
Структурно-семантическая и функциональная характеристика фразовых образований в англоязычном тексте.

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1. Понятие фразовых образований в английском языке
1.1. Структурная характеристика фразовых образований
в английском языке
1.2. Семантическая характеристика фразовых образований
в английском языке
2. Функции фразовых образований в английском тексте
2.1. Синтаксические особенности фразовых образований
в английском тексте
2.2. Стилистическая характеристика использования фразовых образований в английском тексте
3. Анализ использования фразовых образований в английском тексте
3.1. Структурно-семантический анализ использования фразовых образований в английском тексте
3.2. Функциональный анализ использования фразовых образований в английском тексте

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

Newsweek. October 25, 2010. P.19 Публицистический often seen in public, mentioned in newspapers, orappearing on television (M) Adj-N N Определение High-profile He handled a number of high-profile robberies and violent crimes. Larsson S. The Girl Who Played with Fire. P.208 Художественный often seen in public, mentioned in newspapers, or appearing on television (M) Afj-N N Определение High-risk All domestic cargo is screened, as is all “high-risk” international cargo. Time. November 15, 2010. P. 46 Публицистический Нет Adj-N N Определение High-risk He has already made the elections a high-risk test for his Panhellenic Socialist Movement (Pasok) by calling them a “referendum” on the harsh economic reforms required under Greece’s €110 billion ($145 billion) bail-out package from the European Union and the International Monetary Fund. The Economist. November 6-12th. 2010. P.36 Публицистический Нет Adj-N N Определение High-school Like high-school seniors waiting on their SAT results, the monkeys wanted to know, and they wanted to know right now. Scientific American Научный in the US, a school for children between the ages of 14and 18 (M) Adj-N N Определение High-speed Sergeant Colon was not a high-speed thinker, but that point struck him as odd. Pratchett T. Thud! P.37 Художественный moving or operating very quickly (M) Adj-N N Определение High-tech One marquee project designed to move the country up the high-tech ladder is the new science center Skolkovo. Newsweek. October 25, 2010. P.8 Публицистический using the most modern or advanced technology available, especially electronic equipment andcomputers (M) Adj-N N Определение Hold-up As far as Svensson could discover, the name Zala had first appeared in connection with the hold-up of a security van in Örkelljunga in 1996. Larsson S. The Girl Who Played with Fire. P.169 Художественный a short delay (M) V-Prep V Дополнение Human-right Invasions of white-owned farms, human-rights violations and blatant disrespect for the rule and low persist. The Economist. November 6-12th. 2010. P.47 Публицистический Нет N-N N Определение Human-robot Thirteen of the 16 babies who observed human-robot interaction later followed the robot’s gaze as it turned toward a toy, compared with only three of the 16 babies who observed no robot playtime. Scientific American Научный Нет N-N N Определение Ice-blue His ice-blue eyes, however, were not remotely gentle. Larsson S. The Girl Who Played with Fire. P.44 Художественный a very light blue colour (M) N-Adj Adj Определение Ice-cold The water was almost ice-cold, and she stayed under the shower for five minutes to cool off. Larsson S. The Girl Who Played with Fire. P.15 Художественный very cold (M) N-Adj Adj Часть сказуемого Information-seeking This leads to what scientists refer to as “information-seeking behavior” – our mind craves relevant information. The neural basis behind this seemingly universal desire has eluded scientists for some time, but the wait is over. Scientific American Научный Нет N-V V Определение In-hospital The in-hospital cost of treating heart failure in the U.S. tops $19.5 billion each year, and patients who die from heart failure spend more than $117,000 on average in hospital costs in the last six months of life alone. Scientific American Научный Нет Prep-N N Определение Insect-microbial "The genome allows us to understand interactions in this insect-microbial system," Cameron Currie, also a UW bacteriologist and paper co-author, said in a prepared statement. Scientific American Научный Нет N-N+suffix Нет Определение In-your-face Malign idiots like him were the reason you saw dwarfs walking around now not just with the “cultural” battle-axes but heavy mail, chains, morningstars, broadswords… all the dumb, in-your-face swaggering that was known as “clang”. Pratchett T. Thud! P.24 Художественный extremely direct, in a way that is deliberately intended to shock or annoy people (M) Предикат Нет Определение Island-hopping That was just before she went down to Florida Keys and began island-hopping through the Carrebean. Larsson S. The Girl Who Played with Fire. P.9 Художественный to travel from island to island within the same group of islands, especially as part of a holiday (M) N-V V Дополнение Jiffy-bag This week police arrested two men with booby-trapped jiffy-bags in their backpacks close to the offices of a courier company. The Economist. November 6-12th. 2010. P.36 Публицистический a type of thick envelope made with several soft layers to protect what is inside it (M) N-N N Дополнение Jump-start He will agree to tax reductions – perhaps a brief delay in restoring the Clinton rates for the wealthy, perhaps a more dramatic payroll tax holiday to jump-start the economy. Time. November 15, 2010. P. 31 Публицистический to make something work successfully after a period of failure (M) N-V V Определение Kill-or-cure “On the other hand,” he said brightly, “if it’s a kill-or-cure remedy then we are, given that the patient is practically immortal, probably onto a winner.” Pratchett T. Hogfather. P.147 Художественный an action you take that will either destroy something or save it completely (M) V-C-V Нет Определение Knee-high Here, away from the doors, freezing mist lay knee-high on the floor. Pratchett T. Thud! P.106 Художественный high enough to reach your knees (M) N-Adj Adj Обстоятельство Labour-market But economic and labour-market policy would be co-ordinated, and foreign and defence policy would be ceded to the federation. The Economist. November 6-12th. 2010. P.37 Публицистический the number of people who are available to work, considered together with all the available jobs (M) N-N N Определение Laid-off Typically, the American economic juggernaut comes roaring out of hibernation once factories and stores work off excess inventory and recall laid-off workers. Newsweek Публицистический  to end someone’s employment, especiallytemporarily, because there is not enough work for them (M) V-Prep V Определение Large-scale But two large-scale attacks in a week, as well as a bomb in Shia area in Diyala, a mixed Shia-Sunni province north of Baghdad, where another 25 civilians were killed, raise the spectre of wide-spread sectarian violence if a national-unity government is not formed soon. The Economist. November 6-12th. 2010. P.46 Публицистический wide-ranging or extensive (COL) Adj-N N Определение Large-scale Tens of millions of years before humanity sowed its first crops, a somewhat humbler organism was starting up its own large-scale agricultural operations. Scientific American Научный involving a large number of people or things, or happening over a large area (M) Adj-N N Определение Last-minute As still more land is leased for drilling and a last-minute change in federal rules has paved the way for water-intensive oil shale mining, politicians and water managers are now being forced to ask which is more valuable: energy or water. Scientific American Научный happening or done at the latest possible time (M) Adj-N N Определение Last-resort Germany says, it was temporary, “last-resort” measure to save the euro zone. The Economist. November 6-12th. 2010. P.40 Публицистический used for saying that you will do something only after trying everything else to solve a problem (M) Adj-N N Определение Law-abiding Dwarfs have always been law-abiding citizens, Captain. Pratchett T. Thud! P.53 Художественный a law-abiding person obeys the law (M) N-V V Определение Law-enforcement Joining growers to defeat Prop 19 were civic leaders, law-enforcement agencies and the U.S. Department of Justice. Time. November 15, 2010. P. 13 Публицистический the job of making sure that people obey the law (M) N-N N Определение Leaf-cutter Leaf-cutter ant species depend on actively managed fungus farming to feed their teaming colonies. Scientific American Научный Нет N-N N Определение Left-wing Antonis Samaras, the new Democracy leader, opposes the EU-IMF reform programme, as do Greece’s small left-wing parties. The Economist. November 6-12th. 2010. P.36 Публицистический the members of a political organization whose aims and ideas are considered to be more socialistthan the other members, for example because they believe that property, money, and power should be shared more equally (M) Adj-N N Определение Letter-bomb A wave of failed letter-bombs targeting Angela Merkel, Silvio Berluskoni and Nicolas Sarkozy, as well as a clutch of foreign embassies, has revived Greek fears that local anarchist groups are preparing a fresh round of violence. The Economist. November 6-12th. 2010. P.36 Публицистический a small bomb hidden inside a letter (M) N-N N Дополнение Little-girl She had enticed him with her cute little-girl eyes. Larsson S. The Girl Who Played with Fire. P.39 Художественный Нет Adj-N N Определение Little-known Transforming this little-known town into a major business hub is an example of how China is trying to broaden its global influence as never before. Newsweek. October 25, 2010. P.4 Публицистический Нет Adj-V V Определение Loan-penetration Russian’s loan-penetration ratios are similar to those of countries such as Egypt that have a far lower per capita income. Newsweek. October 25, 2010. P.8 Публицистический Нет N-N N Определение Lobbyist-encircled For months Democrats lampooned him as a golf-addicted, lobbyist-encircled, chain-smoking Beltway insider with a weird orange tan and a radical right-wing agenda. Time. November 15, 2010. P. 34 Публицистический Нет N-V V Определение Lofty-sounding Lots of lofty-sounding changes have been decreed, such as new election in May, which boosted the quota for women and allotted new seats to some under-represented districts. The Economist. November 6-12th. 2010. P.46 Публицистический Нет Adj-V V Определение Long-discredited By that logic, the long-discredited "refrigerator mother" theory — that autism was the result of emotionally frigid mothers — would still be in play. Scientific American Научный Нет Adj-V V Определение Long-distance AT&T owned phones and switches and long-distance lines until a very horizontal Internet and companies like Skype changed the economics of the phone call. Newsweek Публицистический covering large distances (M) Adj-N N Определение Long-drawn-out He’d done so, and there’d been a long-drawn-out discussion in what he’d come to think of as Deep Dwarf. Pratchett T. Thud! P.85 Художественный continuing for too long (M) Adj-V-Prep V Определение Long-lasting While upper-income folks have seen their portfolios reflate, those in the middle are still grappling with the long-lasting effects of the credit and housing debacles. Newsweek Публицистический continuing for a long time (M) Adv-V V Определение Long-run We have tools that would bring unemployment down without worsening our long-run fiscal outlook. Newsweek. October 25, 2010. P.24 Публицистический not immediately but at some time in the future (M) Adj-N N Определение Long-standing Scientists addressing this long-standing philosophical question recently got some answers by using—bear with us—videos of people licking vomit off their fingers and other revolting scenarios. Scientific American Научный having existed for a long time (M) Adv-V V Определение Long-term Formerly believed to have only limited local consequences, the bursts of hydrogen sulfide could also have long-term effects, according to the report. Scientific American Научный continuing to exist, be relevant, or have an effect for a longtime in the future (M) Adj-N N Определение Lover-when-needed He was quite simply so good that it felt as if she had achieved the optimal balance with Beckman as husband and Blomkvist as lover-when-needed. Larsson S. The Girl Who Played with Fire. P.117 Художественный Нет Предикат Нет Дополнение (приложение) Low-hanging Debt collectors will typically go after low-hanging fruit when they look to recoup money; if they think your former love can't, or won't, pay up, they are going to set their sights on you. Newsweek Публицистический things that are easy to get, achieve, or deal with (M) Adj-V V Определение Low-interest Despite $43 million in Massachusetts state aid, Evergreen's chief executive said that China's subsidies—mainly low-interest loans from state-controlled banks—were too great to pass up. Newsweek Публицистический Нет Adj-N N Определение Low-key But the master of ceremonies was CEO Eric Schmidt, a seemingly low-key Silicon Valley veteran brought in by the board of directors in 2001 to provide adult supervision and coax the Wall Streeters and venture capitalists into the tent. Newsweek Публицистический without much activity or reaction (M) Adj-N N Определение Low-resolution It was a folder containing four low-resolution photographs and five Word documents. Larsson S. The Girl Who Played with Fire. P.47 Художественный producing a printed or video image that is not very clear because blocks of colour are used, not thinlines or small dots (M) Adj-N N Определение Low-tax In its place, Reagan proposed a low-tax, small-government America. Time. November 15, 2010. P. 28 Публицистический Нет Adj-N N Определение Make-up She put on make-up, a pair of glasses and a blonde shoulder-length wig. Larsson S. The Girl Who Played with Fire. P.73 Художественный substances that people put on their faces,including their eyes and lips, in order to look attractive or tochange their appearance (M) V-Prep V Дополнение Make-up-plastered He didn’t like the whores at all, their make-up-plastered faces and shrill, drunken laughter. Larsson S. The Girl Who Played with Fire. P.166 Художественный Нет V-Prep-V V Определение Making-a-fool-of-yourself The wizards began to stand up and brush themselves off, giving one another the rather embarrassed grins of people who know that they’ve just been part of a synchronized making-a-fool-of-yourself team. Pratchett T. Hogfather. P.148 Художественный Нет Предикат Нет Определение Male-dominated Putting a woman and a feminist in charge of one of Sweden’s most conservative and male-dominated institutions was a provocative and bold idea. Larsson S. The Girl Who Played with Fire. P.184 Художественный controlled mainly by men, or consisting mainly of men (M) N-V V Определение Man-made But only if they are free of man-made pressures such as water pollution, overfishing and climate change. Scientific American Научный something that is man-made has been made by people and does not exist naturally. Some peopleavoid using this word because they think it is offensive to women, and they use manufactured instead (M) N-V V Определение Market-research And utilities around the world lose between 25% and 50% of treated water to leaks, according to Lux Research, a market-research firm. The Economist. November 6-12th. 2010. P.4 Публицистический the process of collecting information about what products people like to buy, or what people like ordislike about a particular product (M) N-N N Определение Matter-of-factly “I’ll tell you why: because you don’t give a shit about other people,” Armansky said matter-of-factly. Larsson S. The Girl Who Played with Fire. P.125 Художественный showing no emotion when dealing with something upsetting, exciting etc (M) Предикат Нет Обстоятельство Measles-mumps-rubella Almost exactly 13 years ago, Andrew Wakefield addressed a group of reporters in a conference room at London's Royal Free Hospital to discuss a 12-child case study he and some colleagues had written up positing a theoretical connection between the measles-mumps-rubella virus and gut disorders and then between those gut disorders and autism. Scientific American Научный Нет N-N N Определение Medical-malpractice He’s complimented the legislation for making progress on coverage and payment changes while criticizing it for falling short on medical-malpractice reform and consumer-driven policies. Newsweek. October 25, 2010. P.24 Публицистический Нет Adj-N N Определение Medium-sized Yanukovich needs to win over small and medium-sized businessmen. The Economist. November 6-12th. 2010. P.38 Публицистический neither large nor small (M) Adj-V V Определение Mental-health When he came back six months later, doctors at a mental-health clinic recommended a medical discharge. The Economist. November 6-12th. 2010. P.41 Публицистический the condition of your mind (M) Adj-N N Определение Methane-emitting Ranchers raze the Brazilian rainforest and their methane-emitting cows foul the atmosphere with greenhouse gases. Newsweek. October 25, 2010. P.29 Публицистический Нет N-V V Определение Middle-class Are they prepared to cut middle-class entitlements? Time. November 15, 2010. P. 28 Публицистический a social group that consists of well-educated people, such as doctors, lawyers, and teachers, who have good jobs and are neither very rich nor very poor (CAM) Adj-N N Определение Military-ruled Nowhere is such cynicism more apposite than in military-ruled Myanmar, formerly Burma, which goes to the polls on November 7th. The Economist. November 6-12th. 2010. P.29 Публицистический Нет N-V V Определение Mobile-phone With any luck, this will start a wave of innovation like the one that has hit the mobile-phone space. Newsweek. October 25, 2010. P.16 Публицистический a small phone that you can carry around with you. The usual American word is cell phone (M) Adj-N N Определение Modern-day Dimensions in Mathematics was not strictly a textbook, rather it was a 1200-page brick about the history of mathematics from the ancient Greeks to modern-day attempts to understand spherical astronomy. Larsson S. The Girl Who Played with Fire. P.21 Художественный existing or happening in the present (M) Adj-N N Определение Moment-to-moment Turhan Canli of Stanford University and colleagues connected 12 men and 12 women to a functional magnetic resonance imager (fMRI) to examine their brain activity on a moment-to-moment basis. Scientific American Научный Нет N-Prep-N Нет Определение Mortgage-based It has teetered since the beginning of the financial crisis thanks to its exposure to mortgage-based loans. The Economist. November 6-12th. 2010. P.10 Публицистический Нет N-V V Определение Much-trumpeted The much-trumpeted Democratic get-out-the-vote operation in states like Ohio didn’t prove really as formidable as Democrats had hoped. The Economist. November 6-12th. 2010. P.49 Публицистический Нет Adv-V V Определение Music-hall He looked funny, a joke, a music-hall vampire. Pratchett T. Thud! P.7 Художественный a type of entertainment of the late 19th and early 20th centuries that consisted of aseries of short performances by singers, dancers, and comedians (=people telling jokes) in a theatre (M) N-N N Определение Narrow-minded Thiel fellows will have the opportunity to emulate their sponsor by halting their intellectual development around the onset of adulthood, maintaining a narrow-minded focus on getting rich as young as possible. Newsweek. October 25, 2010. P.26 Публицистический disliking or not interested in ideas or cultures different from your own (M) Adj-V V Определение Narrow-sighted "Without (the Colorado), there is no Western United States," said Jim Baca, who directed the Bureau of Land Management, or BLM, in the Clinton administration and says the agency's current policy is narrow-sighted. Scientific American Научный Нет Adj-V V Часть сказуемого National-unity But two large-scale attacks in a week, as well as a bomb in Shia area in Diyala, a mixed Shia-Sunni province north of Baghdad, where another 25 civilians were killed, raise the spectre of wide-spread sectarian violence if a national-unity government is not formed soon. The Economist. November 6-12th. 2010. P.46 Публицистический Нет Adj-N N Определение Near-tragedy This near-tragedy will surely bring about changes in Chilean mining. Newsweek. October 25, 2010. P.13 Публицистический Нет Prep-N N Подлежащее Never-before-seen For more never-before-seen photographs of Kennedy’s run for the presidency, visit LIFR.com/JFK. Time. November 15, 2010. P. 43 Публицистический Нет Adj-Prep-V V Определение New-media “Twitter is the canary in the news coalmine,” wrote Jeff Jarvis, a new-media savant. The Economist. November 6-12th. 2010. P.6 Публицистический new technologies such as the Internet and digital television (M) Adj-N N Определение Night-time She slept on the mattress in the apartment for three weeks while she investigated clinics for plastic surgery, tidied up a number of unresolved bureaucratic details (including a night-time talk with a certain lawyer, Nils Bjurman)… Larsson S. The Girl Who Played with Fire. P.69 Художественный the period of time when it is night (M) N-N N Определение Not-A-Vampire-At-All Did John Not-A-Vampire-At-All Smith and Doreen Winkings put you up to this? Pratchett T. Thud! P.46 Художественный Нет Предикат Нет Дополнение (приложение) Not-very-veiled The troll who’d uttered the not-very-veiled threat then made another mistake. Pratchett T. Thud! P.99 Художественный Нет Adv-V V Определение Nuclear-weapon The two powers will create a joint expeditionary force, put their aircraft carriers at each other’s disposal and share nuclear-weapons testing and research facilities. Time. November 15, 2010. P. 15 Публицистический a powerful bomb or other weapon that uses nuclear energy (M) Ad-N N Определение Nutrient-poor Scientists have long wondered how corals manage to eke out a living in the nutrient-poor waters they tend to occupy. Scientific American Научный Нет N-Adj Adj Определение Odd-shaped “With a very odd-shaped beak,” said the Lecturer in Recent Runes. Pratchett T. Hogfather. P.177 Художественный Нет Adj-V V Определение Off-limit The House Republican campaign platform put several major spending categories off-limits, including defense and entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicaid, but didn’t name a single one that might be on the chopping block. Time. November 15, 2010. P. 38 Публицистический if a place is off-limits, you are not allowed to go there (M) Prep-N N Обстоятельство Off-the-cuff Life is cyclical, and as the boys grew up and became husbands and fathers, Schmidt seemed to be finding his second youth, attracting unwanted attention in the gossip pages with coed trips to Burning Man and other adventures, and off-the-cuff statements that forced Google’s PR team into triage mode. Newsweek Публицистический if you say something off-the-cuff, you do not plan it or think about it first (M) Prep-N N Определение Often-toxic Most wells rely on a process called hydraulic fracturing, which requires as much as two million gallons of water plus small amounts of often-toxic chemicals for a single well. Scientific American Научный Нет Adv-Adj Adj Определение Old-fashioned No one could imagine doo-wop counting as the most timely pop of the 21st century, but we hold up Apple’s old-fashioned, Braun-ish products as just right for our times. Newsweek Публицистический no longer modern or fashionable (M) Adj-V V Определение Old-time The old-time bad trolls didn’t bother with all that stuff. Pratchett T. Thud! P.99 Художественный old-fashioned in a way that you admire (M) Adj-N N Определение Old-timer Jones has built a career around playing exactly this type of tough-seeming, laconic Marlboro Man: wiseacre U.S. Marshal Sam Gerard in The Fugitive, crusty old-timer Ed Tom Bell in No Country for Old Men. Newsweek Публицистический an old man (M) Adj-N N Главный член односоставного предложения Once-in-a-lifetime This is once-in-a-lifetime offer, the C.E.O. said. Larsson S. The Girl Who Played with Fire. P.185 Художественный a once in a lifetime experience is very unusual or special (M) Предикат Нет Определение On-line If you cannot get a current copy on-line or at a university library, write to the editor explaining the situation and the editor --- surely pleased at your concern --- will likely send a sample copy. Scientific American Научный connected to, or able to be connected to, a computer system or the Internet (M) Prep-N N Обстоятельство On-the-job We’re too pressed right now to give you any more than what is laughingly known as on-the-job training, but you’ll be on the streets from day one… Pratchett T. Thud! P.48 Художественный done or happening while you are at work (M) Prep-N N Определение Open-source In contrast, exploiting vague software patents to try to block open-source innovation neither helps consumers nor promotes the development of new technologies. The Economist. November 6-12th. 2010. P.22 Публицистический the practice of writing computer programs that are based on a code that is available for anyone to use (M) Adj-N N Определение Out-pacing Given the relaxation in regulatory authority, the development may be out-pacing scientists' ability to measure the implications. Scientific American Научный Нет Prep-V V Определение Over-writing This section especially lends itself either to over-writing (excessive detail beyond what is needed for analysis, excessive weight given to non-significant results) or to under-writing (cursory attention to important aspects and variables). Scientific American Научный to get rid of information in a computer file by replacing it with other information (M) Prep-V V Дополнение Oxygen-starved Oxygen-starved organic matter decaying on the seafloor in the waters off the coast of southwestern Africa generates the hydrogen sulfide gas. Scientific American Научный Нет N-V V Определение Package-bomb Two cargo planes bound for the United States were discovered with package-bombs on board. The Economist. November 6-12th. 2010. P.9. Публицистический Нет N-N N Дополнение Paring-down The paring-down of the Air may be a first step toward escaping shape altogether, which Apple then achieves in the iPad. Newsweek Публицистический Нет V-Prep V Подлежащее Part-timer Apart from Berger, the meeting included an editorial assistant, Malin Eriksson, partner and art director Christer Malm, the reporter Monika Nilsson, and part-timers Lottie Karim and Henry Cortez. Larsson S. The Girl Who Played with Fire. P.75 Художественный done for only part of the time that an activity is usually performed (M) N-N N Дополнение Paste-in To reassure them of their rights, at our journal we offer this paste-in text sent to even experienced researchers so that they all know what their rights are in the face of reviewers' comments: As we tell all authors, a reviewer's comments are not orders that have to be carried out. Scientific American Научный Нет V-Prep V Определение Pea-brained That pea-brained idiot at the Post Office has only gone and issued a Koom Valley stamp! Pratchett T. Thud! P.25 Художественный Нет N-V V Определение Peace-maintaining Without much forethought or planning or a dictator, benevolent or otherwise, the world has structured itself into a horizontal wealth-creating and peace-maintaining system—a productive system that actually increases the standard of living of all the participants, not just those in the United States. Newsweek Публицистический Нет N-V V Определение Peanut-protein Researchers studying more than 500 babies found that those whose mothers had eaten peanuts at least twice a week during pregnancy tended to have higher level of peanut-protein antibody, which may prime their immune systems to react more aggressively to the nuts. Time. November 15, 2010. P. 16 Публицистический Нет N-N N Определение Pear-shaped The giant had also swallowed a loss of almost 100,000 kronor over a weapons delivery that went pear-shaped. Larsson S. The Girl Who Played with Fire. P.110 Художественный curved in shape and smaller at the top (M) N-V V Часть сказуемого Peer-reviewed The greater speed of release for journal articles when compared with books, typically months versus years, means that those who wish to influence their field of study need to publish in peer-reviewed journals in order to communicate quickly their research results. Scientific American Научный Нет N-V V Определение Petty-cash Oh, good grief, he’d even spotted the monthly discrepancy in the petty-cash box! Pratchett T. Thud! P.86 Художественный a small amount of money in coins or notes that a business or organization keeps available to pay forsmall things (M) Adj-N N Определение Ping-and-listen The base station uses what Yadav describes as "a ping-and-listen approach," sending out blips of radio-frequency energy 100,000 times a second. Scientific American Научный Нет V-C-V Нет Определение Plug-in With electric cars, plug-in hybrids and other alternative fuel vehicles poised to come on strong in coming years, we certainly seem to be moving in that direction. Scientific American Научный to connect a piece of equipment to anelectricity supply or to another piece of equipment (M) V-Prep V Определение Pointy-eared The pointy-eared face of a small green imp stared up at him with that wistful, hopeless smile, which, in its various incarnations, he’d come to know and dread. Pratchett T. Thud! P.55 Художественный Нет Adj-V V Определение Post-crash For the past two years, foreigners have done so much to help America in its post-crash time of need. Newsweek Публицистический Нет Prep-N N Определение Post-quake When the country goes to the polls on Nov. 28 to choose a new president, the post-quake logistics present huge challenges… Newsweek. October 25, 2010. P.12 Публицистический Нет Prep-N N Определение Pot-addled Foes of legal herb ran ads depicting a hazy future of stoned nurses in hospitals and pot-addled drivers on roads. Time. November 15, 2010. P. 13 Публицистический Нет N-V V Определение Pot-hole If the road ahead for Mr Obama is filled with pot-holes, that in front of John Boehner, the next speaker of the House, is strewn with elephant traps. The Economist. November 6-12th. 2010. P.15 Публицистический a hole in a road (M) N-N N Дополнение Poverty-stricken Sergio Fajardo sought to combat violence by complementing military efforts with social intervention in poverty-stricken neighbourhoods. Newsweek. October 25, 2010. P.18 Публицистический Нет N-V V Определение Prescription-drug He was instrumental in implementing the Medicare prescription-drug benefit. Newsweek. October 25, 2010. P.24 Публицистический a drug that you can only get if you have a prescription from your doctor (M) N-N N Определение Pressure-sensing A new pressure-sensing technology is helping doctors to read some of the innermost secrets of the heart. Научный Нет N-V V Определение Printer-ink The devices were found while the planes were on the ground in Britain and Dubai, the explosives hidden in printer-ink cartridges and addressed to synagogues in Chicago. The Economist. November 6-12th. 2010. P.9 Публицистический Нет N-N N Определение Privacy-protection Britain’s information commissioner found that Google had committed a “significant breach” on the law by collecting data from wireless networks, and will review Google’s privacy-protection procedures. The Economist. November 6-12th. 2010. P.10 Публицистический Нет N-N N Определение Private-sector More private-sector output led to more private-sector hiring, which supported more spending, which, in turn, led to more output. Newsweek Публицистический all the businesses, industries, and services that are not owned or managed by the government (M) Adj-N N Определение Public-employee The unions benefited under Obama, but they can no longer count on more federal stimulus funds for state-worker payrolls, and with state budgets stressed, the GOP is targeting public-employee pensions and benefits for cuts. Time. November 15, 2010. P.27 Публицистический Нет N-N N Определение Public-school Zuckerberg himself shows signs of actually caring about other people, having just donated $100 million to support change in Newark, N.J.’s blighted public-school system. Newsweek. October 25, 2010. P.26 Публицистический a school that is controlled and paid for by the government (M) N-N N Определение Public-sector Wage cuts for public-sector workers – Pasok’s core constituency – have angered party loyalists. The Economist. November 6-12th. 2010. P.36 Публицистический the industries and services, for example schools and hospitals, that are supported by tax money andcontrolled by the government of a country (M) N-N N Определение Radio-frequency The base station uses what Yadav describes as "a ping-and-listen approach," sending out blips of radio-frequency energy 100,000 times a second. Scientific American Научный Нет N-N N Определение Range-restricted "When we suddenly hear about a big demand for a population of a species - and oftentimes it is these rare reptiles and amphibians that these collectors go after and they are endemics and are very range-restricted - we don't publicize it until we know more about the situation," she explains. Scientific American Научный Нет N-V V Часть сказуемого Rarely-used In June, the House Natural Resources Committee invoked a rarely-used authority to force the Bush administration to make one million acres of public land adjacent to the park ineligible for exploration. Scientific American Научный Нет Adv-V V Определение Raving-weeping What differentiates Silicon valley’s style of libertarianism from Glenn Beck’s raving-weeping variety is its laissez-faire attitude toward personal behavior and the lack of demagogic instinct. Newsweek. October 25, 2010. P.26 Публицистический Нет V-V Нет Определение Real-time Abraham envisions a future where implanted sensors could communicate with other internal devices, such as pacemakers, permitting fine-tuned calibration in real-time as a person's condition changes day to day, hour to hour, beat to beat. Scientific American Научный if a computer deals with information in real time, it dealswith the information as soon as it receives it (M) Adj-N N Обстоятельство Rear-view Ten minutes later she had paid the deposit, adjusted the seat and rear-view mirror, test-started it, and checked that there was fuel in the tank. Larsson S. The Girl Who Played with Fire. P.45 Художественный a mirror fixed inside the front window of a car that lets the driver see what is happening behind it (M) Adj-N N Определение Red-tape Even though he had always yearned to abolish the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, which he considers a red-tape monstrosity, he urged firebrands in the conference to push less dramatic but more achievable reforms. Time. November 15, 2010. P. 36 Публицистический documents, rules, or processes that cause delays (M) Adj-N N Определение Reef-building The new species include: two confirmed flasher wrasses (see gallery for images), some suspected new reef-building corals and mantis shrimp. Scientific American Научный Нет N-V V Определение Republican-leaning Centrist “blue-dog” Democrats, many of them in Republican-leaning districts, fared especially poorly. The Economist. November 6-12th. 2010. P.49 Публицистический Нет N-V V Определение Rich-country-only With big players from the emerging and rich worlds around the table, the G20 has a legitimacy that is lacking in other economic clubs, such as rich-country-only G7. The Economist. November 6-12th. 2010. P.16 Публицистический Нет Adj-N-Adv N Определение Right-hand As Jerry Guo explains, Jang Song-taek, the brother-in-law of Kim Jong-il, has become the North Korean leader’s right-hand man and the regent for the younger Kim. Newsweek. October 25, 2010. P.4 Публицистический on or to the right (CAM) Adj-N N Определение Right-hand Put the page number in the upper or lower right-hand corner of each page. Scientific American Научный on the right, or towards the right of someone or something (M) Adj-N N Определение Right-wing For months Democrats lampooned him as a golf-addicted, lobbyist-encircled, chain-smoking Beltway insider with a weird orange tan and a radical right-wing agenda. Time. November 15, 2010. P. 34 Публицистический  conservative or reactionary (COL) Adj-N N Определение Risk-free Its support of its cronies in government at the expense of local communities is hardly risk-free. The Economist. November 6-12th. 2010. P.21 Публицистический Нет N-Adj Adj Часть сказуемого Risk-free The carrot was the incentive offered to subcontractors like Lundin – a solid a relatively risk-free profit. Larsson S. The Girl Who Played with Fire. P.165 Художественный Нет N-Adj Adj Определение Rock-star I don’t need a new wave of rumours making me out to be some lecherous rock-star on the hunt for a nice lay. Larsson S. The Girl Who Played with Fire. P.37 Художественный Нет N-N N Часть сказуемого Roll-top She inspected the roll-top cabinet behind the desk and took out two binders containing his reports of her guardianship. Larsson S. The Girl Who Played with Fire. P.158 Художественный a desk with a curved cover that you can pull down and lock (M) V-N N Определение Room-mate The simplest thing is to register you as my room-mate and say I’m selling half the apartment to you. Larsson S. The Girl Who Played with Fire. P.121 Художественный someone who you share a room with, for example at university (M) N-N N Обстоятельство Runner-up Fajardo – the running mate of Antanas Mockus, the runner-up in this summer’s presidential election – spoke to Newsweek’s Mike Giglio. Newsweek. October 25, 2010. P.18 Публицистический a person or team that does not win a competition or race but is second, or is close to winning (M) N-Prep N Дополнение (приложение) Run-of-the-mill He seemed to have an almost intuitive gift for deciding which story was hiding a skeleton in the closet, and which story would turn into a dull, run-of-the-mill piece. Larsson S. The Girl Who Played with Fire. P.116 Художественный ordinary and not interesting (M) Предикат Нет Определение Salt-encrusted As they approached the shore, a lanky, suntanned, salt-encrusted 26-year-old stepped out with a splash and clambered up onto a jumble of broken basalt. Scientific American Научный Нет N-V V Определение Sand-coloured She bought two Karlanda sofas with sand-coloured upholstery, five Poäng armchairs, two round side tables of clear-lacquered birch, a Svansbo coffee table and several Lack occasional tables. Larsson S. The Girl Who Played with Fire. P.73 Художественный Нет N-V V Определение Sea-surface The main culprits, according to the study published today in Science: bleaching—when corals expel the algae that normally feeds them and gives them color—as well as disease outbreaks in coral weakened by warming sea-surface temperatures. Scientific American Научный Нет N-N N Определение See-through He will see where dis troll left his club behind an’ he is laughin’ his head off, it is so see-through like glass! Pratchett T. Thud! P.110 Художественный to recognize that something is nottrue and not be tricked by it (M) V-Adv V Часть сказуемого Sex-specific If gonadal hormones alone control sex-specific brain function, the two halves of the bird's brain that controls song (known as the song circuit) would be uniformly masculine or feminine. Scientific American Научный Нет N-Adj Adj Определение Sharp-edged He had time to register that she was throwing something, but he did not have time to react before the sharp-edged cobble-stone hit him on the temple. Larsson S. The Girl Who Played with Fire. P.172 Художественный Нет Adj-V V Определение Shell-dependent "Predictions are that within 50 to 100 years not only will we see decline in growth rates for corals and other shell-dependent species—they may actually begin to dissolve," says marine biologist Jenny Waddell of the NOAA Center for Coastal Monitoring and Assessment, who helped prepare the report. Scientific American Научный Нет N-Adj Adj Определение Shoulder-length She put on make-up, a pair of glasses and a blonde shoulder-length wig. Larsson S. The Girl Who Played with Fire. P.73 Художественный shoulder-length hair reaches down to your shoulders (M) N-N N Определение Single-minded “He’s very single-minded,” saud Susan, closer now. Pratchett T. Hogfather. P.305 Художественный with your attention fixed on only one thing (M) Adj-V V Часть сказуемого Sleights-of-hand Kirby has been employing similar sleights-of-hand for years. Scientific American Научный Нет N-Prep-N N Дополнение Slow-witted She would have considered staying longer had she not made an enemy of a slow-witted young hoodlum who haunted the bar of her backstreet hotel. Larsson S. The Girl Who Played with Fire. P.9. Художественный unable to understand things quickly and easily (M) N-V V Определение Small-government In its place, Reagan proposed a low-tax, small-government America. Time. November 15, 2010. P. 28 Публицистический Нет Adj-N N Определение Smart-infrastructure Many countries have been spending large chunks of their stimulus packages on smart-infrastructure projects, and some have made smart systems as priority of industrial policy. The Economist. November 6-12th. 2010. P.4 Публицистический Нет Adj-N N Определение Snow-encrusted Instead her hand found a snow-encrusted branch. Pratchett T. Hogfather. P.329 Художественный Нет N-V V Определение Snub-nosed Inspired by foreign groups like Greenpeace, Liang launched successful campaigns to save rare species like the snub-nosed monkey and a Tibetian antelope hunted for its fur. Time. November 15, 2010. P. 22 Публицистический with a short nose that looks rather flat (M) N-V V Определение Social-networking Its attempts to launch social-networking software to keep up with Facebook have all fallen flat. Newsweek Публицистический a website such as Facebook or MySpace that allows you to communicate with friends and make newfriends (M) Adj-V V Определение Soft-boiled “You know,” said the oh god, “I think I could just possibly eat a soft-boiled egg.” Pratchett T. Hogfather. P.153 Художественный a soft-boiled egg is cooked for a short time, so that the yellow part is still soft or liquid (M) Adj-V V Определение Soft-spoken “There are clashes here between Palestinians and Israelis no doubt about it,” says Avraham Binyamin, a soft-spoken social worker who acts as spokesman for the 200 families in Yizhar. Time. November 15, 2010. P. 8 Публицистический speaking or said in a quiet gentle voice (M) Adj-V V Определение Sovereign-debt The proposal would shift the burden of rescuing countries that face a sovereign-debt crisis away from richer EU members, such as Germany, and towards bondholders. The Economist. November 6-12th. 2010. P.10 Публицистический Нет N-N N Определение Speaker-in-waiting The speaker-in-waiting, who wept with emotion at his party’s revival last night, may soon find himself overcome by the difficulty of marshalling his new troops. The Economist. November 6-12th. 2010. P.51 Публицистический Нет N-Prep-N N Подлежащее Spray-printed “Greetings from the hills” was the message spray-printed in Hebrew on the scorched outbuilding of a girls’ school near Nablus earlier this month. Time. November 15, 2010. P. 8 Публицистический Нет N-V V Определение Standard-bearer Republican leaders, including John Boehner, the party’s presumptive choice as speaker of the House, and Sarah Palin, the most prominent standard-bearer for the tea-party, have called on Mr Obama. The Economist. November 6-12th. 2010. P.50 Публицистический a leader of a movement or party (COL) Adj-N N Дополнение (приложение) State-controlled Despite $43 million in Massachusetts state aid, Evergreen's chief executive said that China's subsidies—mainly low-interest loans from state-controlled banks—were too great to pass up. Newsweek Публицистический Нет N-V V Определение State-run "The decisions we are making today will be dictating how we will be living the rest of our lives," said Jim Pokrandt, a spokesman with the Colorado River Conservation District, a state-run policy agency. Scientific American Научный Нет N-N N Определение State-worker The unions benefited under Obama, but they can no longer count on more federal stimulus funds for state-worker payrolls, and with state budgets stressed, the GOP is targeting public-employee pensions and benefits for cuts. Time. November 15, 2010. P.27 Публицистический Нет N-N N Определение Steel-and-concrete The rows and rows of trees set alight stand just yards from an Israeli checkpoint: a steel-and-concrete watchover commands a clear view of the scene of a crime that locals say has gone unpunished. Time. November 15, 2010. P. 8 Публицистический Нет N-C-N Нет Определение Step-by-step This chapter offers the novice author a step-by-step guide to prepare a paper for publication. Scientific American Научный a step-by-step plan or set of instructions is easy to followand explains each stage of a process in a clear andsimple way (M) N-Prep-N N Определение Stone-cold Salander gave him a stone-cold glare until he stpped chuckling. Larsson S. The Girl Who Played with Fire. P.67 Художественный very cold, especially much colder than it should be (M) N-Adj Adj Определение Stone-cool One of them had even had his arm carved, which must have hurt, for that stone-cool troll look. Pratchett T. Thud! P.98 Художественный very cold, especially much colder than it should be (M) N-Adj Adj Определение Storm-weathered Their ship, a small, storm-weathered British sloop was anchored in the distance. Scientific American Научный Нет N-V V Определение Strife-torn Villages in strife-torn borderlands have been excluded from the ballot. The Economist. November 6-12th. 2010. P.32 Публицистический Нет Adj-V V Определение Sulfide-infused The team observed a region of turquoise-colored, sulfide-infused water that stretched more than 200 kilometers along the coast of the Namib Desert. Scientific American Научный Нет N-V V Определение Sun-kissed With his sun-kissed complexion, natty clothes and love of the links, Mr Boehner looks like a textbook country-club Republican. The Economist. November 6-12th. 2010. P.51 Публицистический looking healthy because of getting a suntan (M) N-V V Определение Tailor-made This is a collection of specialized chips, each tailor-made to analyze data from a certain type of sensor. The Economist. November 6-12th. 2010. P.6 Публицистический specially made for a particular purpose (CAM) N-V V Определение Talking-shop Optimists hoped it could become something all too rare in international economic diplomacy: a talking-shop worth having. The Economist. November 6-12th. 2010. P.16 Публицистический an organization or meeting in which people talk too much and achieve nothing (M) V-N N Дополнение Tax-free Bosses believe some workers try to get fired in order to win generous tax-free redundancy. The Economist. November 6-12th. 2010. P.37 Публицистический if something is tax-free, you do not pay tax on it (M) N-Adj Adj Определение Team-oriented Famously team-oriented, millennials would rather collaborate with their co-workers than compete. Newsweek. October 25, 2010. P.14 Публицистический Нет N-V V Определение Tea-party There were mixed fortunes for candidates favoured by the conservative tea-party movement. The Economist. November 6-12th. 2010. P. 9. Публицистический a protest held in the US city of Boston in 1773 (M) N-N N Определение Tech-savvy To Russia to become a fully industrialized country, it needs to move beyond natural resources and into more innovative and tech-savvy industries. Newsweek. October 25, 2010. P.8 Публицистический Нет N-V V Определение Tender-hearted She had a tender-hearted husband who loved her and with whom she was still in love after fifteen years of marriage. Larsson S. The Girl Who Played with Fire. P.115 Художественный kind and sensitive (M) Adj-V V Определение Test-start Ten minutes later she had paid the deposit, adjusted the seat and rear-view mirror, test-started it, and checked that there was fuel in the tank. Larsson S. The Girl Who Played with Fire. P.45 Художественный Нет N-V V Сказуемое The-axe-of-my-aunt-is-in-your-head He knew dwarfish, in a the-axe-of-my-aunt-is-in-your-head kind of way, and it didn’t sound like that at all. Pratchett T. Thud! P.79 Художественный Нет Предикат Нет Определение Thin-haired “A motorbike?” the thin-haired man said. Larsson S. The Girl Who Played with Fire. P.67 Художественный Нет Adj-V V Определение Thuggish-looking But the half-dozen young, thuggish-looking men who said they were “furniture-handlers” hired to shift the ballot bags hardly inspired confidence. The Economist. November 6-12th. 2010. P.37-38 Публицистический Нет Adj-V V Определение Tight-knit St George’s was a compact and tight-knit town with narrow streets and many alleyways. Larsson S. The Girl Who Played with Fire. P.18 Художественный  a tight-knit group of people know each other very well and support each other (M) Adj-N N Определение Top-down A richer Russia requires less top-down management and more individual enterprise. Newsweek. October 25, 2010. P.8 Публицистический controlled by the people with the highest status in an organization (M) Adj-Adj Нет Определение Top-down It’s no coincidence that the Soviet Union and IBM, two raging, top-down, command-and-control systems, collapsed at about the same time. Newsweek Публицистический controlled by the people with the highest status in an organization (M) Adj-Adj Нет Определение Tough-seeming Jones has built a career around playing exactly this type of tough-seeming, laconic Marlboro Man: wiseacre U.S. Marshal Sam Gerard in The Fugitive, crusty old-timer Ed Tom Bell in No Country for Old Men. Newsweek Публицистический Нет Adj-V V Определение Turquoise-colored The team observed a region of turquoise-colored, sulfide-infused water that stretched more than 200 kilometers along the coast of the Namib Desert. Scientific American Научный Нет N-V V Определение Two-state The Palestinian Authority says it won’t talk while Israelis build homes on the land that would form their half of a two-state solution. Time. November 15, 2010. P. 8 Публицистический Нет Nm-N Нет Определение U.S.-backed Russia has kept its distance since U.S.-backed Afghan fighters defeated the Soviet military in 1989. Time. November 15, 2010. P. 14 Публицистический Нет N-V V Определение Under-represented Lots of lofty-sounding changes have been decreed, such as new election in May, which boosted the quota for women and allotted new seats to some under-represented districts. The Economist. November 6-12th. 2010. P.46 Публицистический underrepresented groups do not have enough people with power to speak for them or to help them (M) Prep-V V Определение Under-writing This section especially lends itself either to over-writing (excessive detail beyond what is needed for analysis, excessive weight given to non-significant results) or to under-writing (cursory attention to important aspects and variables). Scientific American Научный to invest money to help someone to start a new project (M) Prep-V V Дополнение Unfrozen-caveman But his latest crusade is his worst yet, and more troubling than the possibility of an unfrozen-caveman venture capitalist awakening in the 22nd century and demanding his space capsule. Newsweek. October 25, 2010. P.26 Публицистический Нет V-N N Определение Upper-income While upper-income folks have seen their portfolios reflate, those in the middle are still grappling with the long-lasting effects of the credit and housing debacles. Newsweek Публицистический Нет Prep-N N Определение Up-to-date Find a current copy for up-to-date formatting. Scientific American Научный including the most recent news and information (M) Prep-Prep-N N Определение Us-versus-them In today’s Huffington Post piece, Kirby once again creates an us-versus-them dynamic in an attempt to draw anyone who has ever worried about vaccine safety to his side. Scientific American Научный Нет Pron-Prep-Pron Нет Определение Vaccine-associated Of course, he also "believes" that more than 7,500 Americans under the age of 21 suffer from "a vaccine-associated ASD [autism-spectrum disorder]" – and if that’s true, Kirby says, "their parents would be neither anti-vaccine nor lunatic fringe. They would be right." Scientific American Научный Нет N-V V Определение Vaccine-autism "Parents who say the vaccine-autism link has not been debunked are, like me, hardly 'anti-vaccine,'" he writes. Scientific American Научный Нет N-N N Определение Vehicle-hour A study conducted in 2000 to evaluate the New Jersey Turnpike Authority’s E-ZPass electronic toll collection system found that toll plaza delay had been reduced by about 85 percent overall for a total savings of more than two million vehicle-hours per year. Scientific American Научный Нет N-N Нет Дополнение Venture-capital In fact, Schmidt has always been a sort of odd man out at Google. According to Silicon Valley lore, Schmidt only joined the company because in 1999, when Google raised its first big round of venture-capital funding, the investors insisted they would put money into Google only on the condition that Page and Brin would hire an experienced CEO to run the company. Newsweek Публицистический money invested in a new business that may or may not be successful (M) N-N N Определение Washington-based In the last six years, new uranium mining claims within five miles of the river have nearly tripled, from 395 to 1,195, according to a review of BLM records by the Environmental Working Group, a Washington-based policy organization. Scientific American Научный Нет N-V V Определение Washington-insider Boehner’s staff complains about the “GLT” cartoon of Boehner – golf, tan and lobbyist, a Washington-insider version of jersey Shore’s gym, tan and laundry. Time. November 15, 2010. P. 35 Публицистический Нет N-N N Определение Waste-paper Absolutely nothing has changed, except that someone has set a cardbox of waste paper inside the door: the desk, the office chair, the waste-paper basket, one (empty) bookshelf and an obsolete Toshiba P.C. with a pitifully small hard drive. Larsson S. The Girl Who Played with Fire. P.93 Художественный paper that you get rid of because you have used it (M) Adj-N N Определение Water-carved Whereas the water-carved clamshell of my beautiful Air just seems to have arisen from the waves, immaculate and virtuous, without a whiff of brimstone or fuel oil. Newsweek Публицистический Нет N-V V Оп

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Словари и справочные пособия
1.Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary. – Cambridge University Press, 2009. – 1852c.
2.Collins Cbuild Advanced Learner's English Dictionary. – Collins, 2006. – 1768 с.
3.Macmillan English Dictionary: For Advanced Learners of American English. – Palgrave Macmillan, 2005. – 1664 c.
4.The Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. – Longman. Pearson Education Limited, 2001. – 1770c.
5.Мюллер В.К. Большой англо-русский русско-английский словарь. – М.: Эксмо, 2007. – 1008с.
Список источников
1.The Economist. November 6th-12th 2010.
2.Time. November 15. 2010.
3.Newsweek. October 25. 2010.
Тексты художественного стиля:
1.Stieg Larsson. The Girl Who Played with Fire. – London: Maclehose Press, 2009. – 569p.
2.Terry Pratchett. Thud! – New York: HarperTorch, 2010. – 404p.
3.Terry Pratchett. Hogfather. – New York: HarperCollins, 2008. – 365p.
Тексты научного стиля:
Scientific American // http://www.scientificamerican.com
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