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1Company description
2 Country analysis
2.1 Economic environment of the country
2.2 Cultural environment
2.3 Political/legal environment
2.4 Consumer, competitors and marketing
2.5 Types of product that will be suitable
2.6 Components and market entry strategies
List of references

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These percentages were very similar to the ones in the Basque Country. Likewise, E.E.C. consumers don=t regard advertising much better since 77% think that it makes them buy unneeded products, and 76% consider it deceptive.This negative attitude towards advertising among consumers in Madrid makes them consider (18.8%) that the highly advertised brands are of less quality than the others while only a 10.5% think the opposite. They also estimate that advertising efforts result in higher prices since a 71.1% think that advertised brands sell at higher prices. This last percentage is 62% both for the Basque Country and the E.E.C.2.5 Types of product that will be suitableBottled water is largely mature in Spain, with high per capita consumption. Consequently, there is expected to be little off-trade sales growth during the forecast period even given a health and wellness trend that encourages consumers to drink more water. Even though the forecast period is expected to see a stronger economic performance than that seen during the review period, off-trade volume growth is thus set to slow, dropping below 5% for the forecast period as a whole.Sales in Spain have increased over the last 10 years from 2.2 Billion litres to 6.2 Billion litres. Spain is in Second place in Europe and ranks third worldwide with an annual increase of 10% in water consumption.4 mineralwater enterprises and 4 plots with licensed mineral water are presented in Spanish market.Spaniards prefer to drink still mineral water.Популярностью у потребителей пользуется упаковка по 5 л и 0,33 л. В состав минеральной воды входит сбалансированный натуральный минеральный состав. Все компоненты, содержащиеся в воде, имеют природное происхождение.At consumers packing of 5 l and 0,33 l are popular. The composition of mineral water includes the balanced natural mineral structure. All components containing in water, have a natural origin.2.6 Components and market entry strategiesThe major challenge for most companies is product innovation and differentiation as water is still just water. Containers are an important part of bottled water, as they constitute nearly 47% of cost. Even look, weight and price of the product are as significant as the water itself.The bottled water industry is in a continuous state of flux. Entry barriers are low, and decreasing by the day. Large companies are consolidating by acquiring local/small/niche players to increase capacity as well as product portfolio. Consolidation in the industry is expected to accelerate, resulting in higher degree of concentration, with the leading players strengthening their global presence. Bottled water industry in the Asia-Pacific region is expected to experience a major boost, as more companies venture into the market to capitalize on the latent demand potential.Product, marketing/promotion, packaging, distribution, price, and technology would be the key factors in garnering market share in the industry. With the ever-increasing presence of soft drink majors, such as, Coca-Cola, and PepsiCo, and established leaders Nestle, and Danone, the market is expected to become a cauldron of action in the future.Company should seek distinction by marketing water origins, fortification, and even bottled shape, size and styles. Foe examples company should export bottled water that comes in bullet shaped glassor icicle-shaped plastic or sports ball-sized water bottles or the ever-changing unique cylindrical containers.Targeting niche audience (market) also is essential for to the bottled water industry. Firstly companies should try to appeal to children. According to researchers, women constitute the majority of mineral water drinkers. Some 45% of 18 to 34 year old women and 44.6% of 35 to 54 year old women consume mineral water. Men’s percentages of the same age groups (18-34) drank 35.3% and those in the age group from 35 to 54 consumed 34.5%. Some 47% of 18 to 34 year olds do not think that their water is safe; therefore 41.4% of them consume bottled water regularly.Market entry strategies should be directed to active middle age women.Also launching a special category of bottled water, introduced “two-piece sports caps,” and a “belongs to label” to personalize bottled water will attract customer’s attention.List of referencesConsumer spending in Spain//http://news-spain.euroresidentes.com/2008/06/consumer-spending-in-spain.htmlhttp://www.kavminkr.ruKushnirI.V. World ecomomy.-M.: Finance and statistic, 2010Life style of Spain// http://www.nationmaster.comTrade in Spain//Expert, 2011.-№ 11www.StrategyR.com/

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List of references
1.Consumer spending in Spain//http://news-spain.euroresidentes.com/2008/06/consumer-spending-in-spain.html
3.KushnirI.V. World ecomomy.-M.: Finance and statistic, 2010
4.Life style of Spain// http://www.nationmaster.com
5.Trade in Spain//Expert, 2011.-№ 11
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