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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления
Today, Trader Joe's has over 270 stores in 22 states with revenues exceeding $5 billion.
While other retailers have developed internal organization cultures that are unique and support their products, service, and internal management philosophy, the Trader Joe's culture is one in which customers are integral to creating the shopping experience. By delivering a shopping experience that is “innovative,” “unique,” and “interesting,” and products that are “hard-to-find,” “great tasting” from “around the world,” they have been able to differentiate themselves from their closest competitors.
They have accomplished this success by basing their strategy on the alignment of their unique corporate culture with a clearly defined competitive space.
Corporate culture is something that managers have to establish and run all the way through a business, with clear values and beliefs, successful business principles and operations, and a suitable emphasis on human resources and customer satisfaction.
Every company or organizations has numerous corporate cultures. For example, the marketing department and the engineering department may have very different corporate cultures which are both influenced by the overall organizational corporate culture. Many times these two sub-cultures clash. That is why it is important to understand a structure of a corporate culture, which includes multi-level elements and features.
Companies with well-developed corporate system focus on their people and create a social environment – or culture – in which employees can thrive achieve superior, long-term business success.
Corporate culture is created naturally and automatically. Every time people come together with a shared purpose, culture is created. This group of people could be a family, neighborhood, project team, or company. Culture is automatically created out of the combined thoughts, energies, and attitudes of the people in the group.
The Trader Joe's promise is to offer value and a dedication to quality service through warm, friendly, committed employees along with a pledge to offer quality products. This mission requires a culture that supports loyalty and customer service through personal contact with the consumer.
The ability to influence, the commitment to teamwork, and an elevated level of achievement orientation are the key characteristic of this company. Crew members indicated that they feel empowered to make decisions, are collaborative in their relationship with others, and were motivated to high levels of performance.
The success of their model is evidenced by the measure of sales per square foot. Trader Joe's believes that the combination of its product line and customer service culture is responsible for revenues that are triple the square foot sales of a typical supermarket.
Keith Molenaar, Hyman Brown, Shreve Caile and Roger Smith. Corporate Culture/Professional Safety 47 no7 18-27 Jl 2002
Keith Molenaar, Hyman Brown, Shreve Caile and Roger Smith. Corporate Culture/Professional Safety 47 no7 18-27 Jl 2002
Jane Adamson.The Cost of Chaos/Monthly CEO Challenge , February 2010.
Graziadio Business Report, 2007, Vol. 10, Issue 2
Corporate Culture
The Authority Structure
Experience-Creating Motivation and Trust
Equipment and Other Physical Objects
The System
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