
Levels of language stady

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Код 198110
Дата создания 04 июня 2017
Страниц 13
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The concept of multilingualism is crucial in the approach of the Council of Europe to the problem of learning languages. Multilingualism arises with the expansion in the cultural aspect of the language of human experience from the language used in the family, to the mastery of the languages of other peoples (learned in school, college or directly into the linguistic environment). Man "does not keep" those languages apart from each other, and generates communicative competence on the basis of all knowledge and all the linguistic experience, where the languages are interconnected and interact. In accordance with the situation of the individual to freely enjoy any part of this competence to ensure successful communication with a particular interlocutor. For example, partners can m ...



Introduction 3
1. The levels of the European system 4
2. The levels of education 7
Conclusion 12
List of references 13



Quite often students are wondering how well they know the language, and it is quite easy to identify.
British tradition identifies levels of English proficiency, depending on how close the student to a native speaker. To do this in the UK itself and a number of English-speaking countries has established a special system that is recognized by most British institutions, commissions and other institutions related to international public organization "Union of the English-speaking."
Established in 1918, this structure is successfully engaged in the spread of English in the world and educational exchanges. Usually, when filling out the questionnaire for recruitment people indicate that their level of English basic, conversational or free, but a simplified scale. In fact, more leve ls. All English courses in St. Petersburg train students in the system of seven steps, each of which has a set of specific language skills.
In this paper, we consider the levels of learning English.

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

Understand the main points of clear, made input on various matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. Can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst traveling in an area where the language. Can produce simple connected text on familiar or of personal interest to me threads. Can describe experiences and events, hopes and ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans for the future.
Understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including highly specialized texts. I say quickly and spontaneously to constantly communicate with native speakers without too much difficulty for either party. Can produce clear, detailed text on a variety of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue givingthe advantages and disadvantages of various options.
Understand the wide range of demanding longer texts, and recognize implicit meaning. Speak spontaneously at a fast pace without much obvious searching for expressions. Flexible and efficient use of the language for social, academic and professional activities. Can produce clear, detailed, well-structured text on complex subjects, showing controlled use of organizational patterns, connectors and cohesive devices.
Understand almost any oral or written communications, can create a coherent text, relying on several oral and written sources. Speak spontaneously, very fluently and precisely, differentiating finer shades of meaning even in the most difficult cases.
2. The levels of education
Beginner (Starter) - the first stage of language learning, designed for students who have never studied English.
English language training begins with the basics: learning the alphabet, the structure and rules of sentence structure, setting the correct pronunciation. Basic grammar consists of elementary forms of the parts of speech, simple sentences and basic times.
English language training also includes the minimum necessary vocabulary and concepts (about 500 - 700 words and phrases), which allows to express themselves in everyday life and understand the basic expressions.
Elementary - the next stage of learning English, in which students learn the basic grammatical structures and simple turns of phrase.
At this stage, fixed skills in speaking, reading, writing and grammar. Develop the ability to hear speech in keywords and phrases and capture their common sense mastered the written language for typical situations: postcard story about vacation, describing people and towns. In teaching English at the second level focuses on the study of basic grammar and its application in speech, but also on the development of an active and passive vocabulary lexicon.
- At the end of this level students will be able to communicate on everyday topics, to express their opinions in simple situations and request the necessary information from the interlocutor.
Pre-Intermediate - at this level, students learn to confidently use to practice all the basic grammatical constructions have hearing English speech, adapted to read literature, to develop the skills of written English by performing a variety of tasks.
At this stage of learning English language courses are aimed at improving the readiness of speech and possession of conversational cliches and ready turns of speech that allows students to understand the live speech, read books, magazines, newspapers.
- According to the passage of the level you will be guided in the whole spectrum of airtime, learn how to ask questions, to debate and to take an interest in the interlocutor, mind and agree; capture the information you need in speech.
Intermediate - training cycle for students with an intermediate level of English proficiency.
At this level, students reinforce their skills in speaking, both standard and non-standard situations; master the skills of discussion and exchange of information; develop the skills of coherent written speech: unions, linking words, introductory words, special momentum, learn to read unadapted literature. The study of grammar at this level is general in nature, practiced most frequently used grammatical structures used directly in the speech of native speakers. Also focuses on the use of speech idioms commonly used expressions, fixed expressions, clichés (at least 500-600 phrases)
 - At the end of this level, students have in-depth knowledge of grammar and are able to express their views on a sufficiently wide range of issues, as well as understand it by ear native speaker at a normal pace.
Upper-Intermediate - This phase includes:
• improving speaking skills in situations that require improvisation, the ability to defend its position, to argue and disagree with the arguments of the other side;
• development of important skills such as working with visual sources of information, a description of the pictures, comparing and contrasting, comment;
• Development of written English in writing a biography, review of the film or the book, describing a favorite urban area, letters of formal and informal letters, historical essays, writing for the stage production of the play;
• further development of reading large blocks of information, including unadapted literature1.
When listening to a variety of sources in English (songs, radio ads, interviews, conversations, phone calls, radio programs and performances), students will be able to capture as the common sense and hear more, to recognize the mood of talking, joking or serious tone.
Advanced - the last stage of the study of the language in which the consolidation of the teaching of grammatical and lexical material, increase students' knowledge to the level of a native speaker.
  This course includes:
• improving speaking skills in situations requiring improvisation skills of debate and decision-making within the group, participate in role plays and pageants, forecasting and predicting the development of any given situation;
• development of skills to lead the narrative, writing stories in a given genre, deliver a speech on the prepared topic, as well as skills for working with visual sources of information;
• Improvement of written English through a variety of tasks: a business report, a letter to the newspaper, the application for participation in the contest or competition, a review of a movie or a book, a study and report on its results, a description of travel, formal and informal letters;
• consolidation of all aspects of writing: grammar, style, organization and content;
• Development of reading and listening large blocks of information containing a lot of scientific, financial, political, sport, vocabulary.

Список литературы

List of references

1. Gvishiani, NB Modern English. Lexicology: A textbook for undergraduate / NB Gvishiani. - M .: Yurayt, 2013. - 273 p.
2. Koryakovtseva NF Modern methods of self-organization Work foreign language learners: A Handbook for Teachers. - M .: ARKTI, 2002. – 176 p.
3. Lerner IJ Didactic principles of teaching methods. - M .: Pedagogy, 1981. - 186 p.
4. Malyuga, EN English for Professional Communication (Advertising): Textbook / EN Malyuga. - M .: Flint, Science, 2013. - 336 p.
5. Matveev, SA English. All the necessary conversational topics: For beginners who do not speak English / SA Matveev. - M .: AST, Astrel, CGT, 2012. - 127 p.
6. Passow EI Based on communicative methods of teaching foreign communication. - M .: Eng. lang., 1989. - 276 p.

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