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Код |
168829 |
Дата создания |
2012 |
Страниц |
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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления
There she meet Felipe, Brazilian man that she falling in love to. She already reaches what she wants in her journey, the art of pleasure, devotional experience and the balance then she finally finds her true love. The most interesting moments of this book for me was Liz’s last part of journey to Indonesia. Liz was influenced by the beauty of Bali too as she demonstrated the background of Bali so colourful. Elizabeth interacted with different kind of people, who gave her the opportunity of spiritual discovery and self-control. This novel is presented with clear, thoughtful, thrilling and funny. It is about the search for identity. “Eat, pray, love” describes something that can happen to someone who have responsibility for the happiness of their lives. This novel particularly describes a journey of life that can occur when a woman does not live her life according to the rules that exist in society, the complexities of human relations which are not only about good or bad and rightor wrong. This is a story that touches anyone who is aware of the need for change. The book is the ultimate spiritual guide to balanced living or just self-serving junk, the central statement that the memoir poses is to look at the world through your heart, instead of head and then you will know the God.
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