
Strategic Guidelines for expatriate general managers to follow when hiring and managing local staff at that overseas location. (Here, you are required to outline cultural expectations, norms and taboos to be aware of.)

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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

Starts a crisis stage, "culture shock". According to studies, culture shock has a direct impact on the mental and even physical condition of the individual. Typical symptoms: homesickness, boredom, "care" in reading, watching TV, desire to communicate only with speaking the native language, disability, psychosomatic illness.
Phase III. Maximum frustration. If the citizen is successful in acquiring some knowledge of the language and starts to move around independently, it begins to open the way to a new social environment. Usually at this point visitors gain a sense of superiority towards the inhabitants of the country. The exit from the crisis and the gradual habituation can occur in different ways. Some are slowly and subtly, the other is thriving, with a dedication to the local culture and traditions, right down to a rejection by the Russians (Americans, Swedes, etc.). But how would this phase did not took place, her undoubted advantage is in the understanding and adoption of the "code of conduct", a special comfort in communication.
Phase IV. Long-term adaptation. This last phase is a person's ability to safely "function" in two cultures-its and waiting room. He truly comes into contact with a new culture, not superficial and artificial, like a tourist, and deeply, and embracing her, beginning to understand and appreciate local traditions and customs, even adopt some "codes of conduct".

Bergmann A. Interkulturelle Managemententwicklung - In Haller M. u. a. Globalisierung der Wirtschaft. Einwirkungen auf die Betriebswirtschaftslehre. Bern; Stuttgart; Wien, 1993.
Bertchel J. Personalmanagement. Stuttgart: Schaffer - Poeschel, 1995.
Bittner A., Reisch B. Internationale Personalentwicklung in deutschen Grobunternehmen, Institut fur Interkulturelles Management. Bad Honnef, 1991.
Dadler R. Interkulturelle Orientierung. 1987.
Domsch M., Lichtenberger B. Der internationale Personaleinsatz. In: Rosenstiel L, von, Regnet E., Domsch M.(Hrgs.): Fuhrung von Mitarbeiter. Handbuch fur erfolgreiches Personalmanagement. Stuttgart, 1999.
Gudykunst W.B., Hammer M.R. Basic Training Design: Approaches to Intercultural Training. In: Landis d., Brislin R.W. (Hrgs.): Handbook of Intercultural Training, Vol. 1: Issues in Theory and Design. New York, 1983.
Stahl G. Internationaler Einsatz von Fuehrungskraeften. Muenchen; Wien, 1998.
Bittner A., Reisch B. Internationale Personalentwicklung in deutschen Grobunternehmen, Institut fur Interkulturelles Management. Bad Honnef, 1991.
Bertchel J. Personalmanagement. Stuttgart: Schaffer - Poeschel, 1995.
Bergmann A. Interkulturelle Managemententwicklung - In Haller M. u. a. Globalisierung der Wirtschaft. Einwirkungen auf die Betriebswirtschaftslehre. Bern; Stuttgart; Wien, 1993.
Dadler R. Interkulturelle Orientierung. 1987.

Список литературы [ всего 7]

1.Bergmann A. Interkulturelle Managemententwicklung - In Haller M. u. a. Globalisierung der Wirtschaft. Einwirkungen auf die Betriebswirtschaftslehre. Bern; Stuttgart; Wien, 1993.
2.Bertchel J. Personalmanagement. Stuttgart: Schaffer - Poeschel, 1995.
3.Bittner A., Reisch B. Internationale Personalentwicklung in deutschen Grobunternehmen, Institut fur Interkulturelles Management. Bad Honnef, 1991.
4.Dadler R. Interkulturelle Orientierung. 1987.
5.Domsch M., Lichtenberger B. Der internationale Personaleinsatz. In: Rosenstiel L, von, Regnet E., Domsch M.(Hrgs.): Fuhrung von Mitarbeiter. Handbuch fur erfolgreiches Personalmanagement. Stuttgart, 1999.
6.Gudykunst W.B., Hammer M.R. Basic Training Design: Approaches to Intercultural Training. In: Landis d., Brislin R.W. (Hrgs.): Handbook of Intercultural Training, Vol. 1: Issues in Theory and Design. New York, 1983.
7.Stahl G. Internationaler Einsatz von Fuehrungskraeften. Muenchen; Wien, 1998.
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