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They are prosperous, willing to help other less developed nations. The tendency of the countries to develop under the market economy is obvious because they are able to rule the roost around the world, make laws, do international business, provide nations with all the necessary goods and services. Moreover, the New division of labour stimulates the capitalist states look forward to expanding their aid towards underdeveloped nations – more than 60% of the population in Africa and Latin America. The World Market comprises such markets as financial, trade and labour, and the success on those markets depends on the prosperity of the whole nation. Market Leaders, Big Markets, Would-be-Big Markets, OPEC Nations are opposed to the former Soviet block nations and the Third World nations in all spheres of life, especially in terms of living standards, economic level and social structure. Since ancient times those that dwelt round the coast of the Mediterranean Sea – the greatest inlet that is known in the world were the leading states. The Mediterranean Sea had neither tides nor, consequently, any waves except those that were caused by the wind only. It was extremely favorable to the infant navigation of the world due to the smoothness of its surface and the proximity of its neighboring shores, when, from their ignorance of the compass, men were afraid to quit the view of the coast and plunge into the boisterous waves of the ocean. To sail out of the Straits of Gibraltar and pass beyond the pillar of Hercules was considered as a wonderful and dangerous exploit of navigation. Step by step the economy began to grow, therefore, new types of economic relationships developed [4,55].Nowadays all the types of the economic relationships exist, though their mixture is obvious and the most reasonable way to survive. To sum up, capitalist or market economy balancing between planned and transition (Russia, China) started to prove its advantages from the very beginning.After the World War II broke out, the world economy reflected a rather uniform division of labor. In the riche countries of Europe and in the USA, Canada, Japan, and Australia, global corporations sourced the bulk of the world’s minerals and agricultural commodities from countries and colonies of Latin America, Africa, and Asia. Today, this basic division has changed radically. While the richer countries of Europe and North America still export industrial products, the poorer nations are suppliers of simple manufactured goods, raw materials, services and tourism. A number of the former colonies are developing on the whole according to the paradigm of modern economic growth, although with some peculiarities. Despite many forecasts, there came a certain decrease in the GDP (per capita) gap between six large peripheral countries and six large advanced countries: in 1950 it was 1:8 and now it is 1:6. The gap in human development index between developed and developing countries decreased as a result from 4.5 to 2.6. But it must be stressed that economic progress of developing countries has been mainly connected with achievements of China, India, Brazil, Mexico and the newly industrializing economies of East Asia. However, despite a relatively high level of industrialization, most of the nations are finding it difficult to compete for foreign investment with the highly developed countries. On top of everything, about sixty countries, mostly all in Africa, are so poor that their economic contacts with the rest of the world are pretty much limited to minimal trade and investment and dwindling foreign aid. Therefore, go ahead to the market economic development!BibliographyDegen, Robert. The Triumph of Capitalism. 1st ed. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 2008.Warburton, David, Macroeconomics from the beginning: The General Theory, Ancient Markets, and the Rate of Interest. Paris: Rechercheset Publications, 2003.Stark, Rodney. Victory of Reason, (Random House New York, 2005)Ferguson, Niall. The Ascent of Money, (Pengiun,2008)Skinner, Quentin, The Foundations of Modern Political Thought, vol I: The Renaissance; vol II: The Age of Reformation. Cambridge University Press, 1978)
Список литературы [ всего 5]
1.Degen, Robert. The Triumph of Capitalism. 1st ed. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 2008.
2.Warburton, David, Macroeconomics from the beginning: The General Theory, Ancient Markets, and the Rate of Interest. Paris: Recherches et Publications, 2003.
3.Stark, Rodney. Victory of Reason, (Random House New York, 2005)
4.Ferguson, Niall. The Ascent of Money, (Pengiun,2008)
5.Skinner, Quentin, The Foundations of Modern Political Thought, vol I: The Renaissance; vol II: The Age of Reformation. Cambridge University Press, 1978)
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