
Is the responsibility of rich nations to help poor nations develop.

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Дата создания 2009
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Источников 4
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However because of lack of the help from outside developed countries instead there can be a deepening of "digital precipice» therefore possibilities of the separate countries to find for themselves a favourable niche in economy will be narrowed even more, than today. It does not mean that «digital precipice» can be overcome only by technical means: this precipice reflects also huge rupture between the rich and poor countries, rich and poor levels of population in possibilities of bringing the education. It is both display, and the reason of the polarisation which is endangering peace.
The main negative result of development for last three decades consists in reduction of the social capital and caused by it still larger impoverishment of the countries — basically the countries of Africa to the south from Sahara, — where lives about semibillion people. I don't want search guilty of this tragical failure though it is necessary to notice that in many cases rather important role was played by the shocks caused by adverse change of trade's conditions, and also illiterate management at national level. Development renewal requires followings: the complex of radical transformations in internal policy, readiness of industrially developed countries give the chance to export production from the countries with level of the income below an average fairly compete in their markets of the goods of other manufacturers, substantial growth of the help directed there where it will be spent more useful, and paying special attention to potential development, and also formation new and more healthy basis of relations between donors and addressees of the help. One of overall objectives is preparation the list of potential elements of measures in area of policy solving these problems.
Sources of information
«Rich nations must help developing world fight climate change» – http://blog.taragana.com
China leads accusation that rich nations are trying to sabotage climate treaty www.guardian.co.uk
David Fogarty and Deborah Zabarenko. Poor Nations CO2 Curbs Strengthen Hand In U.N. Talks – www.planetark.com – 2009.
Guilty! Rich Nations Slammed At Climate Change Court – www.treehugger.com

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Sources of information
1.«Rich nations must help developing world fight climate change» – http://blog.taragana.com
2.China leads accusation that rich nations are trying to sabotage climate treaty www.guardian.co.uk
3.David Fogarty and Deborah Zabarenko. Poor Nations CO2 Curbs Strengthen Hand In U.N. Talks – www.planetark.com – 2009.
4.Guilty! Rich Nations Slammed At Climate Change Court – www.treehugger.com
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