
Literature review

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Дата создания 2015
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Источников 18
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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

Therefore there is scope for further research for instance Gayle, V (2014:986-1002) and Hunter, A. (2014:14) who show that immigration is not the one way to find the road to happiness.As a result of this essay I would like to say that there are many problems in nowadays world: terrorism, immigration, losing jobs and people try to find the best place for their family to survive this circumstances. Scotland and Glasgow historically became the place to invite immigrants of all countries and laws of the twenty first century just made this opportunities even more accessible. To conclude, I would like to point out that the research is important as immigration needs to be strictly controlled not only by Government but by Public to form a prosperous country.Reference list1. Bonino, S. 'Policing Strategies against Islamic Terrorism in the UK after 9/11: The Socio-Political Realities for British Muslims', Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs (2014)2. Boswell, C. “Theories of Migration Policy: Is There a Third Way?” International Migration Review (2007)3. Collins English Dictionary. (2014). Urban Migration.Retrieved 6th December from: http://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/urban-migration4. Gayle, V. 'Does migration make you happy? A longitudinal study of internal migration and subjective well-being' Environment and Planning (with BeataNowok, Maarten van Ham and Allan Findlay)(2014)5. Glasgow City Council, Equality Scheme 2008-2011.6. Hunter, A. (De)constructing Expertise: comparing knowledge utilisation in the migrant integration ‘crisis’, in Journal of Comparative Policy (with TizianaCaponio and StijnVerbeek)(2014)7. International Journal on Multicultural Societies (IJMS) Vol. 9, No. 1, 2007“Migrant Integration inRural Areas Evidence from New Countries of Immigration” (2007)8. Jackson Emma. New research project to examine impacts of the ‘Go Home’ Campaign[Internet resource] Way of access:// http://www.gla.ac.uk/news/headline_296514_en.html (checked 13.02.2015)9. Jeffery, L. How a plantation became paradise: changing representations of the homeland among displaced Chagos islanders. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (2007)10. IOM, Glossary on Migration, International Migration Law Series No. 25, 201111. Kelly, T. Are Human Rights for Migrants?: Critical Reflections on the Status of Irregular Migrants in Europe and the United States. London: Routledge. (Co-edited with Marie-BénédicteDembour). London: Routledge.(2011)12. Maver, Irene. Glasgow (2000)13. Malcolm, Sandra. “Old Glasgow and The Clyde: From the Archives of T. and R. Annan” (2005)14. Marquardt, Marie Friedmann, Timothy Steigenga, Philip Williams and Manuel Vasquez, Living "Illegal": The Human Face of Unauthorized Immigration, The New Press, 2011.15. School of Social and political science, University of Edinburgh, Migration and citizenship [Internet resource] Way of access://http://www.sps.ed.ac.uk/research/research_centres/cross_school_research_clusters/migration_and_citizenship(checked 13.02.2015)16. Small, G P. “Greater Glasgow: An Illustrated Architectural Guide” (2008)17. Statistics (Migrants in Scotland, An Overview [Internet resource] Way of access:// http://www.migrationobservatory.ox.ac.uk/briefings/migrants-scotland-overview (checked last 13.02.2015)18. Urquhart, Gordon R. “Along Great Western Road: An Illustrated History of Glasgow's West End” (2000)

Список литературы [ всего 18]

Reference list
1. Bonino, S. 'Policing Strategies against Islamic Terrorism in the UK after 9/11: The Socio-Political Realities for British Muslims', Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs (2014)
2. Boswell, C. “Theories of Migration Policy: Is There a Third Way?” International Migration Review (2007)
3. Collins English Dictionary. (2014). Urban Migration. Retrieved 6th December from: http://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/urban-migration
4. Gayle, V. 'Does migration make you happy? A longitudinal study of internal migration and subjective well-being' Environment and Planning (with Beata Nowok, Maarten van Ham and Allan Findlay)(2014)
5. Glasgow City Council, Equality Scheme 2008-2011.
6. Hunter, A. (De)constructing Expertise: comparing knowledge utilisation in the migrant integration ‘crisis’, in Journal of Comparative Policy (with Tiziana Caponio and Stijn Verbeek)(2014)
7. International Journal on Multicultural Societies (IJMS) Vol. 9, No. 1, 2007 “Migrant Integration in Rural Areas Evidence from New Countries of Immigration” (2007)
8. Jackson Emma. New research project to examine impacts of the ‘Go Home’ Campaign[Internet resource] Way of access:// http://www.gla.ac.uk/news/headline_296514_en.html (checked 13.02.2015)
9. Jeffery, L. How a plantation became paradise: changing representations of the homeland among displaced Chagos islanders. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (2007)
10. IOM, Glossary on Migration, International Migration Law Series No. 25, 2011
11. Kelly, T. Are Human Rights for Migrants?: Critical Reflections on the Status of Irregular Migrants in Europe and the United States. London: Routledge. (Co-edited with Marie-Bénédicte Dembour). London: Routledge.(2011)
12. Maver, Irene. Glasgow (2000)
13. Malcolm, Sandra. “Old Glasgow and The Clyde: From the Archives of T. and R. Annan” (2005)
14. Marquardt, Marie Friedmann, Timothy Steigenga, Philip Williams and Manuel Vasquez, Living "Illegal": The Human Face of Unauthorized Immigration, The New Press, 2011.
15. School of Social and political science, University of Edinburgh, Migration and citizenship [Internet resource] Way of access:// http://www.sps.ed.ac.uk/research/research_centres/cross_school_research_clusters/migration_and_citizenship (checked 13.02.2015)
16. Small, G P. “Greater Glasgow: An Illustrated Architectural Guide” (2008)
17. Statistics (Migrants in Scotland, An Overview [Internet resource] Way of access:// http://www.migrationobservatory.ox.ac.uk/briefings/migrants-scotland-overview (checked last 13.02.2015)
18. Urquhart, Gordon R. “Along Great Western Road: An Illustrated History of Glasgow's West End” (2000)
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