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General analysis
Evaluation of country risk
The possibility of entering Cambodia with a business venture
The policy makers, business leaders (and business organizations), opinion-leaders, NGOs, international and regional organisations, Chambers of Commerce etc. that can provide useful strategic contacts, networking, and communication
Arguments in favor of starting up business in Cambodia
Arguments concerning the political risk and stability of the business environment

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

Arguments in favor of starting up business in CambodiaCambodia is a developing country with business system just arranging which means that there exist many not yet operating projects;Low competition means that the project has high chances of making profit in a short term period;Geographical position and attractiveness to tourists make Cambodia interesting for investments;Not ideal juridical system means that business can be managed in the way needed to manager and not to a state;Low salaries mean that profit can be higher if compare with spending on salary in Europe;Arguments concerning the political risk and stability of the business environmentPolitical risk is law because government in Cambodia haven’t changed for the last two decades and will not be changed in the near future;Business stability is law because there doesn’t exist properly work system of regulations and level of bureaucracy is very high.ReferencesA UNDP funded discussion paper in cooperation with the Supreme National Economic Council and Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government. A SWOT analysis of the Cambodian economy // URL: http://www.slideshare.net/tirk_tnot/a-s-w-o-t-analysis-of-the-cambodian-economypdfCambodia – European community. Strategy paper for the period 2007-2013 // URL: http://eeas.europa.eu/cambodia/csp/07_13_en.pdfCambodia population / Index mundi // URL: http://www.indexmundi.com/cambodia/population.htmlCambodia: adjustment or instability? Interagency conflict assessment // URL: http://global.wisc.edu/peace/readings/supplemental-ricigliano-cambodia.pdfCambodia’s macroeconomic situation // URL: http://naroneconomics.wordpress.com/cambodias-macroeconomic-situation/CIA World Factbook // https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/cb.htmlCraig Guthrie. The end if NGO era in Cambodia / Asia Times Online. November 14, 2008 // URL: http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Southeast_Asia/JK14Ae02.htmlDavid Haskel. Establishing a business in Cambodia // URL: http://www.hg.org/article.asp?id=4829Ease of doing business in Cambodia // URL: http://www.doingbusiness.org/data/exploreeconomies/cambodia/Evan Gottesman. Cambodia after the khmer rouge. Inside the politics of nation building // URL: http://yalepress.yale.edu/yupbooks/pdf/0300089570.pdf?winOpen=trueHuman Development Index // URL: http://hdrstats.undp.org/en/countries/profiles/KHM.htmlKang Sovannara, John Mccullough. Factors influencing joint venture performance in Cambodia // URL: http://www.freepatentsonline.com/article/International-Journal-Business-Strategy/243876910.htmlNott Rama Rao. Regional event. Using data in evidence – based decision making. Launch of Devinfo version 6.0 in Asia and Pacific Session 2.3. Demographic transition in Cambodia // URL: http://www.unescap.org/stat/di6launch/session2.3-UNFPA-Cambodia.pdfPrime Minister Samdech Hun Sen claimed that the non-governmental organizations Law will not block the freedom of non-governmental organizations / The mirror. Vol. 13 №640 25.11.2009 // URL: http://www.cambodiamirror.wordpress.com/2009/11/25/prime-minister-samdech-hun-sen-claimed-than-the-non-government-organizations-law-will-not-block-the-freedom-of-non-government-organizations-wednesday-25-11-2009/RosBphana, Y Symphy. A quick guide to doing business in Cambodia // URL: http://negotiation.pbworks.com/w/page/5559040/IntroductionRussel R. Ross. Cambodia: a country study. Washington: GPO for the Library of Congress, 1987 // URL: http://countrystudies.us/cambodia/Simon Chesterman. Resolving territorial disputes: Cambodia – Thailand, the South China Sea and the role of international law // URL: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1858758Simon Marks. Cambodia is hard sell for investment companies / The New York Times. June 29, 2010 // URL: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/30/business/global/30rdbseacam.html?_r=1Starting business in Cambodia // URL: http://www.doingbusiness.org/data/exploreeconomies/cambodia/starting-a-business

Список литературы [ всего 19]

1.A UNDP funded discussion paper in cooperation with the Supreme National Economic Council and Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government. A SWOT analysis of the Cambodian economy // URL: http://www.slideshare.net/tirk_tnot/a-s-w-o-t-analysis-of-the-cambodian-economypdf
2.Cambodia – European community. Strategy paper for the period 2007-2013 // URL: http://eeas.europa.eu/cambodia/csp/07_13_en.pdf
3.Cambodia population / Index mundi // URL: http://www.indexmundi.com/cambodia/population.html
4.Cambodia: adjustment or instability? Interagency conflict assessment // URL: http://global.wisc.edu/peace/readings/supplemental-ricigliano-cambodia.pdf
5.Cambodia’s macroeconomic situation // URL: http://naroneconomics.wordpress.com/cambodias-macroeconomic-situation/
6.CIA World Factbook // https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/cb.html
7.Craig Guthrie. The end if NGO era in Cambodia / Asia Times Online. November 14, 2008 // URL: http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Southeast_Asia/JK14Ae02.html
8.David Haskel. Establishing a business in Cambodia // URL: http://www.hg.org/article.asp?id=4829
9.Ease of doing business in Cambodia // URL: http://www.doingbusiness.org/data/exploreeconomies/cambodia/
10.Evan Gottesman. Cambodia after the khmer rouge. Inside the politics of nation building // URL: http://yalepress.yale.edu/yupbooks/pdf/0300089570.pdf?winOpen=true
11.Human Development Index // URL: http://hdrstats.undp.org/en/countries/profiles/KHM.html
12.Kang Sovannara, John Mccullough. Factors influencing joint venture performance in Cambodia // URL: http://www.freepatentsonline.com/article/International-Journal-Business-Strategy/243876910.html
13.Nott Rama Rao. Regional event. Using data in evidence – based decision making. Launch of Devinfo version 6.0 in Asia and Pacific Session 2.3. Demographic transition in Cambodia // URL: http://www.unescap.org/stat/di6launch/session2.3-UNFPA-Cambodia.pdf
14.Prime Minister Samdech Hun Sen claimed that the non-governmental organizations Law will not block the freedom of non-governmental organizations / The mirror. Vol. 13 №640 25.11.2009 // URL: http://www.cambodiamirror.wordpress.com/2009/11/25/prime-minister-samdech-hun-sen-claimed-than-the-non-government-organizations-law-will-not-block-the-freedom-of-non-government-organizations-wednesday-25-11-2009/
15.RosBphana, Y Symphy. A quick guide to doing business in Cambodia // URL: http://negotiation.pbworks.com/w/page/5559040/Introduction
16.Russel R. Ross. Cambodia: a country study. Washington: GPO for the Library of Congress, 1987 // URL: http://countrystudies.us/cambodia/
17.Simon Chesterman. Resolving territorial disputes: Cambodia – Thailand, the South China Sea and the role of international law // URL: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1858758
18.Simon Marks. Cambodia is hard sell for investment companies / The New York Times. June 29, 2010 // URL: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/30/business/global/30rdbseacam.html?_r=1
19.Starting business in Cambodia // URL: http://www.doingbusiness.org/data/exploreeconomies/cambodia/starting-a-business
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