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Based on this, one can say that the Coca-Cola Company can take advantage of the strategic alternative called concentrated intensive growth. It will help the company to improve its financial results, be established in the market and possess yet unexplored markets.The development of Coca-Cola will be based in future on three pillars: new bottles, new brands and new drinks. The proposal of the concern will also include ultra-new products, such as beverages containing pieces of aloe Vera, wasabi and pepper. Socalled “elixirs”– carbonated drinks, which contribute to the beauty and youth or strengthen the immune system will also appear. In the near future, Coca-Cola plans to search for new sources of raw materials.The company also intends to invest in an independent brand in overseas markets, developing new projects (such as Vio-carbonated drink based on milk and selling traditional goods in large volumes).Changes are also madein bottling industry. First of all, the talk is on the raw materials that will be used. Today in some countries, the Coca-Cola can be purchased in bottles from plant plastic. By 2020, the company plansto switch completely to ecological types of bottles.Today the Coca-Cola Company has abandoned more than a century tradition of separation of the business to concentrate production and bottling process. The world's largest manufacturer of soft drinks today announced the acquisition of the North American business of its largest bottler of Coca – Cola Enterprises Inc (CCE).In 2005, under pressure from retailer Walmart (which was impressed with the popularity of Splenda sweetener), the company released a new formulation called "Diet Coke sweetened with Splenda".Sucraloseandacesulfame potassium replace aspartame in this version. Early sales were weaker than anticipated; however, Coca-Cola did little advertising for the brand, investing money and advertising in Coca-Cola Zero instead. By late 2009, some distributors had stopped supplying Diet Coke sweetened with Splenda.Diet Coke does not use a modified form of the Coca-Cola recipe, but instead an entirely different formula. The controversial New Coke, introduced in 1985, used a version of the Diet Coke recipe that contained high fructose corn syrup and had a slightly different balance of ingredients. In 2004, Coca-Cola introduced Coca-Cola C2, which it claims tastes much closer to Coca-Cola but contains half the carbohydrates. In 2005, the company introduced Coca-Cola Zero, a sugar-free variation of regular Coca-Cola.When Tab was released in 1963, the Coca-Cola Company refused to release a diet soda with the Coca-Cola name, fearing that its flagship brand might suffer. Its rival Pepsi had no such qualms, and after the long-term success of its sugar-free Diet Pepsi (launched in 1964) became clear, Coca-Cola decided to launch a competing sugar-free brand under the Coca-Cola name, which could be marketed more easily than Tab.Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi have capitalized on the markets of people who require low sugar regimens, such as diabetics and people concerned with calorie intake. In the UK, a 330 ml can of Diet Coke contains around 1.3 calories (5 kilojoules) compared to 142 calories (595 kJ) for a regular can of Coca-Cola.List of references:Caution: Some soft drinks may seriously harm your health // The Independent, 29 May 2005.Cola Marketing History // Solar Navigator. 2008. Max Energy Limited, Web. 29 Jan 2010.Crowley L. Sodium benzoate removed from Diet Coke// World Today, 27.05.2010.Ordocez F. Suit alleges deceit in fountain diet cola drinks [URL] http://www.boston.com/news/local/articles/2005/03/03/suit_alleges_deceit_in_fountain_diet_cola_drinks/Posch L. Food Additives, Hyperactivity & Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) // Leif Grunseth. 17 Oct. 2007. Web. 9 Feb 2010.TheDietCokeStory. Diet Coke – 2010 – The Coca-Cola Company, Web. 29 Jan 2010.[URL]http://www.cocacolahellenic.ru/[URL] http://top.rbc.ru/economics/25/02/2010/374800.shtml[URL] http://www.training.com.ua/live/news/cobra_in_coca_cola[URL] http://www.cocacolahellenic.ru/
Список литературы [ всего 10]
List of references:
1. Caution: Some soft drinks may seriously harm your health // The Independent, 29 May 2005.
2. Cola Marketing History // Solar Navigator. 2008. Max Energy Limited, Web. 29 Jan 2010.
3. Crowley L. Sodium benzoate removed from Diet Coke // World Today, 27.05.2010.
4. Ordocez F. Suit alleges deceit in fountain diet cola drinks [URL] http://www.boston.com/news/local/articles/2005/03/03/suit_alleges_deceit_in_fountain_diet_cola_drinks/
5. Posch L. Food Additives, Hyperactivity & Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) // Leif Grunseth. 17 Oct. 2007. Web. 9 Feb 2010.
6. The Diet Coke Story. Diet Coke – 2010 – The Coca-Cola Company, Web. 29 Jan 2010.
7. [URL] http://www.cocacolahellenic.ru/
8. [URL] http://top.rbc.ru/economics/25/02/2010/374800.shtml
9. [URL] http://www.training.com.ua/live/news/cobra_in_coca_cola
10. [URL] http://www.cocacolahellenic.ru/
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