
Анализ основных систем оценки персонала в организации(на англ. языке)

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Код 165721
Дата создания 2012
Страниц 6
Источников 5
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1Subject matter of the paper
2Topicality of the paper
3 The goal of the paper
4 Methods and materials of the study
5 The essence of the problem
6 Conclusion
Bibliography list

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

It is important to notice that the higher status of the estimated applicant and the higher risk connected with adoption of personnel decisions, so expensive methods of an assessment should be applied.At a present stage the majority of experts in personnel assessment prefer complex systems of assessment including large number of techniques for the purpose of minimization of mistakes during the assessment. However first of all it is important to gather not simply some techniques, but to adapt them for the conditions existing in the organization, and concerning foreign techniques adaptation to conditions of the Russian reality. Huge value gains professionalism and experience of the expert leading process of an assessment as performance of this task, besides the corresponding personal qualities, demands knowledge and competences in area of psychology and understanding of business processes, the purposes and specifics of activity of the company.Thus, complex system of personnel assessment allows human resources department take a leading place in organizational structure: To receive more exact and detailed idea of processes occurring in the organization and the phenomena; To realize sources and the nature of administrative phenomena and processes; To pass in management of the company from response to the situation which has arisen in the market to management of the company in market conditions.Bibliography listOvchinnikova T. New paradigm of human resource management//Human resource management. – 2006. - № 7. – p. 34-39. DrofaV.V., Polovinko V. S. Human resource management of the research organizations. - M: Inform-Znaniye; Omsk: Publishing house Heritage. Dialogue Siberia, 2008. – 208 p. Dmitrenko G. A., Sharapatova E. A. Maksimenko T. M Motivation and performance assessment. - M.:infa-M, 2008. - 321 p.Maslov E.V. Enterprise human resource management. – M: INFRA-M; Novosibirsk: NGAEU, 2007. – 312p..Tretjakov E.P. Assessment of labor potential of organization/E.P. Tretjakov//Management in Russia and abroad. – 2009. - No. 1. – Page 136-144

Список литературы [ всего 5]

Bibliography list
Ovchinnikova T. New paradigm of human resource management//Human resource management. – 2006. - № 7. – p. 34-39.
DrofaV.V., Polovinko V. S. Human resource management of the research organizations. - M: Inform-Znaniye; Omsk: Publishing house Heritage. Dialogue Siberia, 2008. – 208 p.
Dmitrenko G. A., Sharapatova E. A. Maksimenko T. M Motivation and performance assessment. - M.:infa-M, 2008. - 321 p.
Maslov E.V. Enterprise human resource management. – M: INFRA-M; Novosibirsk: NGAEU, 2007. – 312p..
Tretjakov E.P. Assessment of labor potential of organization/E.P. Tretjakov//Management in Russia and abroad. – 2009. - No. 1. – Page 136-144
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