
Проведение фонетико-просодических упражнений и особенности аудирования студентов начальных курсов языковых специальностей

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1.1 Определение понятия «коммуникативная компетенция»
1.2 Формирование коммуникативной компетенции как цель обучения ИЯ
1.3 Работа над фонетическим материалом и выработка слухопроизносительных навыков
1.3.1Постановка звука
1.3.2 Отработка произношения слов
1.4 Понятие «Фонологический аспект фонетики» и проблема роли и объёма просодики в курсе ИЯ
1.4.1 Фонологический аспект
1.4.2 Цели и задачи фонетических упражнений
2.1 Процесс аудирования в обучении иностранным языкам
2.2 Обучение аудированию на первых курсах языкового ВУЗа
2.3 Комплекс упражнений для отработки произносительных навыков
2.4 Система упражнений для обучения аудированию
ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 1 - Скороговорки на английском языке
ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 2 – Песни на английском языке

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

Итак, основными механизмами аудирования являются речевой слух, память, вероятностное прогнозирование и артикулирование.
Цель обучения аудированию как виду речевой деятельности состоит в формировании коммуникативных умений аудирования различных видов речи. Восприятие связной речи сопровождается сложной мыслительной деятельностью и протекает в особых условиях, определяемых рядом акустических факторов. Отсюда возникает необходимость в упражнениях, направляющих внимание на осмысление содержания воспринимаемой речи. Такие упражнения принято называть речевыми.
Специальные речевые упражнения проводятся для того, чтобы студенты научились использовать подготовленные образцы в речевом синтезе, узнавать и понимать известные конструкции в разнообразном окружении. Неспециальные упражнения направлены на обучение не только аудированию, но через него и говорению, чтению, письму. Т.е. цель этих упражнений: обучать аудированию как средству обучения другим видам речевой деятельности.
Использование пословиц и поговорок оправдано, так как в них сочетаются совершенствование слухопроизносительных и ритмико-интонационных навыков. Песни также помогают в обучении иностранного языка на начальном этапе. Фонетической игрой может быть работа над стихотворением.
Особую ценность представляют стихи, которые могут давать студентам речевые образцы, содержащие лексико-грамматический материал, которые способствуют развитию навыков устной речи студентов.
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ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 1 – Песни на английском языке
Numb - Linkin Park (Майк Шинода, Честер Беннингтон)
I’m tired of being what you want me to be,
Feeling so faithless, lost under the surface.
Don’t know what you’re expecting of me.
Put under the pressure of walking in your shoes.
(Caught in the undertone, caught in the undertone)
I’ve become so numb I can’t feel you there.
I’ve become so tired, so much more aware.
I’m becoming this, all I want to do
Is be more like me and be less like you.
Can’t you see that you’re smothering me,
Holding too tightly afraid to lose control.
Cause everything that you thought I would be,
Has fallen apart right in front of you.
(Caught in the undertone, just caught in the undertone)
And every second I waste is more than I can take.
I’ve become so numb, I can’t feel you there.
I’ve become so tired so much more aware.
I’m becoming this, all I want to do
Is be more like me and be less like you.
And I know I may end up failing, too.
But I know you were just like me
With someone disappointed in you.
I’ve become so numb, I can’t feel you there.
I’ve become so tired so much more aware.
I’m becoming this all I want to do
Is be more like me and be less like you.
I’ve become so numb, I can’t feel you there.
Is everything what you want me to be.
I’ve become so numb, I can’t feel you there
Is everything what you want me to be.
Yellow Submarine - The Beatles (Пол Маккартни, Джон Леннон)
In the town where I was born
lived a man who sailed to sea
And he told us of his life
In the land of submarines.
So we sailed on to the sun
Till we found the sea of green.
And we lived beneath the waves
In our yellow submarine.
We all live in a yellow submarine,
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine.
We all live in a yellow submarine,
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine.
And our friends are all aboard,
Many more of them live next door.
And the band begins to play…
We all live in a yellow submarine,
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine.
We all live in a yellow submarine,
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine.
And we live a life of ease,
Everyone of us has all we need,
Sky of blue and sea of green
In our yellow submarine.
A new day has come – Celine Dion (автор музыки с слов неизвестен)
A new day - oh A new day - oh
I was waiting for so long For a miracle to come Everyone told me to be strong Hold on and don't shed a tear Through the darkness and good times I knew I'd make it through And the world thought I had it all But I was waiting for you
Hush, now I see a light in the sky Oh, it's almost blinding me I can't believe I've been touched by an angel with love Let the rain come down and wash away my tears Let it fill my soul and drown my fears Let it shatter the walls for a new sun A new day has come
Where there was dark now there's light Where there was pain now there's joy Where there was weakness I found my strength All in the eyes of a boy
Hush, now I see a light in the sky Oh, it's almost blinding me I can't believe I've been touched by an angel with love Let the rain come down and wash away my tears Let it fill my soul and drown my fears Let it shatter the walls for a new sun A new day has come
Let the rain come down and wash away my tears Let it fill my soul and drown my fears Let it shatter the walls for a new sun A new day has come
Hush, now I see a light in your eyes All in the eyes of a boy I can't believe I've been touched by an angel with love I can't believe I've been touched by an angel with love
Hush, now A new day Hush
ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 2 - Стихотворения на английском языке
1 Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked. If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked? 2 How many boards Could the Mongols hoard If the Mongol hordes got bored? 3 Denise sees the fleece, Denise sees the fleas. At least Denise could sneeze and feed and freeze the fleas. 4 Something in a thirty-acre thermal thicket of thorns and thistles thumped and thundered threatening the three-D thoughts of Matthew the thug - although, theatrically, it was only the thirteen-thousand thistles and thorns through the underneath of his thigh that the thirty year old thug thought of that morning. 5 There was a fisherman named Fisher who fished for some fish in a fissure. Till a fish with a grin, pulled the fisherman in. Now they're fishing the fissure for Fisher. 6 To sit in solemn silence in a dull dark dock In a pestilential prison with a life long lock Awaiting the sensation of a short sharp shock From a cheap and chippy chopper on a big black block. 7 One-one was a race horse. Two-two was one too. One-one won one race. Two-two won one too. 8 What a terrible tongue twister, what a terrible tongue twister, what a terrible tongue twister... 9 How many cookies could a good cook cook If a good cook could cook cookies? A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies. 10 How much ground would a groundhog hog, if a groundhog could hog ground? A groundhog would hog all the ground he could hog, if a groundhog could hog ground. 11 How much wood could Chuck Woods' woodchuck chuck, if Chuck Woods' woodchuck could and would chuck wood? If Chuck Woods' woodchuck could and would chuck wood, how much wood could and would Chuck Woods' woodchuck chuck? Chuck Woods' woodchuck would chuck, he would, as much as he could, and chuck as much wood as any woodchuck would, if a woodchuck could and would chuck wood. 12 Mary Mac's mother's making Mary Mac marry me. My mother's making me marry Mary Mac. Will I always be so Merry when Mary's taking care of me? Will I always be so merry when I marry Mary Mac? 13 Through three cheese trees three free fleas flew. While these fleas flew, freezy breeze blew. Freezy breeze made these three trees freeze. Freezy trees made these trees' cheese freeze. That's what made these three free fleas sneeze. 14 How many cans can a cannibal nibble if a cannibal can nibble cans? As many cans as a cannibal can nibble if a cannibal can nibble cans. 15 A twister of twists once twisted a twist; A twist that he twisted was a three-twisted twist; If in twisting a twist one twist should untwist, The untwisted twist would untwist the twist. 16 Bobby Bippy bought a bat. Bobby Bippy bought a ball. With his bat Bob banged the ball Banged it bump against the wall But so boldly Bobby banged it That he burst his rubber ball ""Boo!"" cried Bobby Bad luck ball Bad luck Bobby, bad luck ball Now to drown his many troubles Bobby Bippy's blowing bubbles. 17 Why do you cry, Willy? Why do you cry? Why, Willy? Why, Willy? Why, Willy? Why? 18 Mares eat oats and does eat oats, and little lambs eat ivy. A Kid will eat ivy too, wouldn't you? 19 When I was in Arkansas I saw a saw that could outsaw any other saw I ever saw, saw. If you've got a saw that can outsaw the saw I saw saw then I'd like to see your saw saw. 20 How many berries could a bare berry carry, if a bare berry could carry berries? Well they can't carry berries (which could make you very wary) but a bare berry carried is more scary! 21 What did you have for breakfast? - rubber balls and liquor! What did you have for lunch? - rubber balls and liquor! What did you have for dinner? - rubber balls and liquor! 22 Yellow butter, purple jelly, red jam, black bread. Spread it thick, say it quick! Yellow butter, purple jelly, red jam, black bread. Spread it thicker, say it quicker! Yellow butter, purple jelly, red jam, black bread. Don't eat with your mouth full! 23 Supposed to be pistachio, supposed to be pistachio, supposed to be pistachio. 24 Yally Bally had a jolly golliwog. Feeling folly, Yally Bally Bought his jolly golli' a dollie made of holly! The golli', feeling jolly, named the holly dollie, Polly. So Yally Bally's jolly golli's holly dollie Polly's also jolly! 25 Out in the pasture the nature watcher watches the catcher. While the catcher watches the pitcher who pitches the balls. Whether the temperature's up or whether the temperature's down, the nature watcher, the catcher and the pitcher are always around. The pitcher pitches, the catcher catches and the watcher watches. So whether the temperature's rises or whether the temperature falls the nature watcher just watches the catcher who's watching the pitcher who's watching the balls. 26 If you can't can any candy can, how many candy cans can a candy canner can if he can can candy cans ? 27 Roy Wayne Roy Rogers Roy Rash 28 Mo mi mo me send me a toe, Me me mo mi get me a mole, Mo mi mo me send me a toe, Fe me mo mi get me a mole, Mister kister feet so sweet, Mister kister where will I eat !? 29 Old Mr. Hunt had a cuddy punt Not a cuddy punt but a hunt punt cuddy. 30 I'm not the fig plucker, Nor the fig plucker's son, but I'll pluck your figs till the fig plucker comes. 31 If you understand, say ""understand"". If you don't understand, say ""don't understand"". But if you understand and say ""don't understand"". how do I understand that you understand. Understand!? 32 One smart fellow, he felt smart. Two smart fellows, they felt smart. Three smart fellows, they felt smart. Four smart fellows, they felt smart. Five smart fellows, they felt smart. Six smart fellows, they felt smart. 33 But a harder thing still to do. What a to do to die today At a quarter or two to two. A terrible difficult thing to say But a harder thing still to do. The dragon will come at the beat of the drum With a rat-a-tat-tat a-tat-tat a-tat-to At a quarter or two to two today, At a quarter or two to two. 34 I know a boy named Tate who dined with his girl at eight eight. I'm unable to state what Tate ate at eight eight or what Tate's tête à tête ate at eight eight. 35 I saw a saw in Arkansas, that would outsaw any saw I ever saw, and if you got a saw that will outsaw the saw I saw in Arkansas let me see your saw. 36 Knife and a fork bottle and a cork that is the way you spell New York. Chicken in the car and the car can go, that is the way you spell Chicago. 37 Dr. Johnson and Mr. Johnson, after great consideration, came to the conclusion that the Indian nation beyond the Indian Ocean is back in education because the chief occupation is cultivation. 38 I'm a sock cutter and I cut socks. I'm a sock cutter and I cut socks. I'm a sock cutter and I cut socks. 39 As he gobbled the cakes on his plate, the greedy ape said as he ate, the greener green grapes are, the keener keen apes are to gobble green grape cakes, they're great! 40 How much myrtle would a wood turtle hurdle if a wood turtle could hurdle myrtle? A wood turtle would hurdle as much myrtle as a wood turtle could hurdle if a wood turtle could hurdle myrtle. 41 A fly and flea flew into a flue, said the fly to the flea 'what shall we do?' 'let us fly' said the flea said the fly 'shall we flee' so they flew through a flaw in the flue. 42 How much dew does a dewdrop drop If dewdrops do drop dew? They do drop, they do As do dewdrops drop If dewdrops do drop dew. 43 Fresh fried fish, Fish fresh fried, Fried fish fresh, Fish fried fresh. 44 Come, come, Stay calm, stay calm, No need for alarm, It only hums, It doesn't harm. 45 Tie a knot, tie a knot. Tie a tight, tight knot. Tie a knot in the shape of a nought. 46 I'm a sheet slitter. I slit sheets. I'm the sleekest sheet slitter that ever slit sheets. 47 I shot the city sheriff. I shot the city sheriff. I shot the city sheriff. 48 A lady sees a pot-mender at work at his barrow in the street. ""Are you copper-bottoming them, my man?"" ""No, I'm aluminiuming 'em, Mum"" 49 I am not a pheasant plucker, I'm a pheasant plucker's son but I'll be plucking pheasants When the pheasant plucker's gone. 50 Suzie, Suzie, working in a shoeshine shop. All day long she sits and shines, all day long she shines and sits, and sits and shines, and shines and sits, and sits and shines, and shines and sits. 51 Suzie, Suzie, working in a shoeshine shop. Tommy, Tommy, toiling in a tailor's shop. All day long he fits and tucks, all day long he tucks and fits, and fits and tucks, and tucks and fits, and fits and tucks, and tucks and fits. Tommy, Tommy, toiling in a tailor's shop. 52 Betty Botter bought some butter but she said the butter's bitter. If I put it in my batter it will make my batter bitter. So, she bought some better butter, better than the bitter butter and she put it in her batter and her batter was not bitter. So 'twas good that Betty Botter bought some better butter. 53 There once was a man who had a sister, his name was Mr. Fister. Mr. Fister's sister sold sea shells by the sea shore. Mr. Fister didn't sell sea shells, he sold silk sheets. Mr. Fister told his sister that he sold six silk sheets to six shieks. The sister of Mr. Fister said I sold six shells to six shieks too! 54 Swan swam over the sea. Swim, swan, swim! Swan swam back again. Well swum swan! 55 She sells sea shells on the sea shore; The shells that she sells are sea shells I'm sure. So if she sells sea shells on the sea shore, I'm sure that the shells are sea shore shells. 56 You know New York. You need New York. You know you need unique New York. 57 A rough-coated, dough-faced, thoughtful ploughman strode through the streets of Scarborough; after falling into a slough, he coughed and hiccoughed. 58 A twister of twists once twisted a twist. and the twist that he twisted was a three twisted twist. now in twisting this twist, if a twist should untwist, would the twist that untwisted untwist the twists. 59 I am a mother pheasant plucker, I pluck mother pheasants. I am the best mother pheasant plucker, that ever plucked a mother pheasant! 60 Whether the weather be fine or whether the weather be not. Whether the weather be cold or whether the weather be hot. We'll weather the weather whether we like it or not. 61 If you stick a stock of liquor in your locker it is slick to stick a lock upon your stock or some joker who is slicker is 63going to trick you of your liquor if yo64u fail to lock your liquor with a lock. 62 Sister Suzie sewing shirts for soldiers Such skill as sewing shirts Our shy young sister Suzie shows Some soldiers send epistles Say they'd rather sleep in thistles Than the saucy, soft short shirts for soldiers Sister Suzie sews. 63 Betty Botter bought some butter but, said she, the butter's bitter. If I put it in my batter, it will make my batter bitter. But a bit of better butter will make my bitter batter better. So she bought some better butter, better than the bitter butter, put it in her bitter batter, made her bitter batter better. So 'twas better Betty Botter bought some better butter. 64 When a doctor doctors a doctor, does the doctor doing the doctoring doctor as the doctor being doctored wants to be doctored or does the doctor doing the doctoring doctor as he wants to doctor? 65 A box of biscuits, a box of mixed biscuits, and a biscuit mixer. 66 What to do to die today at a minute or two to two. A terribly difficult thing to say and a harder thing to do. A dragon will come and beat his drum Ra-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-too at a minute or two to two today.  At a minute or two to two. 67 Theophilus Thadeus Thistledown, the succesful thistle-sifter, while sifting a sieve-full of unsifted thistles, thrust three thousand thistles through the thick of his thumb. Now, if Theophilus Thadeus Thistledown, the succesful thistle-sifter, thrust three thousand thistles through the thick of his thumb, see that thou, while sifting a sieve-full of unsifted thistles, thrust not three thousand thistles through the thick of thy thumb. 68 She is a thistle-sifter. She has a sieve of unsifted thistles and a sieve of sifted thistles and the sieve of unsifted thistles she sifts into the sieve of sifted thistles because she is a thistle-sifter. 69 Admidst the mists and coldest frosts, With stoutest wrists and loudest boasts, He thrusts his fists against the posts, And still insists he sees the ghosts. 70 Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear, Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair, Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't very fuzzy, was he? 71 Betty bought some butter, but the butter Betty bought was bitter, so Betty bought some better butter, and the better butter Betty bought was better than the bitter butter Betty bought before! 72 A flea and a fly in a flue, were imprisoned. So what could they do? Said the fly, ""Let us flee"". Said the flea, ""Let us fly"". So they flew through a flaw in the flue. 73 King Thistle stuck a thousand thistles in the thistle of his thumb. A thousand thistles King Thistle stuck in the thistle of his thumb. If King Thistle stuck a thousand thistles in the thistle of his thumb, How many thistles did King Thistle stick in the thistle of his thumb? 74 The bottle of perfume that Willy sent was highly displeasing to Millicent. Her thanks were so cold that they quarreled, I'm told o'er that silly scent Willy sent Millicent 75 Esau Wood sawed wood. All the wood Esau Wood saw, Esau Wood would saw. All the wood Wood saw, Esau sought to saw. One day Esau Wood's wood-saw would saw no wood. So Esau Wood sought a new wood-saw. The new wood-saw would saw wood. Oh, the wood Esau Wood would saw. Esau sought a saw that would saw wood as no other wood-saw would saw. And Esau found a saw that would saw as no other wood-saw would saw. And Esau Wood sawed wood. 76 Betty bought some bitter butter and it made her batter bitter, so Betty bought some better butter to make her bitter batter better. 77 I'm not the fig plucker, nor the fig pluckers' son, but I'll pluck figs Till the fig plucker comes. 78 I am not the pheasant plucker, I'm the pheasant plucker's mate. I am only plucking pheasants 'cause the pheasant plucker's running late. 79 Ed Nott was shot and Sam Shott was not. So it is better to be Shott than Nott. Some say Nott was not shot. But Shott says he shot Nott. Either the shot Shott shot at Nott was not shot, or Nott was shot. If the shot Shott shot shot Nott, Nott was shot. But if the shot Shott shot shot Shott, the shot was Shott, not Nott. However, the shot Shott shot shot not Shott - but Nott. So, Ed Nott was shot and that's hot! Is it not? 80 If Dr. Seuss Were a Technical Writer..... Here's an easy game to play. Here's an easy thing to say: If a packet hits a pocket on a socket on a port, And the bus is interrupted as a very last resort, And the address of the memory makes your floppy disk abort, Then the socket packet pocket has an error to report! If your cursor finds a menu item followed by a dash, And the double-clicking icon puts your window in the trash, And your data is corrupted 'cause the index doesn't hash, then your situation's hopeless, and your system's gonna crash! You can't say this?  What a shame, sir! We'll find you another game, sir. If the label on the cable on the table at your house, Says the network is connected to the button on your mouse, But your packets want to tunnel on another protocol, That's repeatedly rejected by the printer down the hall, And your screen is all distorted by the side effects of gauss, So your icons in the window are as wavy as a souse, Then you may as well reboot and go out with a bang, 'Cause as sure as I'm a poet, the sucker's gonna hang! When the copy of your floppy's getting sloppy on the disk, And the microcode instructions cause unnecessary risk, Then you have to flash your memory and you'll want to ram your rom. Quickly turn off the computer and be sure to tell your mom! 81 Ray Rag ran across a rough road. Across a rough road Ray Rag ran. Where is the rough road Ray Rag ran across? 82 A Tudor who tooted the flute tried to tutor two tooters to toot. Said the two to the tutor, "Is it harder to toot or to tutor two tooters to toot?" 83 Mrs Puggy Wuggy has a square cut punt. Not a punt cut square, Just a square cut punt. It's round in the stern and blunt in the front. Mrs Puggy Wuggy has a square cut punt. 84 How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a wooodchuck could chuck wood? A woodchuck would chuck all the wood a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood. 85 How much sh*t can a sh*t slinger sling If a sh*t slinger could sling sh*t? He'd sling as much sh*t as a sh*t slinger could If a sh*t slinger could sling sh*t! 86 I thought a thought. But the thought I thought wasn't the thought I thought I thought. If the thought I thought I thought had been the thought I thought, I wouldn't have thought so much. 87 There was a young man called Fisher who was fishing for fish in a fissure. Then a cod with a grin pulled the fisherman in. Now they're searching the fissure for Fisher. 88 The Leith police dismisseth us They thought we sought to stay; The Leith police dismisseth us They thought we'd stay all day. The Leith police dismisseth us, We both sighed sighs apiece; And the sighs that we sighed as we said goodbye Were the size of the Leith police. 89 How much dough would Bob Dole dole if Bob Dole could dole dough? Bob Dole would dole as much dough as Bob Dole could dole, if Bob Dole could dole dough. 90 To begin to toboggan first, buy a toboggan. But do not buy too big a toboggan! Too big a toboggan is too big a toboggan to buy to begin to toboggan. 91 Moses supposes his toeses are roses, but Moses supposes erroneously. For Moses, he knowses his toeses aren't roses, as Moses supposes his toeses to be. 92 Three Tree Turtles Three tree turtles took turns talking tongue twisters. If three tree turtles took turns talking tongue twisters, where's the twisters the three tree turtles talked? 93 My Friend Gladys Oh, the sadness of her sadness when she's sad. Oh, the gladness of her gladness when she's glad. But the sadness of her sadness, and the gladness of her gladness, Are nothing like her madness when she's mad!
ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 3 – Скороговорки на английском языке
The thirty-three thieves thought that they thrilled the throne throughout Thursday. Send toast to ten tense stout saints' ten tall tents.
I saw Susie sitting in a shoe shine shop. Where she sits she shines, and where she shines she sits.
A quick witted cricket critic if if = then then then = else else else = if;
How can a clam cram in a clean cream can?
Coy knows pseudonoise codes.
Sheena leads, Sheila needs.
Can you can a can as a canner can can a can? Seth at Sainsbury's sells thick socks. You cuss, I cuss, we all cuss, for asparagus! Roberta ran rings around the Roman ruins. Clean clams crammed in clean cans. Six sick hicks nick six slick bricks with picks and sticks. I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I won't wish the wish you wish to wish. Stupid superstition! Picky people pick Peter Pan Peanut-Butter, 'tis the peanut-butter picky people pick. If Stu chews shoes, should Stu choose the shoes he chews? Luke's duck likes lakes. Luke Luck licks lakes. Luke's duck licks lakes. Duck takes licks in lakes Luke Luck likes. Luke Luck takes licks in lakes duck likes. Seventy seven benevolent elephants There those thousand thinkers were thinking how did the other three thieves go through. Santa's Short Suit Shrunk I was born on a pirate ship I scream, you scream, we all scream for icecream! Wayne went to Wales to watch walruses. In 'ertford, 'ereford and 'ampshire, 'urricanes 'ardly Hever 'appen. Eleven benevolent elephants Celibate celebrant, celibate celebrant, celibate celebrant, ... Willy's real rear wheel If Pickford's packers packed a packet of crisps would the packet of crisps that Pickford's packers packed survive for two and a half years? Six sleek swans swam swiftly southwards Gobbling gorgoyles gobbled gobbling goblins. Did Dick Pickens prick his pinkie pickling cheap cling peaches in an inch of Pinch or framing his famed French finch photos? Pirates Private Property When you write copy you have the right to copyright the copy you write. A big black bug bit a big black dog on his big black nose! Elizabeth's birthday is on the third Thursday of this month. Ann and Andy's anniversary is in April. Flash message! Frogfeet, flippers, swimfins.
Hassock hassock, black spotted hassock. Black spot on a black back of a black spotted hassock.
How much pot, could a pot roast roast, if a pot roast could roast pot.
Mr. Tongue Twister tried to train his tongue to twist and turn, and twit an twat, to learn the letter ""T"". Pete's pa pete poked to the pea patch to pick a peck of peas for the poor pink pig in the pine hole pig-pen. She saw Sherif's shoes on the sofa. But was she so sure she saw Sherif's shoes on the sofa? Two tried and true tridents rudder valve reversals Birdie birdie in the sky laid a turdie in my eye. If cows could fly I'd have a cow pie in my eye. Thirty-three thirsty, thundering thoroughbreds thumped Mr. Thurber on Thursday. Four furious friends fought for the phone. Plymouth sleuths thwart Luther's slithering. World Wide Web
Black background, brown background. I stood sadly on the silver steps of Burgess's fish sauce shop, mimicking him hiccuping, and wildly welcoming him within.
Very well, very well, very well ... Tie twine to three tree twigs. Rory the warrior and Roger the worrier were reared wrongly in a rural brewery. Three short sword sheaths. Caution: Wide Right Turns Rolling red wagons Green glass globes glow greenly. Robert Wayne Rutter
Black back bat
Six slimy snails sailed silently. I thought, I thought of thinking of thanking you. Seven slick slimey snakes slowly sliding southward. Red Buick, blue Buick Roofs of mushrooms rarely mush too much. He threw three balls. The great Greek grape growers grow great Greek grapes. Singing Sammy sung songs on sinking sand. We're real rear wheels. Rhys watched Ross switch his Irish wristwatch for a Swiss wristwatch. I wish to wash my Irish wristwatch. Near an ear, a nearer ear, a nearly eerie ear. On a lazy laser raiser lies a laser ray eraser. Scissors sizzle, thistles sizzle. Tom threw Tim three thumbtacks. How much caramel can a canny canonball cram in a camel if a canny canonball can cram caramel in a camel? He threw three free throws. Fresh French fried fly fritters Gig whip, gig whip, gig whip, ... I was born on a pirate ship. Little Mike left his bike like Tike at Spike's. Eddie edited it. Wow, race winners really want red wine right away! The ruddy widow really wants ripe watermelon and red roses when winter arrives. I'll chew and chew until my jaws drop. Triple Dickle How many sheets could a sheet slitter slit if a sheet slitter could slit sheets? Chester Cheetah chews a chunk of cheep cheddar cheese. Real rock wall, real rock wall, real rock wall Argyle Gargoyle Peggy Babcock If you're keen on stunning kites and cunning stunts, buy a cunning stunning stunt kite. Two tiny tigers take two taxis to town. Sounding by sound is a sound method of sounding sounds. Willie's really weary. Tommy Tucker tried to tie Tammy's Turtles tie. John, where Peter had had ""had had"", had had ""had""; ""had had"" had had his master's approval. Excited executioner exercising his excising powers excessively. Pail of ale aiding ailing Al's travails. Double bubble gum, bubbles double. Octopus ocular optics. and A cat snaps a rat's paxwax. This is the sixth zebra snoozing thoroughly. Salty broccoli, salty broccoli, salty broccoli .... I saw Esau kissing Kate. I saw Esau,  he saw me, and she saw I saw Esau. A slimey snake slithered down the sandy sahara. Suzie Seaword's fish-sauce shop sells unsifted thistles for thistle-sifters to sift. I eat eel while you peel eel Nothing is worth thousands of deaths. Casual clothes are provisional for leisurely trips across Asia. East Fife Four, Forfar Five Wunwun was a racehorse, Tutu was one too. Wunwun won one race, Tutu won one too. It's not the cough that carries you off, it's the coffin they carry you off in! She said she should sit. Will you, William? Will you, William? Will you, William? Can't you, don't you, won't you, William? I wish you were a fish in my dish She stood on the balcony, inexplicably mimicking him hiccuping, and amicably welcoming him in. The big black bug bit the big black bear, but the big black bear bit the big black bug back! Dust is a disk's worst enemy. I see a sea down by the seashore. But which sea do you see down by the seashore?
As one black bug, bled blue, black blood. The other black bug bled blue. Mommy made me eat my M&Ms. A gazillion gigantic grapes gushed gradually giving gophers gooey guts. Aluminum, linoleum, aluminum, linoleum, aluminum, linoleum Thin grippy thick slippery. There once was a two toed, she toad, tree toad, and a three toed, he toad, tree toad.... The sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick The owner of the inside inn was inside his inside inn with his inside outside his inside inn. If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is not worth noticing. She sees cheese. Brent Spence Bridge Clay Wade Bailey Bridge Chukotko-Kamchatkan There those thousand thinkers were thinking where did those other three thieves go through. Five frantic frogs fled from fifty fierce fishes. Seven sleazy shysters in sharkskin suits sold sheared sealskins to seasick sailors. I would if I could! But I can't, so I won't! Love's a feeling you feel when you feel you're going to feel the feeling you've never felt before. Silly sheep weep and sleep. Truly rural, truly rural, truly rural, ... A turbot's not a burbot, for a turbot's a butt, but a burbot's not. The seething sea ceaseth; thus the seething sea sufficeth us. Real weird rear wheels I slit a sheet, a sheet I slit, upon a slitted sheet I sit. A pessimistic pest exists amidst us. Five fuzzy French frogs Frolicked through the fields in France. Two to two to Toulouse? Swatch watch Round and round the rugged rock the ragged rascal ran. Buckets of bug blood, buckets of bug blood, buckets of bug blood The queen in green screamed.
If coloured caterpillars could change their colours constantly could they keep their coloured coat coloured properly? We won, we won, we won, we won, ... Thirty-three thousand people think that Thursday is their thirtieth birthday. How much ground could a grounghog grind if a groundhog could grind ground? How may saws could a see-saw saw if a see-saw could saw saws? Shut up the shutters and sit in the shop. Rattle your bottles in Rollocks' van. If Kantie can tie a tie and untie a tie, why can't I tie a tie and untie a tie like Kantie can. Bake big batches of bitter brown bread. But she as far surpasseth Sycorax, As great'st does least. Bake big batches of brown blueberry bread. She sits in her slip and sips Schlitz. Which wristwatch is a Swiss wristwatch? Whoever slit the sheets is a good sheet slitter. Mummies make money. Crush grapes, grapes crush, crush grapes. An elephant was asphyxiated in the asphalt. A black bloke's back brake-block broke. This is a zither. There was a minimum of cinnamon in the aluminum pan. Really leery, rarely Larry. Big black bugs bleed blue black blood but baby black bugs bleed blue blood. Elizabeth has eleven elves in her elm tree. Her whole right hand really hurts. Round the rugged rock, the ragged rascal ran. Busy buzzing bumble bees. A lump of red leather, a red leather lump Nat the bat swat at Matt the gnat. Preshrunk silk shirts. Craig Quinn's quick trip to Crabtree Creek. Six shining cities, six shining cities, six shining cities. While we were walking, we were watching window washers wash Washington's windows with warm washing water. A big black bear sat on a big black bug. A bloke's bike back brake block broke. Sweet sagacious Sally Sanders said she sure saw seven segregated seaplanes sailing swiftly southward Saturday. How much oil boil can a gum boil boil if a gum boil can boil oil? Good blood, bad blood, good blood, bad blood, good blood, bad blood. No nose knows like a gnome's nose knows. Freshly fried fresh flesh There are two minutes difference from four to two to two to two, from two to two to two, too. Sally sells sea shells by the sea shore. But if Sally sells sea shells by the sea shore then where are the sea shells Sally sells? She stood by Burgess's fish sauce shop welcoming him in. Tie twine to three tree twigs. Sally is a sheet slitter, she slits sheets.
What noise annoys an oyster most? A noisy noise annoys an oyster most. Ripe white wheat reapers reap ripe white wheat right. Blake's black bike's back brake bracket block broke. Each Easter Eddie eats eighty Easter eggs. She slits the sheet she sits on. Red lolly, yellow lolly. Red blood, green blood
Mrs Hunt had a country cut front in the front of her country cut pettycoat. Knapsack strap. John, where Molly had had ""had"", had had ""had had"". ""Had had "" had had the teachers approval Miss Smith's fish-sauce shop seldom sells shellfish. Great gray goats Five fat friars frying flat fish.
Sunshine city, sunshine city, sunshine city, ... The batter with the butter is the batter that is better! There's a sandwich on the sand which was sent by a sane witch. How many yaks could a yak pack pack if a yak pack could pack yaks? Twelve twins twirled twelve twigs. Clowns grow glowing crowns. Can you imagine an imaginary menagerie manager imagining managing an imaginary menagerie? Blue glue gun, green glue gun.
Red leather, yellow leather, ... Announcement at Victoria Station, London: Two to two to Tooting too! Richard's wretched ratchet wrench. Rugged rubber baby buggy bumpers. If two witches would watch two watches, which witch would watch which watch? The soldier's shoulder surely hurts! She sees seas slapping shores. A loyal warrior will rarely worry why we rule. Greek grapes. Mr. See owned a saw and Mr Soar owned a seesaw. Now See's saw sawed Soar's seesaw before Soar saw See. Six sick sea-serpents swam the seven seas. There was a little witch which switched from Chichester to Ipswich. A proper cup of coffee from a proper copper coffee pot. Never trouble about trouble until trouble troubles you! Shoe section, shoe section, shoe section, ... A smart fella, a fella smart. It takes a smart fella to say a fella smart. Toy boat, toy boat, toy boat, ... Mallory's hourly salary. I slit a sheet, a sheet I slit, and on that slitted sheet I sit. Don't spring on the inner-spring this spring or there will be an offspring next spring.
О работе
В каждом языке существует связь между орфографией и фонетикой. Эта связь определяется орфографической системой языка, которая базируется на одном из трех основных принципов: фонетический принцип – как говорим, так и пишем (латинский язык), морфологический принцип: сохраняется единство написания значащих частей слова, тогда как звучание этих частей в разных словах изменяется (русский язык), исторический принцип: написание слова объясняется историческими традициями и не совпадает с произношением (английский язык). В английском языке орфография за последние 400 - 500 лет почти не изменилась, а звуковая сторона языка претерпела серьёзные изменения.
Проблема аудирования представляет собой один из самых важных аспектов обучения иноязычному общению. Под аудированием мы понимаем восприятие речи на слух. Понятия «аудирование» и «слушание» не синонимичны. Слушание обозначает лишь акустическое восприятие звукоряда, а аудирование – это процесс восприятия звучащей речи, помимо слушания предполагающий еще слышание, понимание и интерпретацию воспринимаемой на слух информации.
Аудирование, наряду с говорением, обеспечивает возможность общения на иностранном языке. Поскольку речевое общение - процесс двусторонний, то недооценка аудирования, т.е. восприятия и понимания речи на слух, может крайне отрицательно сказаться на языковой подготовке студентов. Жалобы студентов на то, что они порой не понимают обращенных к ним вопросов, подтверждает тот факт, что пониманию речи на иностранном языке нужно обучать специально. Навыки аудирования формируются только в процессе восприятия речи на слух. При этом есть потребность в умении понимать речь разного темпа, разного интонационного оформления и разного уровня правильности. Все вышесказанное и определяет актуальность данного курсового исследования.
В работе ставится цель: рассмотреть особенности обучения фонетике английского языка студентов начальных курсов языковых специальностей.
В соответствии с заявленной целью предлагается решить ряд задач:
Определить понятие «коммуникативная компетенция»;
Рассмотреть процесс формирования коммуникативной компетенции как цель обучения ИЯ;
Изучить процесс отбора фонетического материала;
Проанализировать работу над фонетическим материалом, а именно: постановка звука, отработка произношения слов;
Рассмотреть явление просодики и обучение просодике;
Рассмотреть особенности и этапы обучения аудированию.
Работа имеет практическую значимость. Результаты и выводы исследования могут быть использованы при подготовке к теоретическим и практическим занятиям по дисциплинам Теоретическая и Практическая фонетика, Методика преподавания английского языка, Практика устной и письменной речи и др.
Структура работы. Данное курсовое исследование состоит из введения, двух глав, заключения и списка использованных источников.
Развитие образования в условиях усиления политического, экономического и культурного взаимодействия стран приводит к интернационализации современного российского образования, перед которым встает задача формирования новой личности, готовой к сотрудничеству и коммуникации с представителями других. Расширение международного делового и культурного сотрудничества требует от современного специалиста коммуникативной компетенции.
Термины «коммуникативный» и «компетентность» в сочетании «коммуникативная компетентность» одним их первых были употреблены американским лингвистом Д. Хаймсом.
Идею Д. Хаймса развили исследования других методистов. Так, например, Ю.С. Савингтон определяет это понятие как «…способность функционировать в реальной коммуникативной ситуации».
И.Л. Бим утверждает, что «коммуникативность не сводима только к установлению с помощи речи социальных контактов... Это приобщение личности к духовным ценностям других культур – через личное общение и через чтение».
Обобщив имеющиеся научные разработки по проблеме коммуникативной компетентности, можно сделать вывод, что коммуникативной компетентность - это система психологических знаний о себе и о других, умений, навыков в общении, стратегий поведения в социальных ситуациях, позволяющая строить эффективное общение в соответствии с целями и условиями профессионального и межличностного взаимодействия.
В развернутом виде коммуникация представляет собой сложноорганизованную коммуникативную деятельность. Она включает в себя различные виды человеческой деятельности, обеспечивающие эффективность коммуникативного взаимодействия, направленного на формирование или изменение общественного мнения, программирование поведения, получение необходимой информации, мобилизацию и т.п.
В методике преподавания иностранных языков явление коммуникативности с характерными ему признаками аутентичности, интерактивности, изучения языка в социокультурном контексте и гуманизации обучения, воплотились в коммуникативный подход.
Коммуникативный метод (или подход) возник в Британии в 60-70-х, когда английский начал приобретать статус языка международного общения.
Правильное произношение является немаловажным аспектом в изучении английского языка. Оно опирается на чуткий слух, то есть способность правильного восприятия иноязычных звуков. Дефекты произношения делают очень затруднительным понимание кем-либо вашей разговорной речи. Овладение английским произношением - одна из труднейших задач.
Есть два подхода к постановке английского произношения. Первый можно назвать анатомическим, второй - естественным.
Для того чтобы обучить студентов хорошему произношению на английском языке, необходимо стремиться к тому, чтобы с первых уроков и на протяжении всего начального курса произношение всегда было в центре внимания преподавателя: нужно обеспечить студентам хорошую тренировку в восприятии и произнесении звуков.
Одна из методик для начального этапа обучения включает в себя две группы упражнений:
I. Упражнения на тренировку в восприятии и произнесении звуков и слов, образцов общения, содержащих их.
II. Упражнения на развитие фонематического слуха.
В настоящее время себя оправдал метод постепенного и непрерывного овладения слухопроизносительными навыками и их обязательное дальнейшее совершенствование.
Этот метод выделяет два этапа в обучении слухопроизносительным навыкам. Первый, или начальный этап, ориентирован на формирование навыков.
Для второго этапа характерно поддержание приобретенных навыков и воспрепятствование их деавтоматизации.
На материале стихотворных текстов начинается отработка слитного произношения ритмических структур и коротких синтагм, сост

Список литературы [ всего 31]

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* Категория работы носит оценочный характер в соответствии с качественными и количественными параметрами предоставляемого материала. Данный материал ни целиком, ни любая из его частей не является готовым научным трудом, выпускной квалификационной работой, научным докладом или иной работой, предусмотренной государственной системой научной аттестации или необходимой для прохождения промежуточной или итоговой аттестации. Данный материал представляет собой субъективный результат обработки, структурирования и форматирования собранной его автором информации и предназначен, прежде всего, для использования в качестве источника для самостоятельной подготовки работы указанной тематики.
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