charged body at some distance near the object to be charged.
2. We use these lines of force in order to picture the electric field more clearly.
3. To analyze this effect is to give due considerations to all the elements.
4. To find an instrument better suited for our testing was the next problem to be faced.
V. Перепишите и переведите следующие предложения. Подчеркните причастия 1 и 2 и определите их функции:
1. The measurement of electrical energy is usually expressed in watt hours.
2. Using ohm’s Low and the low of the force of interaction between the magnet and the current, we can make very simple instruments.
3. The deflection is measured by means of a pointer attached to the armature.
4. In this chapter we shall discuss the important effects accompanying the motion of electric charge.
VI. Перепишите и переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, подчеркните герундий:
1. Comparing the performance of these instruments is the only means of solving the problem under discussion
2. Any of the above-mentioned effects may be used for detecting and measuring current.
3. In this work the scientist described in detail the methods of constructing and using a battery.
4. The power expended in maintaining the current through resistance is transformed into heat.
VII. Перепишите и переведите следующие предложения с конструкцией it is (was) ... that (who, which):
1. It is to this invention that we owe the development of modem electrical science and industry.
2. It is this electron stream towards the positive electrode that represents the electric current.
3. It was Benjamin Franklin who was the first to find, the defense against destructive action lightning.
I. Прочитайте, а затеи письменно переведите 1, 2, 3 абзацы текста. Английский текст перепишите на левой странице тетради, русский - на правой:
l. In everyday conversation the word “resistance” is, generally, used to mean anything that tends to oppose motion.
2. If a tram is running at a uniform speed along straight rails friction tends to reduce the speed of the tram, opposing its motion. Likewise, resistance tends to reduce the flow of electric current.
The power expended in maintaining the current through resistance is transformed into heat. That is why, heat develops in a metallic conductor, whenever current flows. The amount of heat developed when the current is flowing through the conductor is the measure of the ohmic resistance of the conductor.
3. When an electric curre nt flows through a resistance, there is a loss of energy as well as a loss of voltage or electric pressure and both these Josses are directly proportional to the amount of resistance.
4. The larger the diameter of the wire, the smaller the resistance is and, hence, the more current will flow through it. This relationship between current, strength and the cross-sectional area of a conductor was first established by Petroff, our first Russian electrician.
5. As a rule, if the length of a conductor is doubled, the resistance is doubled and if its cross-sectional area is doubled, its resistance is halved.
II. Найдите в тексте ответы на следующие вопросы:
1. What happens with the resistance if the diameter of the wire becomes
2. Who established the relationship between current, strength and the cross- sectional area of a conductor?
III. Найдите в тексте производные от следующих слов, выпишите их. переведите на русский язык, укажите часть речи:
1. resist
2. general
3. oppose
4. conduct
5. volt
6. proportion
7. press
8. direct
IV. Перепишите и переведите на русский язык следующие предложения. Подчеркните инфинитив и определите его функцию:
1. То charge an object by induction, you have to hold a charged body at some distance near the object to be charged.
2. We use these lines of force in order to picture the electric field more clearly.
3. To analyze this effect is to give due considerations to all the elements.
4. To find an instrument better suited for our testing was the next problem to be faced.
V. Перепишите и переведите следующие предложения. Подчеркните причастия 1 и 2 и определите их функции:
1. The measurement of electrical energy is usually expressed in watt hours.
2. Using ohm’s Low and the low of the force of interaction between the magnet and the current, we can make very simple instruments.
3. The deflection is measured by means of a pointer attached to the armature.
4. In this chapter we shall discuss the important effects accompanying the motion of electric charge.
VI. Перепишите и переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, подчеркните герундий:
1. Comparing the performance of these instruments is the only means of solving the problem under discussion
2. Any of the above-mentioned effects may be used for detecting and measuring current.
3. In this work the scientist described in detail the methods of constructing and using a battery.
4. The power expended in maintaining the current through resistance is transformed into heat.
VII. Перепишите и переведите следующие предложения с конструкцией it is (was) ... that (who, which):
1. It is to this invention that we owe the development of modem electrical science and industry.
2. It is this electron stream towards the positive electrode that represents the electric current.
3. It was Benjamin Franklin who was the first to find, the defense against destructive action lightning.
Фрагмент работы для ознакомления
Таким образом, сопротивление ведёт к снижению скорости распространения электрического тока.Энергия, потраченная на сохранение тока при сопротивлении, превращается в тепло. Вот почему тепло вырабатывается в металлических проводниках, когда по ним проходит ток. Количество тепловой энергии, которая была выделена в результате прохождения тока через проводник, является измерительной единицей омического сопротивления проводника.3. When an electric current flows through a resistance, there is a loss of energy as well as a loss of voltage or electric pressure and both these losses are directly proportional to the amount of resistance.Когда электрический ток сталкивается с сопротивлением, выделяется меньше энергии, а также значение вольтажа, или электрического напряжения, становится ниже. Оба этихпоказателя соответствуют величине напряжения. II. Найдите в тексте ответы на следующие вопросы:1. What happens with the resistance if the diameter of the wire becomes larger?If the diameter of the wire becomes larger, the resistance become smaller.2. Who established the relationship between current, strength and the cross- sectional area of a conductor?The relationship between current, strength and the cross- sectional area of a conductor was first established by Petroff, our first Russian electrician.III. Найдите в тексте производные от следующих слов, выпишите их. переведите на русский язык, укажите часть речи:1. resistresistance – сущ.сопротивление2. generalgenerally – нар.обычно, как правило3. opposeopposing – прил.противостоящий4. conductconductor – сущ.проводник5. voltvoltage – сущ.вольтаж, электрическое напряжение6. proportionproportional – прил.пропорциональный7. presspressure – сущ.напряжение8. directdirectly – нар.напрямуюIV. Перепишите и переведите на русский язык следующие предложения. Подчеркните инфинитив и определите его функцию:1. То charge an object by induction, you have to hold a charged body at some distance near the object to be charged.Чтобы зарядить предмет электромагнитной индукцией, вам нужно держать заряженный предмет на небольшой дистанции от предмета, который нужно зарядить.То charge – обстоятельство целиto hold – составная част именного сказуемогоto be charged – определение2. We use these lines of force in order to picture the electric field more clearly.Мы используем эти силовые линии, чтобы более точно изобразить электрическое поле.to picture – обстоятельство цели3. To analyze this effect is to give due considerations to all the elements.Чтобы проанализировать это вещество, нужно уделить должное внимание всем его элементам.To analyze – подлежащееto give – именная часть составного сказуемого4. To find an instrument better suited for our testing was the next problem to be faced.Поиск инструмента, который бы лучше подходил для нашего эксперимента, To find – подлежащееto be faced – определение V. Перепишите и переведите следующие предложения. Подчеркните причастия 1 и 2 и определите их функции:1. The measurement of electrical energy is usually expressed in watt hours.
Список литературы
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* Категория работы носит оценочный характер в соответствии с качественными и количественными параметрами предоставляемого материала. Данный материал ни целиком, ни любая из его частей не является готовым научным трудом, выпускной квалификационной работой, научным докладом или иной работой, предусмотренной государственной системой научной аттестации или необходимой для прохождения промежуточной или итоговой аттестации. Данный материал представляет собой субъективный результат обработки, структурирования и форматирования собранной его автором информации и предназначен, прежде всего, для использования в качестве источника для самостоятельной подготовки работы указанной тематики.
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