
Написать эссе: Strategic Analysis of your organisation’s external environment

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Wider range makes them stronger in the niche.
4. “The Moscow Independent Bar Viur” (Collegium of Attorney) has more specific services in legal practice but also positions itself as complex business support.
5. Group of companies “Avesta Business Consulting” is a holding company created for complex business support including legal and bookkeeping services. They use European management system and this is one of their strong points. The company is one of the leaders in Moscow, has offices in Perm, Krasnoyarsk, Nizhniy Novgorod.
6. Lawrent Company proposes a full list of services for complex business support in Russia and abroad. They measured up to European level of business. Another difference from its rivals is help in getting bank credit. Lawrent Company works without intermediaries, it has direct contacts with all partners.
The last but not least point in strategy analysis is trend analysis. Trend analysis tries to predict a trend like a bull market run and ride that trend until data suggests a trend reversal (e.g. bull to bear market). Trend analysis is helpful because moving with trends, and not against them, will lead to profit for an investor.
An aspect of technical analysis that tries to predict the future movement of a stock based on past data. Trend analysis is based on the idea that what has happened in the past gives traders an idea of what will happen in the future.  There are three main types of trends: short-, intermediate- and long-term.
The main trend in the sphere of juristic and audit consulting is creating such companies that support one’s business and its documentation. Crisis economic situation in 2008-2009 influenced the amount of projects and profit of many supporting firms, and also caused the decline of demand for corporate clients.
Market segmentation creates segments with the same or similar attributes. It normally uses the following attributes to generate market segments. One or more of the attributes may be used to define market segments: Geographical regions, demographics, psychographics, sales channels, branches, and departments, sales representatives, product and service types (or product categories), products, offer types.
But concerning the specific of Lawrent Company it is more rational to mark out as segments the following services: juristic, bookkeeping, audit, fiscal, finance management, company’s registration. There are firms that specialize on a concrete service, but Lawrent Company offers a complex support.
Segmentation provides opportunities for trend analysis. Trends and patterns embedded in changes of sales revenues can be useful indicators for market shifts. Trend analysis may answer the following types of segment trend information:
What are projected sales revenues for the next three months (or quarters)?
Which segments are having highest growth in dollar terms?
Which segments are having highest revenue decline in dollar terms?
Which segments are having highest growth rates in percentage terms?
Which segments are having highest revenue decline rates in percentage terms?
How solid the growth or decline trend is?
Which segments are showing exponential growth (or decline)?
In conclusion it is necessary to say that the analysis of external environment is very important for company’s strategy. Strategic analysis is governed by a probing assessment of the critical factors shaping a company’s overall situation. Situation analysis helps to draw out the features in a company’s external environment that most directly frame its window of strategic options and opportunities.
For Lawrent Company it requires being au courant in modern demands for running business and to keep the track of events not only on Moscow service market but on national market as well. Situation analysis reveals that the company has a strong position on the Russian market of complex business support service because they cover not one segment of the market and the company’s advantage is in complex. Due to that they also cannot be afraid of rivals because to client it is not convenient to call for services of specialized smaller firms and getting a complex support by one supplier is a trend. The company’s external strategy now is more or less clear: to obtain more clients and increase the quality of service and technical support.
Azhar Kazmi - Business policy and strategic management 2nd edition, 2004
G.Johnson, K.Scholes, R.Whittington “Exploring Corporate Strategy”, Prentice Hall, 2002
Jemison, David B..  1981. Organizational versus Environmental Sources of Influence in Strategic Decision Making. Strategic Management Journal 2, no. 1 (January 1): 77.  http://www.proquest.com/ (accessed June 12, 2009).
Porter, E M 2003, Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors, Free Press, Glencoe, Illinois.
Stapleton, T. (2003) The External Environment, The Open University

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Azhar Kazmi - Business policy and strategic management 2nd edition, 2004
G.Johnson, K.Scholes, R.Whittington “Exploring Corporate Strategy”, Prentice Hall, 2002
Jemison, David B.. 1981. Organizational versus Environmental Sources of Influence in Strategic Decision Making. Strategic Management Journal 2, no. 1 (January 1): 77. http://www.proquest.com/ (accessed June 12, 2009).
Porter, E M 2003, Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors, Free Press, Glencoe, Illinois.
Stapleton, T. (2003) The External Environment, The Open University
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