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The program of advertising the firm is also on the agenda. The advertising should be implemented both in virtual and real space. This part of strategic plan means the need to hire new additional personnel responsible for the advertising of the company.One of the points of strategy plan for the short-term prospective is execution of contracts with insurance companies. This means the contracts on supplying companies and services with new and used spare parts. The other side of the contract is buying used cars which had car accidents and can not be fixed.Contracts with auto-transportation companies are also the part of strategy plan. The criteria for reviewing potential options for a strategy plan are profit indicators and number of shopping units operating and being opened in the planned period of time.One of the points of strategic development is formation of risk management department which will analyze external and internal risks of realization of new branches of organization. In the medium-term perspectives the analysis of opening a branch of freight trafficking will be needed especially in making the decision on the hauling stock. Another question to be analyzed is whether the new cars or used cars should be purchased.Opening the branch of freight trafficking means that new logistic department must be organized.If we speak about implication of new resources, three scenarios are possible. The first scenario is that there are no new resource implications. It means that development of the firm is going slowly and there is no possibility to invest money into new resources which are risk factors. The second scenario is when moderate amount of new resources are implicated. The moderate amount of new resources are enlargement of assortment of both new and used parts. The third scenario occurs when there are significant new resources. For ETP this scenario will be possible if the company starts buying spare parts not from distributors or auction companies but from factories which produce spare parts. It means that amount of sales is much decreased as well as average mark-up.At the moment ETP is facing a crises which influences much social elements of the company. The workers are much pessimistic about their future as the shareholders of the company are thinking about reduction of personnel. On the other hand the change of personnel can lead to positive results as new workers can implement new types of sales increase.The vision of the company is to create an atmosphere of professionals working with professionals. The vision of the company can be divided in several spheres. The vision for customers is to create a company which they can rely on and which makes them forget that there can be any problems with getting spare parts. The vision for workers is to ensure there stable welfare and increase in cultural development. For colleagues the vision is to create image of the partner which you can always rely on and who you can trust.The realization of strategic plan at the moment is reflected in the system of purchase. The amount of spare parts purchased is increasing every day. Every day the purchasing personnel analysis the list of units sold during the previous day in all the shops operating. Sold units are purchased every day to the number which must be in the shop. But also the purchasing team makes extra investments in buying higher amount of the spare parts. The given system will allow to open the next shop without investing in it about five million rubles at one time.The strategy plan is to be implemented in the next 7 years which means that at least one new shopping department must be organized each year. The evaluation system of implementation of strategy plan is the number of new shopping points opened and getting the planned profits from each of them.ConclusionThe company ETP which is being analyzed in the given essay is a good example of how a small firm can develop and realize strategic plans in order to gain extra profits. At the moment the firm is facing a crises which can be explained by external factors influencing the work of the organization. In other words, not appropriate work of risk managers led to decrease of sales decrease of expenditures. The crises can be explained by election which happened several months before and because of which many state enterprises involved in building, repairing of roads and transportation of materials stopped getting finance support.The first point of strategic plan of the company is to reach the before-crises level of live capital which will allow the company to realize the other part of the plan.The future enlargement of the company is a medium-term prospective which will be realized as soon as the company has enough sources to be invested in the new spheres.The formation of freight trafficking department in the short-term period will allow the company to invest in the project of services for trucks. Though the risk of formation of freight trafficking is high because it has high subjective factors such as car accidents, loss of freight and problems with cars itself.
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