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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

Group secretary wish to estimate Mrs Holmess’s work and find out if there were any other situation that proved lack of competence.
Which of the piece of evidence, if any, show Mrs Holmes in a bad light?
She hired staff based on personal opinion that people from rural areas as the need help.
She granted the request of one secretary of Friday off and did not get approval from boss. Other secretary had to work harder due to absence one of the secretaries.
She refused to put into effect action that would lead to cost reduction. The decision was based only on secretariat’s wish to have a contact with medical and nursing staff.
Case study 4
How did the Gallery get its name?
The gallery was named after artist Luca Giordano of Naples. Greenfield was admired by this actor.
For what reason is Jimmie Greenfield to be admired?
Jimmie Greenfield was admired because of Giordano’s exceptional work-rate.
Why does the Gallery face a “bleak future”?
Due to financial problems Gallery face a “bleak future”. Costs escalated and money becomes harder to find.
What kind of relations exists between the friends of the Giordano and members of the Foundation Trust?
Friends of the Giordano are a voluntary organization. Foundation Trust sponsored Giordano.
What was the most important item on the agenda of the meeting held on 15 April?
The most important question is an Annual report discussion and approval of the allocation of funds for the next year.
What factors have contributed to the foundation present financial difficulties?
The original capital had been eroded by inflation, short-sighted investment policies and the use of capital to purchase pictures. Income from investment and publishing is not sufficient to cover all expenses.
Why is it unlikely that a bank can help the Foundation’s present financial difficulties?
Gallery would not be able to service main loan.
Outline briefly the different attitudes existing between Dr Tejero and some of the other members of the Board.
Dr Tejero insists on selling art-works as he thinks it is a unique opportunity. Mr Donatello said that if bank accept collection as collateral it couldn’t be sold.
How should the trustees react to the information contained in the surveyor’s report?
The building is needed to be repaired. So additional financing will be required.
From the trustees’ point of view, which of the 4 courses of action is probably the easiest and cheapest to put into effect?
It is easy to participate in auction and sell art-work to get financing.
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