
Евразийская интеграция(Путин)

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Код 107813
Дата создания 2011
Страниц 3
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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

In the 20 years since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the West has viewed any attempts by Moscow to bolster its activities in the post-Soviet space with caution. This explains both the hard-line response from Washington and its NATO allies towards recognizing the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia; and their reluctance to work with the CSTO, which is perceived as a tool of Russian domination rather than as an integration structure. Important expert and political circles have developed a tradition of viewing Russia’s strengthening presence in Eurasia as a challenge, and as a bid to restore Soviet hegemony.But it would be a mistake to view the Eurasian Union and the Commonwealth of Independent States as opposing forces. Each institution has its place and its role to play in the post-Soviet space. Russia, together with its partners, intends to work actively towards enhancing this Commonwealth and infusing it with the topical agenda. The CIS remains an important tool to share the post-Soviet legacy in the energy sector, transport, high tech, social development, as well as science, culture, and education.And still more important, Russia does not intend to cut off, nor does it plan to stand in opposition to anyone. The Eurasian Union will be based on universal integration principles as an essential part of a Greater Europe united by shared values of freedom, democracy, and market laws. A new integrated structure in Eurasia is not in itself a bad idea. It could support and encourage their development. But such a structure requires not only optimistic predictions, but also a serious reflection on the mistakes of the past and how to properly address them.
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