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04 июня 2017 |
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As a result, we should emphasize that the category of formality of the English language does exist. It is extremely significant to distinguish various registers and be able to find out the best communicative strategy according to every particular communicative situation. There are five intonational styles in the English language: Informational style, Conversational style or Familiar, Publicistic style, Academic style or Scientific, Declamatory style or Artistic. This particular division is supported by different degrees of formality or rather familiarity among the speaker and the listener.
Additionally, neutral, formal and informal English have their own features resulted both in phonetics and grammar which should be studied with special attention.
Content 1
Introduction 2
The category of formality in English 3
Conclusion 11
The list of the used sources 12
The category of formality in English is an important aspect of the process of learning foreign languages as it plays a leading role in oral conversation as well as in its written form. It is significant to be able to switch the register accordingly to the situation, the position of the person or persons you are talking or writing to. However, it is also necessary to understand that there are various features expressing the category of formality exist both in grammatical and lexical means as well as pronunciation.
In nowadays world of globalization there is a tendency of the creation of an international market which leads to necessity of full understanding and being aware of the fact that styles of English do differentiate. Therefore, there are two main register known as for mal and informal. The use of each of them has its own foundation, features and corresponding characteristic properties; misunderstanding of register results in stylistic mistakes.
The subject of our research is the category of formality in the English language. According to the subject we can lay down the aim of our research, which is to study the category of formality in English. This aim determines more specific problems of our research:
- to study grammatical, lexical and other features of the category of formality in English.
- to analise examples from various theoretical sources.
Фрагмент работы для ознакомления
Список литературы
The list of the used sources
1. Chomutova T. N. (2008) Reading in the theory of English Grammar.
2. Popowa O.V. (2006) Theoretical phonetics of English.
3. Shakhbagova D.A. (1982) Varieties of English Pronunciation.
4. Trudgill P., Hannah J. (1994) International English: A Guide to varieties of Standard English.
5. Quirk R. (1985) Grammar of the English Language.
6. Vassilyev V.A. (1990) English Phonetics: A Theoretical Course.
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