
Эссе по книге "The Five dysfunctions of a team" Patrick lencioni

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Код 173894
Дата создания 2012
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However, the team has a critical role to play. However, the team is still many mysteries — and this despite the fact that for many years people are engaged in forging school teachers, sports coaches, the media. The fact is that people are working together, each with its own character and handicapped, difficult to identify. But that doesn't mean the team is doomed, not at all. Create a strong and productive work teams are possible. But it is a difficult and sometimes painful process.
Team work can be described as a concerted action of people. Achieve consistency in theory is easy, but not feasible in practice. Success only comes to those who are in the process of laborious daily work overcame all sorts of shortcomings and weaknesses inherent in human nature, which create problems within the team.
Like my other book, "five evils" commands start with the story about a fictional organization that nonetheless could exist in reality. It seems to me that this beginning will help the reader understand the story, put yourself in the place of heroes and understand how to apply the principles I propose in real life, when huge amounts of work and daily quarrels make hard even the simplest tasks.
In the last chapter of the book you hold in your hands, I am giving a detailed description of all the five evils and propose ways of overcoming the negative trends that may exist in your team.
And most. This book is the result of my long work with managers and their teams. It is designed for anyone interested in the work of the team, whether it be the head of a small Department, or an ordinary staff member wishing to enhance interaction with colleagues. In any case, I sincerely hope that this book will help you solve your own problems and believe that the team can achieve much more than one man. And in this its real strength.
According to the observations of the President of The Table Group consulting company of San Francisco, Patrick Lencioni, any command to destroy the so-called "five evils": mutual mistrust, indiscriminateness, irresponsibility, fear of conflict and indifference to the results. Brings it to calculation of the ills of the human race, using a very simple technique is a mythic life mapping company.
"The team can be described as a concerted action of people. Achieve consistency in theory is easy, but not feasible in practice. Success only comes to those who are in the process of laborious daily work overcame all sorts of shortcomings and weaknesses inherent in human nature, which create problems within the team, "writes in an address to the reader Patrick Lencioni. So read and work hard. And if you are asked about a team player, you redirect the matter to its employees.
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