
Mobbing in organizations

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The findings indicated that the mobbed employees reported higher absenteeism. For example, 13% of targets were absent for 4 to 5 days, and 16% reported to take more than 5 days leave. The absenteeism rates for the unexposed were only 9% and 11%, respectively.ConclusionsThe banking sector survey investigated the consequences of workplace mobbing for individuals and organization. The findings confirm the findings of all the other research on the issue that mobbing in an organizationdoes not only impact the victim, but also extends progressively to the organization per se.In the banking sector survey, the victims of mobbing reported emotional and physical health problems such as anxiety, headaches, ulcers, sleeplessness and losing of a sense of humor. They also scored lower on job satisfaction than the unexposed group. This highly correlates with similar studies on the issue.As for the consequences for organizations, both the findings of the banking sector survey and similar research elsewhere showed that mobbing increased sick leaves and absenteeism. A higher risk of absenteeism was foundfor employees being or having been exposed to mobbing. Abundant research demonstrated that mobbing also leads to early retirement of staff, replacement costs associated with higher staff turnover, employees’ poor performance and reduced productivity, and the worsening of organizations’ public image.ReferencesBilgel, N., Aytac S.&Bayram, N. (2004). Calismayasamindayenibirbasktaraci: "Mobbing", Uludag University Working Paper (Project Number: T-2003/38), BursaChappell, D., & Di Martino, V. (2001). Global Workplace Violence. Geneva: International Labour Office.Coyne, I, Seigne, E & Randall, P. 2000. Predicting workplace victim status from personality, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 9, 335-349.Davenport, N., Distler Schwartz, R. & Pursell Elliott, G. (1999). Mobbing: Emotional Abuse in the American Workplace, Iowa, USA: Civil Society Publishing.Di Martino, V., Hoel, H., & Cooper, C. (2003). Preventing violence and harassment in the workplace, European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions: Dublin.Einarsen, S., Hoel, H., Zapf, D. & Cooper, C. (2003). The concept of bullying at work: The European tradition. In S. Einarsen, H. Hoel, D. Zapf, & C. Cooper (Eds.) Bullying and emotional abuse in the workplace: International perspectives in research and practice (pp. 3-30). London: Taylor & Francis.EIRO. (2003). Study examines mobbing at the workplace, European Industrial Relations Observatory, www.eironline.org, Germany.Ferrari, E. (2004) Raising Awareness on Mobbing: An EU Perspective, European Commission on Preventive Measures to Fight Violence against Children, Young People and Women, Brussels.Giga, I. S. & Hoel, H. (2003). Violence and stress at work in financial services, International Labour Office, Geneva.Groeblinghoff, D. & Becker, M. (1996). A case study of mobbing and the clinical treatment of mobbing victims. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 5 (2), 277-294.Hockley, C. (2002). Silent hell: Workplace violence & bullying. Norwood, South Australia: Peacock Press.Hoel, H. and Cooper, C. (2000). Destructive conflict and bullying at work, Manchester Institute Science and Technology (UMIST), Manchester.Hogh, A. 2005. Aggression at work bullying, nasty teasing and violence: prevalence, mediating factors and consequences, Ph.D. Thesis, Danish Institute of Occupational Health, DenmarkLeymann, H. & Gustafsson, A. (1996). Mobbing at work and the development of post traumatic stress disorders. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 5 (2), 251-275Leymann, H. (1996). The content and development of mobbing at work. The European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 5 (2), 165-184.McCarthy, P. (2000). The bully-victim at work. Transcending Boundaries: Integrating People, Processes and Systems Conference, Brisbane. 251-256.Namie, G. & Namie, R. (2000). The Bully At Work: What You Can Do to Stop the Hurt and Reclaim Your Dignity on the Job. Naperville, Illinois: Sourcebooks Inc.Neuman, J. & Baron, R. (2004). Aggression in the workplace: A social-psychological perspective. In S. Fox. & P.E. Spector (Eds.), Counterproductive work behaviour:Investigations of actors and targets (pp 13-40), Washington, DC.: American Psychological Association.Neuman, J. (2000). Measuring the costs associated with stress, injustice and workplace bullying, Proceedings of the Workplace Bullying Conference, California.Ramage, R. (1996). Mobbing in the workplace [Electronic Version]. New Law Journal. newlaw.journal@butterworths.co.ukRayner, C. (2002). Round Two! Redefining bullying at work, Workplace abuse, aggression, bullying and incivility: Conceptual integration and empirical insights, American Academy of Management Meeting, Denver. Cited with permission from the author.Resch, M. & Schubinski, M. (1996). Mobbing-Prevention and Management in Organizations. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 5 (2), 295-307.Shallcross, L., Sheehan, M., Ramsay S. (2011). Workplace mobbing: Experiences in the public sector,International Journal of OrganisationalBehaviour, V. 13(2), 56-70.Sheehan, M. (2004). Workplace mobbing: A proactive response, Paper presented at the Workplace Mobbing Conference, Australia, 1-11Steinman, S. (2003). Workplace violence in the health sector country case study: South Africa, ILO-International Labour Office, Geneva.Tekin, A, Meltem, G. & Selale, U. (2007) Individual and organizational consequences of mobbing in the workplace: case of banking sector in Turkey (a survey). Journal of Academy of Business and Economics Publisher: International Academy of Business and Economics, V. 7 (3).Tomev, L. (2003). Workplace violence in the health sector, country case study: Bulgaria, International Labour Office ILO, Geneva.Vartia-Vaananen, M. (2003). Workplace bullying: A study on the work environment, well-being and health, Academic Dissertation, the University of Helsinki, Helsinki.Zapf, D. & Einarsen, S. (2003). Individual antecedents of bullying: victims and perpetrators. In S. Einarsen, H. Hoel, D. Zapf & C. Cooper (Eds.), Bullying and emotional abuse in the workplace: international perspectives in research and practice (pp. 165-184). London: Taylor & Francis.

Список литературы

1. Bilgel, N., Aytac S.& Bayram, N. (2004). Calisma yasaminda yeni bir baskt araci: "Mobbing", Uludag University Working Paper (Project Number: T-2003/38), Bursa
2. Chappell, D., & Di Martino, V. (2001). Global Workplace Violence. Geneva: International Labour Office.
3. Coyne, I, Seigne, E & Randall, P. 2000. Predicting workplace victim status from personality, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 9, 335-349.
4. Davenport, N., Distler Schwartz, R. & Pursell Elliott, G. (1999). Mobbing: Emotional Abuse in the American Workplace, Iowa, USA: Civil Society Publishing.
5. Di Martino, V., Hoel, H., & Cooper, C. (2003). Preventing violence and harassment in the workplace, European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions: Dublin.
6. Einarsen, S., Hoel, H., Zapf, D. & Cooper, C. (2003). The concept of bullying at work: The European tradition. In S. Einarsen, H. Hoel, D. Zapf, & C. Cooper (Eds.) Bullying and emotional abuse in the workplace: International perspectives in research and practice (pp. 3-30). London: Taylor & Francis.
7. EIRO. (2003). Study examines mobbing at the workplace, European Industrial Relations Observatory, www.eironline.org, Germany.
8. Ferrari, E. (2004) Raising Awareness on Mobbing: An EU Perspective, European Commission on Preventive Measures to Fight Violence against Children, Young People and Women, Brussels.
9. Giga, I. S. & Hoel, H. (2003). Violence and stress at work in financial services, International Labour Office, Geneva.
10. Groeblinghoff, D. & Becker, M. (1996). A case study of mobbing and the clinical treatment of mobbing victims. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 5 (2), 277-294.
11. Hockley, C. (2002). Silent hell: Workplace violence & bullying. Norwood, South Australia: Peacock Press.
12. Hoel, H. and Cooper, C. (2000). Destructive conflict and bullying at work, Manchester Institute Science and Technology (UMIST), Manchester.
13. Hogh, A. 2005. Aggression at work bullying, nasty teasing and violence: prevalence, mediating factors and consequences, Ph.D. Thesis, Danish Institute of Occupational Health, Denmark
14. Leymann, H. & Gustafsson, A. (1996). Mobbing at work and the development of post traumatic stress disorders. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 5 (2), 251-275
15. Leymann, H. (1996). The content and development of mobbing at work. The European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 5 (2), 165-184.
16. McCarthy, P. (2000). The bully-victim at work. Transcending Boundaries: Integrating People, Processes and Systems Conference, Brisbane. 251-256.
17. Namie, G. & Namie, R. (2000). The Bully At Work: What You Can Do to Stop the Hurt and Reclaim Your Dignity on the Job. Naperville, Illinois: Sourcebooks Inc.
18. Neuman, J. & Baron, R. (2004). Aggression in the workplace: A social-psychological perspective. In S. Fox. & P.E. Spector (Eds.), Counterproductive work behaviour: Investigations of actors and targets (pp 13-40), Washington, DC.: American Psychological Association.
19. Neuman, J. (2000). Measuring the costs associated with stress, injustice and workplace bullying, Proceedings of the Workplace Bullying Conference, California.
20. Ramage, R. (1996). Mobbing in the workplace [Electronic Version]. New Law Journal. newlaw.journal@butterworths.co.uk
21. Rayner, C. (2002). Round Two! Redefining bullying at work, Workplace abuse, aggression, bullying and incivility: Conceptual integration and empirical insights, American Academy of Management Meeting, Denver. Cited with permission from the author.
22. Resch, M. & Schubinski, M. (1996). Mobbing-Prevention and Management in Organizations. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 5 (2), 295-307.
23. Shallcross, L., Sheehan, M., Ramsay S. (2011). Workplace mobbing: Experiences in the public sector, International Journal of Organisational Behaviour, V. 13 (2), 56-70.
24. Sheehan, M. (2004). Workplace mobbing: A proactive response, Paper presented at the Workplace Mobbing Conference, Australia, 1-11
25. Steinman, S. (2003). Workplace violence in the health sector country case study: South Africa, ILO-International Labour Office, Geneva.
26. Tekin, A, Meltem, G. & Selale, U. (2007) Individual and organizational consequences of mobbing in the workplace: case of banking sector in Turkey (a survey). Journal of Academy of Business and Economics Publisher: International Academy of Business and Economics, V. 7 (3).
27. Tomev, L. (2003). Workplace violence in the health sector, country case study: Bulgaria, International Labour Office ILO, Geneva.
28. Vartia-Vaananen, M. (2003). Workplace bullying: A study on the work environment, well-being and health, Academic Dissertation, the University of Helsinki, Helsinki.
29. Zapf, D. & Einarsen, S. (2003). Individual antecedents of bullying: victims and perpetrators. In S. Einarsen, H. Hoel, D. Zapf & C. Cooper (Eds.), Bullying and emotional abuse in the workplace: international perspectives in research and practice (pp. 165-184). London: Taylor & Francis.
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