
Использование материалов СМИ при обучении английскому языку в профильных классах средней школы

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Глава 1. Теоретические основы интеграции текстов зарубежных СМИ в процесс обучения иностранному языку
1.1. Отражение специфики предмета иностранный язык
2. Соответствие общедидактическим принципам
3. Соответствие целей, задач и содержания учебно-методических материалов нормативным документам
4. Нацеленность содержания учебных материалов на требования профильного обучения
Глава 2. Практическое применение СМИ в процессе профильного обучения в средней школе
2.1. Упражнения на дотекстовом уровне.
2.2. Упражнения на текстовом уровне.
2.3. Упражнения на послетекстовом уровне.
4. Чтение газет на английском несомненно полезно
Список литературы
Статья 1. Star Wheel
Статья 2. Nature Protection
Статья 3. New York City
Статья 5. Tupolev Tu-134 airliner

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

//Аспирант и соискатель, № 4. - М., 2006. - С. 110-114.
Балашова Е.Ф. Дидактическая реализация медийных свойств англоязычной газеты.//Мир науки, культуры, образования, № 6. - Горно-Алтайск, 2009. – С. 214-217.
Балашова Е.Ф. Материалы качественной прессы Великобритании в дидактическом аспекте.//Актуальные проблемы преподавания иностранного языка профессионального общения в области международного сотрудничества: сборник работ по материалам межвузовской научно-практической конференции, посвященной 75-летию ВАВТ, [18 мая 2006 года]. - М.: ВАВТ, 2006. - С. 32-35.
Балашова Е.Ф. Опыт работы с аутентичными газетами. //Педагогические науки, № 4. - М., 2006. - С. 81-83.
Балашова Е.Ф. Роль английских газетных текстов в формировании социокультурной компетенции.//Сборник трудов «Россия и Запад: диалог культур», вып.10. - М. М.: "Центр по изучению взаимодействия культур", 2003. - С. 24-33.
Бим И.Л. К проблеме профильного обучения. -. Иностранные языки в школе, 2005, № 5. – сс.63-66.
Жебелев Б.А., Васильева Г.В. Exploring Newspapers: учеб. пособие для студентов III-IV курсов. – М.: МГИМО, 2005. – 315 с.
Казанникова Д.П., Алешина Е.Ю. A Newspaper Course: учеб. пособие для студентов 4-5 курсов. – СПб.: ФИЯ, 2006. – 199 с.
Концепция профильного обучения на старшей ступени общего образования. – М., 2002. – 253 с.
Ксензенко О.А., Менджерицкая Е.О. Mass Media Language: учеб. пособие по яз. соврем. англояз. М, - 2002. – 170 с.
Кузнецов А.А., Пинский А.А., Рыжаков М.В., Филатова Л.О. Структура и принципы формирования содержания профильного обучения на старшей ступени. - М., 2003. – 355 с.
Новые государственные стандарты по иностранному языку, 2-11 классы», АСТ-Астрель, М., 2004. – 359 с.
Соловова Е.Н. Методика обучения иностранным языкам. М.: Просвещение, 2006. – 280 с.
Телень Э.Ф. Средства массовой информации: учеб.пособие по англ. языку для студентов гуманит. вузов. – М., 2004. – 290 с.
Федеральный базисный учебный план и примерные учебные планы для образовательных учреждений Российской Федерации // Новые государственные стандарты по иностранному языку 2-11 классы. – М.: Астрель, 2004. – 80 с.
Чувилина О.В.// Проблемы языковой подготовки студентов: подходы и перспективы: Материалы междунар. науч.-практ. кон . 20-21 нояб. 2008 г. – Воронеж: ВГТА, 2008. – С. 251-254.
Чувилина О.В. Развитие автономии студентов на основе проектной деятельности с использованием Интернет-технологий и материалов СМИ новостного содержания Проблемы языковой подготовки студентов: подходы и перспективы: Сборник статей. - М.: АРТ, 2008 г. – 184 с.
Шукунда С.З., Энгель Е.И. Newspaper in the Classroom: Англ.яз.для гуманитариев. – М., 2004. – 269 с.
Статья 1. Star Wheel

Photograph by Alex Cherney, TWAN
A long-exposure picture – recently posted to the night-sky photography community The World at Night (TWAN) – captures the stars' nightly swirl while auroras set the horizon aglow over Australia's Mornington Peninsula.
Auroras are born when the sun sends charged particles, known as solar wind, speeding toward Earth's atmosphere, where they slam into oxygen and nitrogen atoms in the ionosphere above the planet's magnetic North and South Poles. The energy released by these collisions creates glowing colors some 60 to 620 miles (97 to 1,000 kilometers) aloft.
Статья 2. Nature Protection
Computers project that between now and the year of 2030 we are going to have increase of the average temperature between 1,5 − 4,5 Degrees C. Sea levels would rise by several metres, flooding coastal areas and ruining vast tracts of farmland. Huge areas would be infertile and become uninhabitable. Water contamination could lead to shortages of safe drinking water. It looks like the end of civilization on the Earth. For hundreds of thousands of years the human race has thriven in Earth's environment.
But now, at the end of the 20th century, we are at a crucial turning point. We have upset nature's sensitive equilibrium releasing harmful substances into the air, polluting rivers and oceans with industrial waste and tearing up the countryside to accommodate our rubbish. These are the consequences of the development of civilization. We are to stop it by joint efforts of all the people of the world. The range of environmental problems is wide.
But the matters of people's great concern nowadays are atmosphere and climate changes, depletion of the ozone layer, freshwater resources, oceans and coastal areas, deforestation and desertification, biological diversity, biotechnology, health and chemical safety. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) concentrates its activities on these issues. Acid Rains One of the most alarming forms of air pollution is acid rain. It results from the release into the atmosphere of sulphur and nitrogen oxides that react with water droplets and return to earth in the form of acid rain, mist or snow.
Acid rain is killing forests (Nearly every species of tree is affected) It has acidified lakes and streams and they can't support fish, wildlife, plants or insects. Depletion of the Ozone Layer The protective layer of the Earth, the ozone layer, which protects the Earth from the sun's destructive UV (ultraviolet) rays, is being damaged by CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons). They are released by the daily use of industrial and household products: refrigerators, air conditioners, foam insulation, cleaning chemicals, food packaging. In the ozone layer they attack the ozone molecules making a «hole». This «hole» allows more UV rays to penetrate to the Earth. It increases the risk of skin cancer, weakens the immune system of people.
Besides, UV rays influence the oceans, the growth of plankton, an essential part of the marine-life food chain in the negative way, reduce economically important-crops (rice, cotton, soy beans).
The life cycle is going to be undermined by the ozone. Destruction of the Tropical Forest It's generally agreed that the destruction of the tropical forest has a major impact on the world climate. The tropical rain forest is a natural recycler, provider and protector for our planet. It recycles carbon, nitrogen and oxygen, helps determine temperature, rainfall and other climatic conditions and supports the most diverse ecosystem in the world. Deforestation could cause one forth of all species on earth to vanish in the next 25 years.
These forests in Amazonia, South-East Asia and West and Central Africa are being destroyed at an alarming rate of 42 million acres per year. Measures to Be Taken We have only a few years to attempt to turn things around. We must review our wasteful, careless ways, we must consume less, recycle more, conserve wildlife and nature, act according to the dictum «think locally, think globally, act locally».
To my mind, we are obliged to remove factories and plants from cities, use modern technologies, redesign and modify purifying systems for cleaning and trapping harmful substances, protect and increase the greenery and broaden ecological education. These are the main practical measures, which must he taken in order to improve the ecological situation. Some progress has been already made in this direction. 159 countries-members of the UNO have set up environmental protection agencies.
They hold conferences discussing ecological problems, set up environmental research centres and take practical urgent measures to avoid ecological catastrophe. There are numerous public organisations such as Greenpeace that are doing much to preserve environment. The 5th of June is proclaimed the World Environmental Day by the UNO and is celebrated every year.
Статья 3. New York City
New York - city and port located at the mouth of the Hudson River, southeastern New York state, northeastern U.S. New York City is the centre of the largest urban agglomeration in the United States. It occupies Manhattan and Staten islands, the western end of Long Island, a portion of the mainland, and various islands in New York Harbor and Long Island Sound. Its urban area extends into neighbouring parts of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut.
New York City is an ethnic melting pot where the most dramatic cultural contrasts are commonplace. It is among the most geographically and demographically complex of world cities, its economy one of the most diverse, and its cultural scene among the richest and most variegated.
A brief treatment of New York City follows. For full treatment, see New York City.
The city consists of five boroughs (Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx, and Staten Island [formerly Richmond]), which correspond to five counties of New York state (New York, Kings, Queens, Bronx, and Richmond, respectively). All are located near the point where the Hudson River empties into Upper New York Bay of the Atlantic Ocean. The city's only land boundaries are Westchester county on the north and Nassau county on Long Island to the east. The city's waterfront is used for shipping and recreation.
The city may be described as a collection of many neighbourhoods, each with its own character and life-style. Manhattan is the economic and cultural heart of the city and is often considered to be "the city." Administration and services, however, have become increasingly decentralized as community planning boards have assumed more power in areas such as education, health, housing, and public works. Manhattan, the magnet for tourists and businessmen, is at first glance a city of skyscrapers, glaring lights, and frenetic pace. The shopping promenade of Fifth Avenue, the financial institutions of Wall Street, the residential mansions of Park Avenue, or the bohemian life in the East Village and SoHo give typical impressions. Only Brooklyn of the other boroughs has a similar ethnic heterogeneity and a similar range of social life, with commercial and industrial districts and residential areas ranging from the wealth of Brooklyn Heights to the most abject poverty of parts of Bedford-Stuyvesant. Queens is mainly residential and middle class, and Staten Island is partly suburban but still rural in some areas. In the Bronx luxurious residences and solid middle-class apartments prevail in some sections, but other areas, especially the South Bronx, are the scene of severe urban blight.
Ethnic pockets abound throughout Manhattan, from black and Spanish Harlem in the north, to the various enclaves of the Lower East Side such as Little Italy and Chinatown. New York City also has large numbers of Italians, Irish, Puerto Ricans, and West Indians, as well as the largest Jewish population of any city in the world. This ethnic and racial mix is the result of the waves of immigration that the city has absorbed during its history. The Statue of Liberty, located on Liberty Island off Manhattan, has long stood as a symbol of refuge and opportunity.
New York City is a centre of world trade and finance, communications, art and entertainment, and fashion. The city is the financial capital of the United States and holds the headquarters of many of the world's largest corporations. Wall Street in Manhattan is home to the nation's largest stock exchange and is the headquarters of the country's largest brokerage firms. With the headquarters of the nation's television and radio networks and the main offices of the largest advertising agencies, New York City is the heart of the mass media in the United States. Printing and publishing are also of great importance, and most of the nation's major publishing houses are based in midtown Manhattan. The city's economic life also depends on the great diversity of its numerous small businesses and manufacturing establishments.
Wearing apparel, symbolized by its famous garment district, continues to be New York City's major manufacturing industry. White-collar jobs, however, are far more numerous. The main nonmanufacturing employers include service businesses; wholesale and retail trades; finance, insurance, and real estate; transport and public utilities; government; and construction.
Automation and mergers have resulted in the loss of many jobs in the city. In addition, escalating rents and taxes and high crime rates have caused many firms to leave. Steps have been taken by the city government, however, to alleviate these problems and to provide incentives for remaining.
The artists of New York City exhibit in a wide variety of forms, ranging from traditional crafts to the most avant-garde work, flavoured by complex blends of ethnic and national influences. Theatrical arts and entertainment are also widespread: Broadway is the synonym for musical comedies and legitimate drama; Carnegie Hall is one of the most famous concert halls in the world; and Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts is the home of the Metropolitan Opera, the New York City Opera, the New York Philharmonic, and the New York City Ballet. Though the importance of Broadway has declined, theatre is very much alive in the more venturesome Off-Broadway and off-off-Broadway productions. The city has numerous motion-picture theatres, among which are many revival and foreign-film houses.
The New York Public Library is one of the best research libraries in the world. Most famous among the city's many museums are the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Museum of Modern Art, the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, the Whitney Museum of American Art, and the American Museum of Natural History. Many lesser known museums house special collections. The city's extensive system of public parks includes Central Park in Manhattan.
New York City has an extensive public university system. Outstanding private colleges and universities in the city include Columbia, New York, Rockefeller, and Fordham universities, numerous medical schools, the New School for Social Research, and the Juilliard School.
New York City's subway system carries more than one-third of all mass-transit passengers in the metropolitan area, with the balance provided by commuter rail lines and buses. The once-famous docks of Hell's Kitchen along the Hudson River in Manhattan have disappeared, and considerable shipping has shifted to the New Jersey side of the harbour. Rail lines radiate in all directions. International and domestic air service is provided by Kennedy, La Guardia, and Newark (New Jersey) international airports. Area city, 304 square miles (787 square km); metropolitan area, 1 384 square miles (3 585 square km). Pop. (1990) city, 7 322 564; New York PMSA, 8 546 846; New York-Northern New Jersey-Long Island CMSA, 18 087 251.
(The St.Petersburg Times Issue #1734 (45), Wednesday, November 7, 2012, http://www.sptimes.ru/)
MOSCOW — George Blake, a former British spy who doubled as a Soviet agent, has spoken about his career with pride and called himself an "exceptionally lucky man" in an interview published this week.
Blake, who will turn 90 on Sunday and has lived in Russia since his escape from British prison in 1966, told the Rossiiskaya Gazeta daily that he has spent his "happiest" years in the country.
"When I worked in the West I always felt a looming threat of exposure. Here I felt free," he said.
During his time as a double agent, Blake passed some of the most coveted British secrets to the Soviets. He said that exposing a Western plan to eavesdrop on Soviet communications from an underground tunnel into East Berlin was his main achievement.
Статья 5. Tupolev Tu-134 airliner
The Tupolev Tu-134 (NATO codename: 'Crusty') is a Soviet twin-engined airliner, similar to the American Douglas DC-9 and the French Sud Aviation Caravelle. The original version featured a glazed-nose design and, like certain other Russian airliners (including its sister model the Tu-154), it can operate from unpaved airfields.
One of the most widely used aircraft in former Warsaw Pact countries, the number in active service is decreasing because of noise restrictions.
The model has seen long-term service with some 42 countries, with some European airlines having scheduled as many as 12 daily takeoffs and landings per plane. In addition to regular passenger service, it has also been used in various airforce, army and navy support roles; for pilot and navigator training; and for aviation research and test projects.
In recent years, a number of Tu-134s have been converted for use as VIP transports and business jets. A total of 852 Tu-134s were built of all versions (including test bed examples) with Aeroflot as the largest user; by 1995, the Tu-134 had carried 360 million passengers for that airline.

Список литературы [ всего 20]

Список литературы
1.Балашова Е.Ф. Английские газетные тексты в дидактическом и медиалингвистическом аспекте.//Актуальные проблемы филологии и педагогической лингвистики, вып. XI. - Владикавказ: СОГУ, 2009. - C. 341-345.
2.Балашова Е.Ф. Англоязычные медиатексты в контексте интерактивных приемов обучения.//Вестник МГУ, серия № 19 «Лингвистика и межкультурная коммуникация», № 3. - М., 2009. - С. 77-83.
3.Балашова Е.Ф. Газетные тексты на уроке английского языка.//Аспирант и соискатель, № 4. - М., 2006. - С. 110-114.
4.Балашова Е.Ф. Дидактическая реализация медийных свойств англоязычной газеты.//Мир науки, культуры, образования, № 6. - Горно-Алтайск, 2009. – С. 214-217.
5.Балашова Е.Ф. Материалы качественной прессы Великобритании в дидактическом аспекте.//Актуальные проблемы преподавания иностранного языка профессионального общения в области международного сотрудничества: сборник работ по материалам межвузовской научно-практической конференции, посвященной 75-летию ВАВТ, [18 мая 2006 года]. - М.: ВАВТ, 2006. - С. 32-35.
6.Балашова Е.Ф. Опыт работы с аутентичными газетами. //Педагогические науки, № 4. - М., 2006. - С. 81-83.
7.Балашова Е.Ф. Роль английских газетных текстов в формировании социокультурной компетенции.//Сборник трудов «Россия и Запад: диалог культур», вып.10. - М. М.: "Центр по изучению взаимодействия культур", 2003. - С. 24-33.
8.Бим И.Л. К проблеме профильного обучения. -. Иностранные языки в школе, 2005, № 5. – сс.63-66.
9.Жебелев Б.А., Васильева Г.В. Exploring Newspapers: учеб. пособие для студентов III-IV курсов. – М.: МГИМО, 2005. – 315 с.
10.Казанникова Д.П., Алешина Е.Ю. A Newspaper Course: учеб. пособие для студентов 4-5 курсов. – СПб.: ФИЯ, 2006. – 199 с.
11.Концепция профильного обучения на старшей ступени общего образования. – М., 2002. – 253 с.
12.Ксензенко О.А., Менджерицкая Е.О. Mass Media Language: учеб. пособие по яз. соврем. англояз. М, - 2002. – 170 с.
13.Кузнецов А.А., Пинский А.А., Рыжаков М.В., Филатова Л.О. Структура и принципы формирования содержания профильного обучения на старшей ступени. - М., 2003. – 355 с.
14.Новые государственные стандарты по иностранному языку, 2-11 классы», АСТ-Астрель, М., 2004. – 359 с.
15.Соловова Е.Н. Методика обучения иностранным языкам. М.: Просвещение, 2006. – 280 с.
16.Телень Э.Ф. Средства массовой информации: учеб.пособие по англ. языку для студентов гуманит. вузов. – М., 2004. – 290 с.
17.Федеральный базисный учебный план и примерные учебные планы для образовательных учреждений Российской Федерации // Новые государственные стандарты по иностранному языку 2-11 классы. – М.: Астрель, 2004. – 80 с.
18.Чувилина О.В.// Проблемы языковой подготовки студентов: подходы и перспективы: Материалы междунар. науч.-практ. кон . 20-21 нояб. 2008 г. – Воронеж: ВГТА, 2008. – С. 251-254.
19.Чувилина О.В. Развитие автономии студентов на основе проектной деятельности с использованием Интернет-технологий и материалов СМИ новостного содержания Проблемы языковой подготовки студентов: подходы и перспективы: Сборник статей. - М.: АРТ, 2008 г. – 184 с.
20.Шукунда С.З., Энгель Е.И. Newspaper in the Classroom: Англ.яз.для гуманитариев. – М., 2004. – 269 с.
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