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Задание 1. Назовите номера предложений, глагол-сказуемое которых стоит в Past Perfect Tense (прошедшее совершенное время), и переведите предложения на русский язык:
1. Have you ever been to Piccadilly Circus?
2. She was doing her flat the whole day on Saturday.
3. He had learnt English before he went to the USA.
4. We have already studied seven English tenses.
5. He had discussed the problem with a lot of people before he took a decision.
Задание 2. Найдите герундий и подчеркните его, переведите предложения на русский язык:
1. Have you finished writing?
2. I had no hope of getting an answer before the end pf the month.
3. Iron is found by digging in the earth.
Задание 3. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на согласование времён:
1. I knew that she had go ...
Задание 1. Назовите номера предложений, глагол-сказуемое которых стоит в Past Perfect Tense (прошедшее совершенное время), и переведите предложения на русский язык:
1. Have you ever been to Piccadilly Circus?
2. She was doing her flat the whole day on Saturday.
3. He had learnt English before he went to the USA.
4. We have already studied seven English tenses.
5. He had discussed the problem with a lot of people before he took a decision.
Задание 2. Найдите герундий и подчеркните его, переведите предложения на русский язык:
1. Have you finished writing?
2. I had no hope of getting an answer before the end pf the month.
3. Iron is found by digging in the earth.
Задание 3. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на согласование времён:
1. I knew that she had gone to Great Britain two weeks before.
2. We asked her what places of interest she would visit in London.
3. She answered that she was a student of London University.
Задание 4. Выберите требуемую форму глагола и переведите предложения на русский язык:
1. If the weather was fine, we ( shall play, should play) outside.
2. If he doesn’t come in time, we (shall have, should have) to wain for him.
3. If she asked me yesterday, I ( shall tell, should have told) her all about it.
Задание 5. Прочитайте текст
Power in Great Britain is divided among three branches: the legislative branch, the executive branch and the judicial branch. The legislative branch is represented by Parliament which consists of two chambers, or houses: the House of Lords and the House of Commons.
Parliament in Britain has existed since 1265. Having been organized in the reign of King Edward 1, ii is the oldest parliament in the world. The House of Lords consists of more than 1000 peers, including the "lords spiritual": the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Archbishop of York, and 24 bishops of the Church of England. The peers (with the exception of the "lords spiritual") have the right to sit in Parliament during their lifetime and transmit their right to their eldest sons.
During the present century a new practice has appeared: the practice of «creating» new peers. They are called "life peers", because their children do not inherit their titles like the children of hereditary peers. New peers are created by the monarch on the advice of the Prime Minster. Sometimes a prominent politician is made a peer, sometimes a leading civil servant who has served the country well. As a result, about one-third of the Lords today are not representatives of hereditary nobility but company directors, bankers, newspaper proprietors and other businessmen.
The members of the House of Commons are elected by a general election. The whole country is divided into constituencies every one of which chooses one delegate. Big cities are divided into l constituencies each. Members of the House of Commons are elected for 5 years.
1. Which are three branches of state power in the United Kingdom?
2. What body is the legislative power represented by?
3. The British Parliament is the oldest parliament in the world, isn’t it? Since what time has it existed? How old is, it ?
4. Which are the two chambers of the British Parliament?
5. How many peers are there in the House of Lords? Who are the «Lords spiritual»?
6. Who are «hereditary peers» and «life peers»? How are life peers created?
7. How are the members of the House of Commons elected? How often do general elections of the House of Commons take place?
Задание 1. Назовите номера предложений, глагол-сказуемое которых стоит в Past Perfect Tense (прошедшее совершенное время), и переведите предложения на русский язык:
1. Have you ever been to Piccadilly Circus?
2. She was doing her flat the whole day on Saturday.
3. He had learnt English before he went to the USA.
4. We have already studied seven English tenses.
5. He had discussed the problem with a lot of people before he took a decision.
Задание 2. Найдите герундий и подчеркните его, переведите предложения на русский язык:
1. Have you finished writing?
2. I had no hope of getting an answer before the end pf the month.
3. Iron is found by digging in the earth.
Задание 3. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на согласование времён:
1. I knew that she had go ne to Great Britain two weeks before.
2. We asked her what places of interest she would visit in London.
3. She answered that she was a student of London University.
Задание 4. Выберите требуемую форму глагола и переведите предложения на русский язык:
1. If the weather was fine, we ( shall play, should play) outside.
2. If he doesn’t come in time, we (shall have, should have) to wain for him.
3. If she asked me yesterday, I ( shall tell, should have told) her all about it.
Задание 5. Прочитайте текст
Power in Great Britain is divided among three branches: the legislative branch, the executive branch and the judicial branch. The legislative branch is represented by Parliament which consists of two chambers, or houses: the House of Lords and the House of Commons.
Parliament in Britain has existed since 1265. Having been organized in the reign of King Edward 1, ii is the oldest parliament in the world. The House of Lords consists of more than 1000 peers, including the "lords spiritual": the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Archbishop of York, and 24 bishops of the Church of England. The peers (with the exception of the "lords spiritual") have the right to sit in Parliament during their lifetime and transmit their right to their eldest sons.
During the present century a new practice has appeared: the practice of «creating» new peers. They are called "life peers", because their children do not inherit their titles like the children of hereditary peers. New peers are created by the monarch on the advice of the Prime Minster. Sometimes a prominent politician is made a peer, sometimes a leading civil servant who has served the country well. As a result, about one-third of the Lords today are not representatives of hereditary nobility but company directors, bankers, newspaper proprietors and other businessmen.
The members of the House of Commons are elected by a general election. The whole country is divided into constituencies every one of which chooses one delegate. Big cities are divided into l constituencies each. Members of the House of Commons are elected for 5 years.
1. Which are three branches of state power in the United Kingdom?
2. What body is the legislative power represented by?
3. The British Parliament is the oldest parliament in the world, isn’t it? Since what time has it existed? How old is, it ?
4. Which are the two chambers of the British Parliament?
5. How many peers are there in the House of Lords? Who are the «Lords spiritual»?
6. Who are «hereditary peers» and «life peers»? How are life peers created?
7. How are the members of the House of Commons elected? How often do general elections of the House of Commons take place?
Фрагмент работы для ознакомления
Если он не придёт вовремя, мы подождём его.3. If she asked me yesterday, I should have told her all about it.Если бы она меня спросила вчера, я бы рассказал ей всё об этом.Задание 5. Прочитайте текстPower in Great Britain is divided among three branches: the legislative branch, the executive branch and the judicial branch. The legislative branch is represented by Parliament which consists of two chambers, or houses: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. Parliament in Britain has existed since 1265. Having been organized in the reign of King Edward 1, ii is the oldest parliament in the world. The House of Lords consists of more than 1000 peers, including the "lords spiritual": the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Archbishop of York, and 24 bishops of the Church of England. The peers (with the exception of the "lords spiritual") have the right to sit in Parliament during their lifetime and transmit their right to their eldest sons. During the present century a new practice has appeared: the practice of «creating» new peers. They are called "life peers", because their children do not inherit their titles like the children of hereditary peers. New peers are created by the monarch on the advice of the Prime Minster. Sometimes a prominent politician is made a peer, sometimes a leading civil servant who has served the country well. As a result, about one-third of the Lords today are not representatives of hereditary nobility but company directors, bankers, newspaper proprietors and other businessmen. The members of the House of Commons are elected by a general election. The whole country is divided into constituencies every one of which chooses one delegate. Big cities are divided into l constituencies each. Members of the House of Commons are elected for 5 years. ОТВЕТИТЬ НА ВОПРОСЫ К ТЕКСТУ: 1.
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* Категория работы носит оценочный характер в соответствии с качественными и количественными параметрами предоставляемого материала. Данный материал ни целиком, ни любая из его частей не является готовым научным трудом, выпускной квалификационной работой, научным докладом или иной работой, предусмотренной государственной системой научной аттестации или необходимой для прохождения промежуточной или итоговой аттестации. Данный материал представляет собой субъективный результат обработки, структурирования и форматирования собранной его автором информации и предназначен, прежде всего, для использования в качестве источника для самостоятельной подготовки работы указанной тематики.
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