
What the University has Taught me.

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Дата создания 2011
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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

To my mind, this American newspaper and radio commentator managed to reveal the essence of real friendship. In spite of all doubts that other people are sharing with me, I am sure that friends are the most important “ingredients” in this recipe of life.
The last the University has taught me but not the least is optimism. I've become positive thinking person, because I'm sure as Buddha said, “we are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts, we make our world”. Negative thoughts and negative emotions need our attention and focus to stay alive. They can’t survive without our attention to them. If we ignore them and refuse to give them any attention, we are taking the life out of them and they will be eliminated.
There is no outside force that can affect our life unless we give that force power with our thoughts. The greatest power is within us, we should only learn how to use it and realize that for our life there is nothing mightier in this world.
To sum it up, I come to a conclusion that the University has taught me many most important things in my life, but there is virtue in moderation, so it’s high time to finish this essay.
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