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Международное частное право является комплексной ветвью права, нарабатывающей обширную правоприменительную практику в связи с усилением взаимодействия между странами, развитием благоприятным условий для проживания и деятельности иностранных граждан, и развитием международного сотрудничества в целом. Вместе с развитием права развиваются и его источники, во многом отличающиеся от привычных национальным системам источников права, но этим, в то же время, создающие новые возможности для совершенствования национального и международного законодательства.
Введение 3
Эволюция источников международного частного права 3
Заключение 6
Глоссарий 8
Список источников 29
Сравнительно молодая наука международного частного права начала стремительно развиваться со второй половины XX века в связи со стремительной интеграцией экономических систем европейских стран. После падения «железного занавеса» к этому процессу присоединилась и Россия. Разумеется, в законодательстве СССР были нормы, касающиеся гражданско-правовых отношений с иностранным элементом. Но в ситуации, когда государство монополизирует все экспортно-импортные операции, говорить о таких отношениях как о частном праве довольно сложно.
Фрагмент работы для ознакомления
ГарантияWarranty - A guarantee given on the performance of a product or the doing of a certain thing.Государственный иммунитетState Immunity - A principle of international law which exempts a State from prosecution or suit for the violation of the domestic laws of another state.Гражданство физического лицаCitizenship - The status of an individual as owing allegiance to, and enjoying the benefits of, a designated state.Движимое имуществоMovable – in Civil law: things not attached to land and which may be carried from place to place.Дееспособность физического лицаLegal capacity – A person's authority under law to engage in a particular undertaking or maintain a particular status.ДенонсацияDenunciation - A principle of sentencing in criminal law; that the sentence send a clear message to thegeneral public that the offence is serious and the punishment just.ДепортацияRefoulement - The return of an alleged refugee to his state of origin.ДепонентBailor - The person who temporarily transfers possession of property to another, the bailee, under a contract of bailment.Доверенность на голосованиеProxy - A written appointment given by a voting member of an organization to another person allowing the proxy holder to attend a specific meeting on the member’s behalf, including the exercise of the member’s voting rights.Договор купли-продажиContract of purchaseДоговор морского содействияSOLAS - Safety of Life at Sea Treaty – International treaty promoting the safety of life at sea.Договор не имеющий юридической силыVoid contractДоговор по факторинговым операциямFactoring agreement is a specialized financial service that allows a business to receive cash up front for services rendered or products delivered – without having to wait for customers to pay their bills.Договор подрядаTurnkey contractДоговор форфейтингаForfeiting is A type of financing that whereby a bank gives an exporter cash up front so as to guarantee payment to them. Used primarily when export traders deal with high risk countries.ДолжникObligor - A person who is contractually or legally, committed or obliged, to providing something to another person (the obligee).Закон гражданства (lex patriae) The term lex patriae is Latin for the law of nationality in the Conflict of Laws which is the system of public law applied to any lawsuit where there is a choice to be made between several possibly relevant laws.Закон места заключения сделки (lex loci contractus).Lex Loci - the law of the place where the contract is made.Закон места причинения вредаPlace of the Wrong - A selection of a venue to serve as the nexus of a tort when the tort evolves from a series of events, and for the purposes of establishing liability that may flow from the alleged tort.Закон местонахождения вещиLex Situs - A conflict of law rule that selects the applicable law based on the venue or location of something.Закон об иммунитете государства и его собственностиstatute on the immunity of the state and its propertyЗакон флага (lex flagi)Law of the Flag - A principle of maritime and international law; that the sailors and vessel will be subject to the laws of the state corresponding to the flag flown by the vessel.Закон, избранный сторонами гражданского правоотношения (lex voluntatis) Choice of Law Clause - A term of a contract which sets the jurisdiction for dispute resolution, or the applicable law, in the event of any dispute between the conrtracting parties.Закрытое завещаниеMystic Will - A sealed and secret will requiring strict formalities and available only in limited civil law jurisdictions.ЗалогодательMortgagor - The person who borrows money secured by conceding a mortgage against his interest in real property.ЗалогодержательMortgagee - The person who extends credit secured by a mortgage; the mortgage lender.Зарубежные инвестицииForeign investment consists of flows of capital from one nation to another in exchange for significant ownership stakes in domestic companies or other domestic assets. Знак обслуживанияA service mark is a parallel usage to a trademark, but is used for services, rather than goods.Зона свободного предпринимательстваFree enterprise zone ИндоссаментEndorsement (alternatively spelt "indorsement") a signature on a negotiable instrument such as a check (cheque), indicating a person's intent to become a party to the instrument.Исключающая оговоркаExclusion Clause - A clause in a contract which limits remedies one party may have in specified events; eg. a clause in an insurance contract that eliminates coverage for specified events.КлаузулаClause - a special position in the international treaty or agreement. It is used to refer to a variety of specific terms and conditions: to grant MFN to trade, for universal participation in the contract, a radical change in the circumstances of the compulsory jurisdiction of the international court, and others.Коллизия праваConflict of Laws -A specialized branch of law which resolves cases which have an element of conflicting foreign law.КоносаментA bill of lading (sometimes abbreviated as B/L or BoL) is a document issued by a carrier which details a shipment of merchandise and gives title of that shipment to a specified party.КредиторObligee - The person who is to receive the benefit of someone else's obligation.ЛицензиарLicensor - The person who grants a license to another, the latter called the licensee.ЛицензиатLicensee - The recipient or beneficiary of a license to use something.ЛицензияLicense - A special permission to do something on, or with, somebody else’s property which, were it not for the license, could be legally prevented or give rise to legal action in tort or trespass.Личный закон юридического лицаPersonal law of artificial persons - the category of conflicts of law, the right to a particular state, competent to answer the questions related to the personality of a legal entity.Международное морское правоThe international law of the sea - a set of legal principles and norms governing relations between States and international organizations arising in connection with their activities on the use of the seas and oceans and their resources, and in some sluchaev- airspace over certain maritime areas (eg straits , open sea).Международное правоLaw of Nations - the body of rules that nations in the international community universally abide by, or accede to, out of a sense of legal obligation and mutual concern.Международное торговое правоLaw Merchant - international commercial law; the law as it relates to merchantМеждународный договорThe International Treaty - an agreement between two or more States or other subjects of international law relating to the establishment, modification or termination of their mutual rights and responsibilities in the political, economic or otherwise.Международный обычайInternational practice - usually created by a long-term application in relations between all or some States, but not enshrined in an international treaty.Мировое соглашениеOut-of-Court Settlement - An agreement between two litigants to settle a matter privately before the Court has rendered its decision.МонопсонияMonopsony - Market conditions in which there exists only one buyer for a commodity or service.Морское правоMaritime Law - specialized body of law particular to transportation by water.Наследственное правоEstate Law - That part of the law which regulates wills, trusts, probate and other subjects related to the management of another's property.Национальная безопасностьNational Emergency - A situation beyond the ordinary which threatens the health or safety of citizens and which cannot be properly addressed by the use of other law.Национальность юридического лицаNationality of artificial persons - it is a legal entity belonging to the state specified.Национальный режим товаровNational Treatment - A tenet of international trade agreements whereby nations must afford imported goods the same treatment that they afford domestic or national products (no discrimination).НедвижимостьReal Estate, Real Property - Same as real property; land and rights attached to landНейтралитетNeutrality - A state's declared impartiality and non-interference in the declared or de facto war of other states.Номинальный владелецPro Possessore - Latin: a person who holds something only as possessor, not necessarily as owner.Общее (публичное) имуществоPublic Domain - Property that is available or accessible to the public.Общее имущество супруговMarital Property - Property acquired by either of two spouses while they are married together.Обязательство из причинения вредаObligations - A legal requirement established by law, contract or as a result of unlawful harm caused to the person or property of another.Оговорка о непримененииPromissory Estoppel - A promise made to another party to a contract that the contract will not be enforced in whole or in part and which, once acted upon, prevents subsequent proceedings to enforce the contract as against the person who relied on the promise.Оговорка об обязательности досудебного урегулирования спораScott v Avery Clause - A contract between two parties that they will submit any dispute between them to arbitration before taking any court action.ОлигополииOligopoly - A market condition in which there are but a few sellers of a specific product or service.Отвод Recusation - An application made to a judge that he/she not hear a particular case because of a real or perceived conflict of interest; that the judge recuse himself (abstain) from the case.Отказ от праваWaiver - An intentional relinquishment or abandonment of a known right or privilege.ОфертаOffer - A explicit proposal to contract which, if accepted, completes the contract and binds both the person that made the offer and the person accepting the offer to the terms of the contract.Персона нон-гратаPersona Non Grata - an unwelcome person. A diplomat who is no longer welcome to the government to which he is accredited.ПетицияPetition - The formal, written document submitted to a court, and which asks for the court to redress what is described in the petition as being an injustice of some kind.Пиратство (интеллектуальная собственность)Piracy (Intellectual Property) - Unauthorized duplication of an matter protected by intellectual property.Пиратство (морское право)Piracy (Maritime Law) - Violence or depredation on the high seas or in the air, for private ends, using aircraft or vessels.ПлагиатPlagiarism - The representation of the work of others as one's own.Политическое убежищеAsylum - granting of a particular State to a person from fleeing from the persecution to which it is exposed in their country of citizenship or permanent residence for political, religious or other grounds.ПоручительGuarantor - A person who pledges payment or performance of a contract of another, but separately, as part of an independently contract with the obligee of the original contract.ПосредничествоMediation - one of the peaceful means of settling international disputes. It represents the negotiation did not take place in the state dispute (a group of States, an individual) or an international organization with the disputing parties to find a compromise for a peaceful settlement of the dispute.Правило судебного прецедентаLaw of the case Doctrine - When a court decides upon a rule of law, that decision should continue to govern the same issues in subsequent stages in the same case.Право на забвениеRight to be Forgotten - A right to have personal information deleted from some second party's electronic or paper records or databases.Предварительный договорAgreement in Principle - An agreement as to the terms of some future contract.Признание договора недействительнымrecognition of a contract as invalidПринцип «взаимной вежливости»Comity - A principle of international law, that one state, to the greatest extent possible, recognize the legislative, executive or judicial acts of another.Принцип национального режима иностранных гражданNational treatment mean equating foreign nationals in regard to their rights and obligations to domestic individuals and legal entities.Принцип невмешательстваLaissez-faire is a policy or attitude of letting things take their own course, without interfering.Принцип открытости правосудияOpen Justice - A principle of the common law that proceedings ought to be open to the public, including the contents of court files and public viewing of trials.Принцип прямого действия международного праваThe principle of direct effect of international law - the principle of the constitutional right of a number of states, according to which the principles and norms of international law are an integral part of the legal system of the country and act directly, without the need for transformation.Приостановление действия международного договораSuspension of an international treaty - the suspension of the application of an international treaty that occurs for various reasons: the agreement of participants to enter into a subsequent contract, breach of contract by one of the participants, followed by inability to perform the contract, and others.Присоединение к международному договоруSuspension of an international treaty - the suspension of the application of an international treaty that occurs for various reasons: the agreement of participants to enter into a subsequent contract, breach of contract by one of the participants, followed by inability to perform the contract, and others.Промышленная зонаAn Urban Enterprise Zone is an area in which policies to encourage economic growth and development are implemented.
Список литературы
Учебная литература, публикации
1. Гетьман-Павлова И.В. Международное частное право.// URL: http://www.be5.biz/pravo/mgpiv/toc.htm
2. Инкотермс 2010. Условия поставки CPT, FCA, CIP, FOB, DAP, FAS, CFR, CIF, EXW, DAT, DDP. // http://pandia.ru/text/78/332/1751.php
3. Источники международного частного права // URL: http://jurkom74.ru/materialy-dlia-ucheby/istochniki-mezhdunarodnogo-chastnogo-prava
4. Коновалов В.В. Признание и исполнение решений иностранных судов // http://www.conventions.ru/view_articles.php?id=24
5. Международное частное право. Терминологический словарь. Спб. университет МВД РФ, 2010 // http://www.studfiles.ru/preview/4365459/
6. Принцип взаимности в международном гражданском процессе // URL: http://russian-divorce.ru/articles/a150/
7. International Commercial terms / INCOTERMS 2010 // http://court-inter.us/sites/default/files/users/user8/incoterms_2010.pdf
8. Ivana Kunda, Carlos Manuel Practical Handbook on European Private International Law Practical Handbook, 2010 // http://ec.europa.eu/justice/civil/files/practical_handbook_eu_international_law_en.pdf
9. Karl-Heinz Böckstiegel. Party Autonomy and Case Management —
Experiences and Suggestions of an Arbitrator, Cologne // http://www.arbitration-icca.org/media/1/13644850393080/bckstiegel_party_autonomy.pdf
Словари, электронные источники
1. Foreign Economic Activity // URL: http://economtermin.ru/en/economic-terms/foreign-economic-activity/360-foreign-economic-activity.html
2. Англо-русский словарь юридических терминов // http://www.pravozoom.ru/dictionary/I
3. Иностранные инвестиции Определение | Investopedia http://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/foreign-investment.asp#ixzz46jUnhlrO
4. Сайт «Learn Law» // URL: http://www.duhaime.org/
5. Сайт http://definitions.uslegal.com/
6. Сайт slovar-vocab.com/
7. Сайт www.businessdictionary.com/
8. Сайт Деловой английский // URL: www.delo-angl.ru
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