
The most important and discucced problems in the field of financial markets today in my country(Russia)

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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

The mass of the credits increases fast rates, however level of a margin remains very high, braking economic development of the country
The main problems of the modern insurance market in Russia, important for ensuring financial stability, are the low volume of resources of the insurance market and mainly short-term character of these resources.
Owing to these problems the insurance market in Russia doesn't act in appropriate way neither in the financial markets, nor in economy. The ratio of assets of insurance companies and GDP of Russia is about 2 % whereas the similar ratio is much higher in the developed countries.
The long-term life insurance providing inflow in the financial market of long-term resources in the developed countries isn't developed in Russia.
The problem of development of the long-term insurance market is closely interconnected with a problem of regulation of investment activity of insurance companies. Insurance companies, carrying out investment activity, in fact, act as one of types of schemes of collective investment. Respectively, regulation and control of investment activity of insurance companies should be carried out on the basis of the same principles, as for other schemes of collective investment, such as investment funds, mutual funds, etc.
Thus, the main problem of the Russian financial market today is inability to meet requirements of economy in financial resources. The financial market insufficiently distributes cash flows directed on economic development, doesn't carry out function of transformation of savings in investment and a capital modulation.
List of references
Analysis of problems of development of the Russian share market//www.bankcredids.ru
Barhatov I.V. Stock market in changing Russian economy// Vestnik of Chelyabinsk state university. – 2009. – № 1
Grinyaev S. About problems and prospects of development of the Russian stock market in crisis of a world financial system//Economy, 2010.-№5. - p. 32-35
Smirnov E.E Legal problems of the financial market //Securities market, 2011.-№9
System restrictions of market model of collective investments//www.rbc.ru
Zaharov A. Russia needs long term stock market development program//Izvestia, 19.04.2008
Barhatov I.V. Stock market in changing Russian economy// Vestnik of Chelyabinsk state university. – 2009. – № 1
Smirnov E.E Legal problems of the financial market //Securities market, 2011.-№9
Zaharov A. Russia needs long term stock market development program//Izvestia, 19.04.2008
System restrictions of market model of collective investments//www.rbc.ru
Analysis of problems of development of the Russian share market//www.bankcredids.ru
Grinyaev S. About problems and prospects of development of the Russian stock market in crisis of a world financial system//Economy, 2010.-№5. - p. 32-35

Список литературы [ всего 6]

List of references
1.Analysis of problems of development of the Russian share market//www.bankcredids.ru
2.Barhatov I.V. Stock market in changing Russian economy// Vestnik of Chelyabinsk state university. – 2009. – № 1
3.Grinyaev S. About problems and prospects of development of the Russian stock market in crisis of a world financial system//Economy, 2010.-№5. - p. 32-35
4.Smirnov E.E Legal problems of the financial market //Securities market, 2011.-№9
5.System restrictions of market model of collective investments//www.rbc.ru
6.Zaharov A. Russia needs long term stock market development program//Izvestia, 19.04.2008
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